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You Are Not Nothing, You Are Everything!

In this blog we will be taking a journey into self discovery of our inner self image and self worthiness.  We are everything! Learn to accept and embrace in positive ways.  

Welcome back Adventurers and friends to Adventures Inward Let’s Talk Series!  For those who are here for the first time, hello!  Welcome! Thank you for joining us!

In this blog we will be taking a journey into self discovery of our inner self image and self worthiness.  We are everything! Learn to accept and embrace in positive ways.  

Get comfy cozy, open your heart, open your mind and let’s get into it…

Every cell in your body, every thought in your mind, every beat of your heart… it’s all a miracle but somewhere along the way you forgot that you let others define you, label you, put you in a box.

It's time to break free!

Think about how many times you have dimmed your life because someone told you to.

How often have you stayed silent when you had something important to say?   When was the last time you truly stood up for yourself? 

It stops now, today!

In this moment you are making a choice…  a choice to reclaim your power, to remember your worth, to stop letting others treat you like you are nothing.

You see, when we allow others to treat us poorly we’re not just hurting ourselves, we are reinforcing a belief system that says it’s okay to disrespect, belittle, to ignore.  

We’re telling the universe this is what I deserve but that’s a lie.  You deserve respect, you deserve kindness, you deserve to be seen, heard and valued not because of what you do or what you have but simply because you exist.  

You are a unique expression of life itself and that alone makes you invaluable but here’s the thing no one is going to hand you respect on a silver platter.  You have to claim it, you have to embody it, you have to become so grounded in your own worth that no one can shake you.  

It starts with your thoughts every time I am not good enough or I don't matter you're programming your brain, you're creating neural pathways that reinforce these false beliefs but guess what?

You have the power to change that, start catching those negative thoughts.   When they pop up, pause, take a deep breath and then consciously choose a different thought.  

I am worthy.  I am valuable.  I matter.  Say it out loud if you have to, write it down, repeat it until you believe it.  

Your brain doesn't know the difference between what is real and what’s imagined.    So when you consistently feed it positive empowering thoughts it starts to create new neural pathways.  You are literally rewiring your brain to support your worth.  

But it's not just about thoughts, it's about action.  How you treat yourself   sets the standard for how others treat you.  Are you taking care of your body?  Are you honoring your needs? Are you speaking to yourself with kindness? 

Start treating yourself like you’re precious because you are!  Nourish your body with good food, move in ways that feel good, rest when you need to, speak to yourself with the same compassion you would offer dear friends and when it comes to others set clear boundaries.  

You teach people how to treat you.  If someone consistently disrespects you it’s okay to distance yourself.  If someone crosses a line it's okay to speak up.  You don't have to be rude or aggressive, you can be firm and kind at the same time.  Remember you are not responsible for other people’s behavior.  You are only responsible for your own so focus on being the best version of yourself, live with integrity, treat others with respect and expect the same in return.

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking…

But what if I stand up for myself  and people don’t like it?

Well, let me ask you this: do you want to be liked or do you want to be respected? 

Do you want to live a life that is true to you or one that is designed to please others? 

The truth is when you start valuing yourself you might lose some people but these are the people who were comfortable with the old you, the you that didn't speak up, that didn’t set boundaries, that accepted less than you deserved.  As you grow your circle might shrink but it will be filled with people who truly see and appreciate you and here is something powerful to consider as you start treating yourself with more respect, you will naturally attract others who do the same.  It’s like you're sending out a signal to the universe… this is how I deserve to be treated and the universe responds.  But this isn't just about you.  When you stand in your own power, when you refuse to be treated as “less than”, you are setting an example.  You are showing others what’s possible.  YOu are creating ripples of change that extend far beyond you.

Think about it… 

How many times have you been inspired by someone who stood up for themselves?  How often have you admired someone who refused to be pushed around? 

By claiming your worth you are giving others permission to do the same.  Now,  I'm not saying this journey is easy.  It takes courage to change deeply ingrained patterns.  It takes strength to stand up to those who are used to pushing you down.  It takes persistence to keep going when old habits try to pull you back but you have that courage.  You have that strength, you have that persistence.  It's all within you waiting to be awakened and here's the beautiful thing…  every time you choose self respect over self doubt,  every time you speak up instead of staying silent, every time you honor your worth  instead of shrinking yourself, you are building momentum. You are creating a new normal for yourself.  It’s like working out… the first few times it's hard, your muscles ache, your lungs burn but if you keep at it day after day it gets easier. You get stronger and eventually it becomes second nature.

The same is true for standing in your power.  At first it might feel uncomfortable, you might doubt yourself but each time you do it, you are strengthening your self worth muscle. You are creating new neural pathways that support your value and as you do this inner work you will start to notice changes in your outer world.  People will respond to you differently, opportunities will open up, life will start to reflect back to you the worth that you are claiming for yourself.  

Remember, this isn't about becoming arrogant or thinking you are better than others.  It’s about recognizing your inherent value as a human being. It's about treating yourself and others with respect.  It's about creating a world where everyone’s worth is honored.  So how do we do this in practical terms?

Let’s break it down:

Start with awareness.

Notice how you talk to yourself.  

Pay attention to how you let others treat you.

Become conscious of the moments when you shrink yourself or stay silent when you should speak up.

Make a commitment to change.

Decide right here and now that you are no longer willing to be treated as “less than”.    Make a promise to yourself that you will start honoring your worth.  Then take small steps. Start with something manageable.  

Maybe it's speaking up in a meeting when you have an idea.  

Maybe it's telling a friend that their comment hurt you. 

Maybe it's simply looking in the mirror and saying “I am worthy every morning.”   

As you take these steps, celebrate your progress.   

Did you set a boundary? Congratulate yourself.

Did you stand up for yourself? Acknowledge your courage.

Every small win is building your confidence and reinforcing your worth. And when you falter, because you will, we all do, be kind to yourself. 

Don’t use it as proof that you are not worthy.  Instead see it as part of the learning process, dust yourself off, remind yourself of your worth and try again. 

Remember this is a journey.  It's not about being perfect.  It's about consistently choosing to honor your worth even when it's hard, especially when it's hard. 

As you do this work you  might start to notice some resistance.  Maybe from others who are used to the old you.  Maybe from your own mind questioning if you really deserve better.  This is normal.  Change often brings resistance.  But here’s the thing, that resistance is a sign that you’re growing.  It's a sign that you are challenging the status quo.  It's a sign that you are reclaiming your power so when you face resistance don’t back down.  Instead see it as confirmation that you’re on the right path, let it fuel your determination to keep going and as you continue on this path  you will start to notice something amazing.  

Not only will you stop letting others treat you like you are nothing but you will also stop treating yourself that way.  You will start to see your own beauty, your own strength, your own incredible potential.  

You will start to realize that you are not just enough, you are more than enough.  You are a miracle of existence.  A unique expression of life itself.  There has never been and will never be another you.  Think about that for a moment…   of all time and space, there is only one you.  Your combination of experiences, thoughts, feelings, talents, it's completely unique.  How could that ever be nothing? 

So from this moment on, I want you to make a commitment. 

A commitment to honor your worth.  

A commitment to stand in your power. 

A commitment to stop letting anyone, including yourself, treat you like you are nothing because you’re not nothing!  You’re everything!  You are a star in human form made of the same stuff that lights up the night sky.  You are a force of nature capable of incredible things.  You are a miracle walking and talking and breathing.

And it's time you start acting like it.

It's time to start speaking your truth even when your voice shakes.

It's time to set boundaries even when it feels uncomfortable.

It's time to pursue your dreams even when others say you can’t.

It's time to stop dimming your light to make others comfortable; your light is not too bright, their eyes just need to adjust.

It’s time to stop apologizing for taking up space, you have every right to be here, to be seen, to be heard.

It's time to stop accepting crumbs when you deserve the whole meal. You are worthy of love, respect, success, happiness, all of it!

It's time to stop waiting for permission to live your life fully.  You don't need anyone’s approval to be who you are.

It's time to stop letting your past define your future. Your history is not your destiny.  You have the power to write a new story starting right now. 

It's time to stop playing small.  The world needs your gifts, your voice, your unique perspective.  By hiding, you are not just short changing yourself, you are depriving the world of your brilliance.

It’s time to stop letting fear hold you back.  Yes, it's scary to stand up for yourself; yes, it's frightening to step into your power but you know what is scarier? Looking back on your life and realizing you never truly lived it. 

It's time to stop letting others’ opinions matter more than your own. You are the expert on your life. You know what’s best for you. Trust that inner wisdom.

It's time to stop putting everyone else’s needs before your own. You can't pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself isn't selfish, it's necessary.

It's time to stop waiting for the perfect moment to start living.  This is your moment. Right here. Right now. 

It’s time to stop letting yourself doubt.  Your doubts are lies. Your worth is the truth. 

It’s time to stop settling for less than you deserve in relationships, your career, your life.  You deserve the best simply because you exist.

It's time to stop believing the lie that you are not enough. You are enough! You always have been enough! You will always be enough!

It's time to stop letting your mistakes define you. Your mistakes are lessons not life sentences.  Learn from them and move on.

It's time to stop comparing yourself to others.  Your only competition is the person you were yesterday.

It's time to stop waiting for someone to rescue you. You are your own hero! You have everything you need within you.

It’s time to stop letting your inner critic run the show. That voice doesn't have your best interest at heart.  Choose to listen to the voice that uplifts and empowers you instead.

It’s time to stop hiding your true self. The world needs your authenticity, your vulnerability, your realness.

It's time to stop playing by rules that don't serve  you. You have the power to rewrite the rules of your life. 

It's time to stop letting your limitations define you. Your limitations are just invitations to get creative, to find another way.

It’s time to stop letting your age, your background, your circumstances, the excuses, it’s never too late,  you're never too old, it's never impossible.

It's time to stop letting others’ success intimidate you.  Their success does not diminish your potential.  There's enough success to go around. 


It's time to stop letting your failures keep you down.  Every failure is a step closer to success if you choose to learn from it.

It's time to stop letting your comfort zone be a prison. Growth happens outside of comfort. Be willing to be uncomfortable.

It's time to stop letting your past trauma control your present.  You are not what happened to you.  You are what you choose to become. 

It’s time to stop letting toxic drain your energy. You have the right to distance yourself from anyone who doesn’t respect your worth.

It's time to stop letting society’s expectations dictate your path.  Your life is yours to live.  Choose the path that feels right to you.  

It’s time to stop letting your negative self-talk go unchallenged.  Question those thoughts, are they true? Are they helpful? If not, choose different thoughts.

It's time to stop letting your dreams stay dreams.  Take action no matter how small towards what you want.

It's time to stop letting your fears of judgment hold you back.  What others think of you is none of your business. Focus on what you think of you.

It's time to stop letting your need for perfection paralyze you. Done is better than perfect. Progress is better than perfection.

It's time to stop letting your past mistakes haunt you.  You are not the same person you were yesterday.  You are growing, evolving.

It's time to stop letting your self worth be determined by external factors.  Your worth is inherent. It doesn't depend on what you do, what you have, or what others think of you.

It's time to stop letting your potential go untapped.  You have greatness within you and it's time to let it out

It's time to stop letting your voice be silenced. Your perspective matters.  Your experiences matter.   Your opinions matter. 

It's time to stop letting your dreams seem impossible.  Everything is impossible until someone does it. Why not you?

It's time to stop letting your self-care be an afterthought.  You can't serve from an empty vessel.  Fill yourself up first.

It's time to stop letting your happiness depend on others.  You are responsible for your own happiness. 

It's time to stop letting your growth be stunted by comfort.  Embrace discomfort, it's a sign of growth. 

It's time to stop letting your light be dimmed.  You were born to shine. Don't let anyone or anything dull your brilliance. 

It's time to stop letting your worth be determined by others.  You are inherently valuable simply because you exist. 

It's time to stop letting your life pass you by while you wait for the right time.  The right time is now!  This moment is all we ever have.

It's time to stop letting your fear of failure hold you back.  Failure is not the opposite of success. It's part of success.

It's time to stop letting your need for approval dictate your choices.  The only approval you need is your own.  

It's time to stop letting yourself doubt when your doubts are lies.  Your worth is the truth.

It's time to stop letting circumstances define you.  You are not your situation. You are your response to your situation.

It's time to stop letting your inner critic have the loudest voice. Choose to listen to the voice that gives you confidence. 

It's time to stop letting your past pain dictate your future joy. You have been through enough. You deserve happiness.

It's time to stop letting your fear of the unknown keep you stuck.  The unknown is where all the magic happens. Embrace it, look for it, find it.

It's time to stop letting your need for control limit your experiences.  Sometimes the best things in life are unplanned.

My Final Thoughts

Finding our value, forming a positive self image and discovering our personal identity is a lifelong journey.  Allow yourself to take the adventure with an open heart and open mind unconditionally.  Stop the negative, embrace the positive.  Take the time for yourself. 

Remember, to be kind to yourself, give yourself grace and always always love yourself.


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