Forgiveness is not about forgetting or about excusing. Forgiveness is a sign of strength and an act of self love. But let’s be real, forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do. It’s easy to hold onto that grudge, emotion, whether it is hurt, anger, disappointment or sadness. But with all that said, forgiveness is also very freeing.
Forgiveness is not only for you to grace others with but also yourself. Forgiving yourself for mistakes you have made, things you have done and said. It is a blessing you can give and receive.
Should we open up the baggage that we carry around with us, deal with the contents inside, maybe we can free ourselves from the things that need to be let go of. It is always a good beginning to start with forgiving yourself for whatever it is that you have weighing you down.
We each make mistakes and have the heaviness of words and actions that need to be released so we can move on with our lives and continue on our journey. How do you go about forgiving yourself? Sometimes it's not so easy but if you accept it, own it and learn from it then you can release it. There is always a lesson to learn in everything we experience, whether we create the situation or someone brings it to our door. The key to it being successful is to not beat yourself up over whatever it is that you need to forgive yourself for. It’s a process but one that you will be grateful for once you start doing it. It is a great gift you can give to yourself.
Having made many mistakes in my life, and I am sure I will continue to do so as we are continuously learning through our words, actions and life’s never ending teachings, I have found it a bumpy road to travel trying to attain the ability to forgive myself. It's not always easy and most times I do not feel I deserve to forgive myself but I would be going against the very reason we are here if I didn’t. I believe one of the life purposes we are here to reach is the ability to learn from our transgressions and negative ways. Isn’t this how we grow spiritually and personally? Yes, I believe that to be true.
I find meditation really does help with the process of self forgiveness and self acceptance, helping us reach heights within ourselves that we need to discover and understand. Mindfulness meditations can be a wonderful tool to assist with not only forgiveness and acceptance of yourself but also with other feelings and emotions you may need to work on.
The other forgiveness we need to conquer is giving forgiveness to others. You may find yourself in a position where you do not feel you should forgive another for their actions, words or indiscretions towards you. Ask yourself this when you are having this feeling… is carrying the negative energy toward this person worth the weight it puts on your soul and spirit? Is it worth the space it is occupying in your heart and thoughts? Just because you are forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to accept them into your life. You have the right to set boundaries with them to protect yourself and let them know that their actions or words are not welcome and will not be allowed. By forgiving them you aren’t allowing them to rent space in your energy field or your heart. Evict them! You have that power and that right! And at the same time you are freeing up that space for positivity and love. It is so freeing mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically!
It is amazing when you take back your power through forgiveness of yourself and others and giving yourself the peace you deserve.
By forgiving doesn’t mean you have to forget. Actually, it is sometimes good to not forget as it can serve as a protective mechanism so that you do not allow it to happen again. It frees up space within you, it gives the other person the gift of knowing that you realize they are human and are going through their life lessons as we all do, but you also let them know that you will not allow them to pour their negativity onto you.
Powerful quotes for your to contemplate:
“Forgiveness is the best form of love.
It takes a strong person to apologize and say sorry
But it takes an even stronger person to forgive.”
“To forgive is the most beautiful form of love.
In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.”
“There is no love without forgiveness,
And there is no forgiveness without love.”
(this is true for self forgiveness)
“Forgiveness. Don’t allow your pride to remember what your heart should forget.”
Be strong, be confident and be compassionate. Forgive.