We all have hobbies we enjoy. Activities that “take us to another place” and bring us to an inner sanction of peace… tranquility… serenity… an escape from everyday life.
Sometimes you just need to get off life’s roller coaster and decompress; other times you need to hop onto the rollercoaster of adventure and excitement. It is important that we experience both roller coasters in order to appreciate the ride.
Taking the time for yourself to be reminded you need to rest your body, mind and soul is vital to your physical and mental health. We all need time to heal and recoup from everyday stresses and responsibilities. We can put ourselves into a peaceful state by focusing our attention and energy on a hobby or activity that we enjoy. Tapping into our creative side allows us to express our feelings and release the negative energy we have built up within ourselves in order to make room for the positive. Whether it be art, carpentry, gardening, cooking, hiking, dancing, singing, or just going into a meditation for a few moments, it all helps us to open up and welcome the opportunity to get off the rollercoaster of life for a bit and simply be.
Take the time to be who you are in ways you feel most comfortable and excited. Who cares who is watching or what they think or what they will say???? Just do you! We aren’t here to placate other people’s opinions or impressions. We are here to embrace ourselves for who we are and who we want to be! Get on the roller coaster of adventure and excitement! Take that ride to feel alive and be proud of yourself for sitting in the seat and buckling up! Appreciate the experience and the lessons you learn about yourself along the way.
Think about it…. Life is really like a roller coaster. You will have the highs and will hit the lows, and maybe even being upside down, but in order to fully experience them, you have to ride through both. You can get off when things become overwhelming or you can get on when you want the exhilaration of what life has to offer.