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Archangel Ariel "The Lioness of God"

Angels act as messengers. They communicate with us through inspiration.  They encourage us, give us support and guidance. Each of us are surrounded by our angels at all times. They are there to help us, all we have to do is call upon them. 

Welcome back Adventurers and friends to Adventures Inward Let’s Talk Series!  For those who are here for the first time, hello!  Welcome! Thank you for joining us!

Angels act as messengers. They communicate with us through inspiration.  They encourage us, give us support and guidance. Each of us are surrounded by our angels at all times. They are there to help us, all we have to do is call upon them. 

As you take a journey and adventure into the world of  Archangels you will discover their individual guidance and the role they play in our lives.

In this blog we will be welcoming Archangel Ariel, the “Lioness of God”.  

So get comfy cozy, open your heart, open your mind and let’s get into it…

Let’s talk about who Archangel Ariel is and what to expect from her when you call upon her.

Archangel Ariel is the Archangel overseeing nature and the natural world and she acts as a liaison between humanity and the elementals, animals, crystals, minerals, air, and the Divine magic of the earth.

When calling upon Archangel Ariel, you may find to be more courageous, standing up for your beliefs and convictions.     Your material needs will be provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.

She will remind you that you are a powerful, loving, and creative child of God and you are loved.  

Archangel Ariel reflects the qualities of her name meaning, including bravery, courage, focus and elegant movements.   

If you notice images of lions and lionesses, this lets you know Archangel Ariel is with you at that time.  

Call upon her to help with your confidence and courage.

She helps you attract support you may need for your life's purpose.  Know that it is normal for miracles to happen in this arena.  Archangel Ariel is involved with Divine magic meaning immediate manifestation of the highest will.  Ask Archangel Ariel for whatever you need and she will guide you accordingly.

Archangel Ariel loves all living things and happily helps them.  She is a master manifestor and she is particularly supportive of people who are healers, educators and service workers. 

Archangel Ariel is very partial to the environmental area and works closely with the Nature Angels to protect and heal the animals, especially the birds, animals and fish who live near or in the water.  One way to work with her is to participate in environmental work.  

Archangel Ariel’s heavenly crystal is the rose quartz and she is surrounded by a pale pink aura.

​She also works closely with Archangel Raphael who is well known to be the Archangel overseeing healing, and she will assist in efforts to bring healing to humans, as well as wild and domesticated animals (which is her main duty and focus). Birds and lions seem to be especially tied to Ariel, possibly because she manifests as these both physically and spiritually to get our attention, and to let us know she is near. If you want to feel the presence of Archangel Ariel, go outside and commune with the natural world which is where she resides.

Archangel Ariel is an Archangel of healing, and it is through nature that her restorative, inspiring and rejuvenating healing power effortlessly flows. Sensing the presence of Ariel seems to be easier near bodies of water, which further magnify her healing energy and presence. Clear your mind and open your heart to sense, feel, and understand her presence within the natural world. In addition, connecting with Ariel out in nature will help to refresh you completely, giving you a new excitement and positive perspective to manifest change and blessings in your life.

This is no mistake, Ariel is also a powerful Archangel of Manifestation, Prosperity, and Abundance. This all makes sense when you notice the complete abundance present within the natural world which Ariel is aligned

Welcoming Archangel Ariel into your life, she will rarely interfere or assist in your life unless you ask.  Ariel honors your free will and will leave you to learn your lessons even the hard way, unless you ask for assistance otherwise.  

When you do ask, Archangel Ariel is ready and willing to help in practical, mundane, magical, and miraculous ways. She will help to supercharge your intentions and to align your personal vibration with what you consciously desire to manifest in your life.

Ariel naturally and constantly radiates Divine love.  Connecting with her is comforting as she offers protection, healing, magic, and Divine love from above.

Take comfort in knowing Archangel Ariel is quite active now, giving us the courage and strength required to stand in our power, reclaim our full connection with the Divine, and experience a truly joyful, loving, magical life.

Remember to be kind to yourself, give yourself grace and always always love yourself.


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