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The Other Serenity Prayer (author unknown)

Yes, there is another serenity prayer and it will be one that will open you up to feeling amazing each day...

God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up

for not doing things perfectly,

the courage to forgive myself because

I'm working on doing better,

and the wisdom to know that

you already love me just the way I am.

It is vital to our mental well-being to do our best in accepting and loving ourselves unconditionally.  This is a life-long journey filled with challenges, celebrations and uncertainty.  The lessons we learn as we walk our path are to help us grow, to become connected with not just ourselves but also the Divine and to extend a hand to others as they travel their paths.

Say this to yourself at least three times a day and allow yourself the time for it to fill your heart.  You may want to also journal this, write it down each day when you wake up or even whenever you need a reminder you are loved and supported unconditionally.

Remember, to be kind to yourself, give yourself grace and always always love yourself.


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