Gratitude… how often do you hear “you should be grateful”? Does it make you stop and think, “I should be grateful more often”, “why aren’t I more grateful”, or “why should I be grateful”, or do you say “bug off!”???
Sometimes you just don’t feel like being grateful at the time because you are upset or angry at the situation you are in. Maybe you feel like the way you are being treated or are having challenges that seem unfair. Know that this is okay, you don’t have to feel grateful at that very moment. It is important to acknowledge those feelings, letting yourself express your frustration, hurt and anger. What is also important is that once you allow yourself those feelings that you let them go. Holding onto them is dangerous and detrimental to you emotionally, physically and spiritually. There should be no room within yourself to hold onto the negative energy these feelings and emotions bring. Release it all into the universe and allow the space within to be filled with positive energy and gratitude.
You may be asking, “gratitude? gratitude for what”? Well, isn’t that the question we all ask at one point or another. Honestly, that is up for you to figure out. Life always has nooks and crannies filled with positivity in your life, you just have to be willing to look. It could be as simple as being grateful for another day to adventure into. Too many do not have that simplicity to hold onto. Sit where you are, look around you… what do you see? A home? Security of food, shelter, clothes, shoes? Do you get to shower when you want? Do you have a friend? Loving partner? Can you walk, talk, see, feel, hear, taste, sense? How about looking in the mirror and saying to yourself, “I am my own friend. I am loved by my own being. I have potential and talent to thrive in my part of the world.” That, in itself, is reason to be grateful. It doesn’t have to be anything grand. It is the simple things in life, the little things, that you can find so much to be thankful and grateful.
Just look around you and within you. You will always find reason to be grateful.