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Recommended Resources




Suggested Services

I have resources in my library that I refer to on a regular basis.  I have found these to have had the most impact on my life and would like to share them with you in hopes they, too, will have a positive impression on your life's adventures. 


There are plenty of educational and academical resources listed as well.


You will find some of the material listed below influenced this website's content.


Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.  



Dan Millman

  • No Ordinary Moments 

  • The Life You Were Born to Live

  • The Inner Athlete 

  • Practical Wisdom

  • Body Mind Mastery 

  • Everyday Enlightenment

  • Living on Purpose 

  • Way of the Peaceful Warrior 

  • Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior 

  • The Twelve Gateways to Freedom 

  • Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior 

  • Bridge Between Worlds 

  • The Creative Compass 

  • The Four Purposes of Life

  • Warrior Athlete 

  • Divine Interventions

  • The Laws of Spirit

  • The Hidden School 

  • The Journeys of Socrates 

Kimberly Moon


Krista Mitchell

  • Change Your Energy

  • Crystal Reiki


Philip Permutt

  • Crystal Reiki Healing: The Powerhouse Therapy For Mind, Body and Spirit


Amy Z. Rowland

  • The Complete Book of Traditional Reiki


Lisa Companion

  • The Art of Psychic Reiki


Penelope Quest

  • Reiki for Life 

  • Self Healing with Reiki

  • The Basics of Reiki​

Evette Rose

  • Metaphysical Anatomy: Your Body Is Talking, Are You Listening?


Ra Uru Hu

  • Human Design: The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation 


Richard Rudd

  • The Gene Keys: Embracing Your Higher Purpose


Cassie Uhl

  • Understanding Auras

  • Understanding Crystals

  • Understanding Chakras

Richard Webster

  • The Complete Book of Auras: Learn to See, Read, Strengthen and Heal Auras

Dr. Wayne Dyer

  • Living the Wisdom of the Tao 

  • Happiness Is the Way 

  • The Power of Awakening 

  • Everyday Wisdom (2006)

  • Being in Balance (2006)

  • Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life

  • The Power of Intention

  • Manifest Your Soul's Purpose

Eckert Tolle

  • The Power of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment â€‹

His Eminence Chöden Rinpoché

  • Mastering Meditation: Instructions on Calm Abiding and Mahamudra​

Thich Nhat Hahn

Joyce Meyer

Terry Lynn Taylor

  • Creating With Angels 

  • Messengers of Light

  • Guardians of Hope

  • Answers From Angels

  • Messengers of Love, Light and Grace

  • The Alchemy of Prayer​

Marina Costelloe

  • The Complete Guide to Crystal Astrology360 Crystals and Sabian Symbols for Personal Health, Astrology and Numerology


Luc Bourgault and Blue Eagle

  • American Indian: Secrets of Crystal Healing


Melissa Crowhurst

  • Advance Crystal Healing: Knowledge for Crystal Healers

Florence Megemont

  • The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals


Richard Mac DeMay

  • The Book of Cells: A Breviary of Cytopathology

Hiroshi  Motoyama

  • Theories of the Chakras: Bridge of Higher Consciousness


Shafica Karagulla and Dora van Gelder Kunz

  • The Chakras and The Human Energy Fields


Alex Toro

  • The 7 Chakras: Beginners Guide To Learning and Balancing Your Chakras


Michael Williams

  • Chakras For Beginners: Awaken Your Internal Energy and Learn To Radiate Positive Energy and Start Healing

Phillip Moffitt

  • Awakening Through The Nine Bodies

Richard Tarnas

  • Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View​

Joanna Martini Woolfolk

Nancy J. Hajeski


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Brene Brown

Inspirational Videos and Talk Shows












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Inspirational and Educational






Crystal History​

​Variety of Educational Tools






Suggested Services


Master Reiki Teacher

& Healing Services


Gina Lynn

Reiki Master


Master Reiki Teacher

& Healing Services


Valarie Alger

Awakened Soul Reiki



Master Reiki Teacher

& Healing Services


Elizabeth Osborn

Adventures Inward



Tarot & Oracle Sessions

Elizabeth Osborn

Adventures Inward


Your Life Purpose: Numerology


Elizabeth Osborn

Adventures Inward



Angel Guidance


Elizabeth Osborn

Adventures Inward



Crystal Guidance


Elizabeth Osborn

Adventures Inward


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