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As you take a journey and adventure into the world of  Numerology, you will discover the following paths  below:​


  • Birth Number Numerology Overview

  • Calculating Your Birth Number

  • Birth Number Meanings

  • A Deeper Understanding 

discovering your life path

What is a birth number and what is it's purpose?


For years, people who have observed human nature sought commonalities to better understand the dynamics that shape human personalities and destinies.  Several tools of insight from both psychological and mystical traditions have emerged at different times and in many cultures.  All of these methods and maps of consciousness represent our attempts to demonstrate that our universe and our individual psyche are not random or chaotic, but have a certain structure and order.  


The purpose of your birth number is simple, it can help you, along with the application of the spiritual laws especially related to your number, can bring your life into greater focus and understanding.  This is to help you on your life's journey to give you insight into your life's purpose.  

Should you desire additional and in-depth guidance with your birth numbers and how they influence your life path, please feel free to reach out to me.  I will do my best to answer questions, assist you, or give you resources for your journey of discovery.  

Determining Your Birth Number


  • Write down the date of birth 

         January = 1                               

          February = 2                            

          March = 3                               

          April = 4                                   

          May = 5                                    

          June = 6 

          July = 7                 

          August  = 8

          September = 9

         October = 10

         November = 11

         December = 12


  • Put a plus (+) sign between all numbers, including zeros; add all numbers to get a sum.

        example: January 01, 2003 would be 0 + 1 + 0 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 3 = 11 original sum

         example: October 25, 1989 would be 1 + 0 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 35 original sum


  • Now that you have your original sum, you are going to add these numbers together for a final sum.

        Using the above examples, you would add the 11 as 1 + 1 = 2; and the 35 as 3 + 5 = 8


        If your original sum ends with a 0 (ex: 10, 20, 30...) you will add them just like above so if it adds to 20

         you will add 2 + 0 = 2 final sum.


        For dates of birth in 1900-1999, you will always get a final sum as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12

        Some birthdates after 2000 may add up to a single digit birth number: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 which will

        result as 10/1 or 11 resulting in 11/2.  Other birth dates after 2000 result in birth numbers such as 12/3;

        13/4; 14/5; 15/6 and so on.


  • Next you are going to write the complete birth number as the original sum followed by the final sum, and separate the final sum from the original sum with a slash mark ( / ).

        To use the examples from above:  11 original sum with 2 as the final sum will give you a birth number of 11/2

                                                                                 35 original sum with 8 as the final sum will give you a birth number of 35/8


         The digits to the right side of the slash mark is referred to as the final number(s).

What the Numbers Mean


  • Let's discuss the Qualities and Issues of the Primary Numbers

         1:  Creativity through Security

         2:  Cooperation through Balance

         3:  Expression through Sensitivity

         4:  Stability through Process

         5:  Freedom through Discipline

        6:  Vision through Acceptance

        7:  Trust through Openness

        8:  Influence through Authority

        9:  Integrity though Wisdom

        0:  Inner Gifts

  • Let's have an overview of the Primary Numbers


1: Creativity through Security

Energy, when not blocked, flows naturally into creative endeavors. An abundance of such vitality gives Ones the ability to generate creative work in any endeavor; that same energy, like a surging river, demands movement and expression and can manifest as destructive additions if blocked or not properly channeled.  Security for Ones helps them to take creative risks.


2: Cooperation through Balance

The characteristics of Twos make these individuals a source of strength, support, and cooperative service.  However, they first have to define their limits, boundaries and levels of responsibility, or they tend to overhelp and them withdraw.  They need to avoid the extreme of servitude, which turns to resentment and resistance.  Balance, for Twos, helps them establish cooperative relationships.


3: Expression through Sensitivity

The life purpose of Threes entails bringing emotional expression into the world, as they share emotions and ideas in a direct, positive, and honest manner.  They need to find ways to apply their sensitivity and expressive abilities to uplift rather than tear down.  The sensitivity of Threes eventually enables them to express themselves skillfully.


4:  Stability through Process

As in building a house or anything else, Four's need a sound and stable foundation, following by a patient, step-by-step process toward their goals,  Balancing strength with flexibility and analysis with intuition, Fours can progress patiently toward their goal.  By mastering process, Fours can establish  a foundation for life.


5: Freedom through Discipline

The Renaissance individuals working Five seek freedom through a wide range of direct or vicarious experiences.  This sometimes leads them to take on too much.  They are here to achieve depth of experience through discipline and focus.  They tend to swing from extremes of dependence to independence until a healthy discipline leads to a sense of inner freedom.


6: Vision through Acceptance 

The vision of beauty, purity, and high ideals of those working Six can become tainted by judgements about self, others and the world.  Their purpose lies in recognizing the higher ideals while accepting themselves and others in the present.  Once Sixes accept life unfolding, their vision expands.


7:  Trust through Openness

Those working Seven have an incisive mind that can read between the lines.  They enjoy solitude and the natural world (earth, sea, flowers, wind and sky).  They are here to trust the wisdom and love inside themselves - to trust Spirit working in them enough to come out of hiding and share themselves openly.  Openness - sharing their desires and values, enables Sevens to establish trust.


8: Influence through Authority

Most Eights strive for, but also resist, influence and authority, money and power, control and recognition.  they are here to apply influence and authority in service of a higher purpose, not as an end in themselves.


9: Integrity through Wisdom

The life purpose of Nines call for the highest integrity, in fact demands that Nines align with higher principles so that they inspire others by their example.  With natural depth and charisma, they are often placed in leadership positions, serving as examples of integrity, balance, and wisdom or as examples of the lack of these qualities.  Though at first clueless about reality and lost in concepts, Nines hard-earned wisdom eventually enables them to become roles models of integrity.  


0: Inner Gifts

We all have access to inner resources, qualities such as sensitivity, strength, expressiveness and spiritual discernment.  Buts people with a Zero in their birth number (10/1, 19/10, 28/10, 37/10, 46/10, 20/2, 30/3, 40/4) have gifts or special potential.  In such individuals, these inner gifts intensify the dynamics of their primary life purpose.  For example, the Zero in 30/3 intensifies the Three qualities of expression through sensitivity. Since what we are here to do doesn't come easily, those with Zero in their birth number many encounter challenges in these areas until their gifts mature.  In another example, A 37/10 needs to establish trust and security before their intuitive gifts blossom.  

A Deeper Understanding


Now that we have explored the basic dynamics and qualities of the primary numbers 1 through 9, including 0, we turn to additional keys to deeper understanding.  The dynamics and issues represented by each primary number can manifest in positive (constructive) or negative (destructive) forms.  Therefore, the lives of two people working the same birth number may look radically different if one person is working the positive aspects of that life path and the other person is working the negative aspects.  


Please keep in mind, and this is extremely important not to lose sight of, no birth number of life purpose is inherently superior or inferior to any other.  Each presents its own unique strengths and its own unique hurdles.  The important question is not which path we take, but how we travel, in other words, whether we work our life purpose in the positive or negative.  


Let's map this out to summarize the central issues linked to the positive and negative expression of each primary number.

Number                      Life Purpose                                               In The Positive                                                                In The Negative


       1                                  Creativity                               Channels high energy and inspiration                      Feels blocked, stuck, frustrated;

                                             through                                 into creativity and service; feels secure                    feels inferior, ill, lethargic, insecure;

                                            Security                                                                                                                                          may self medicate


       2                              Cooperation                            Has clear sense of personal boundaries                    Feels overwhelmed; resistant and reactive;

                                             through                                 and limits; supports self and others in                       starts our overly helpful, then suddenly

                                            Balance                                   equal measure                                                                         withdraws

       3                                Expression                             Engages in heartfelt, uplifting expression;               Feels depressed and disappointed; overly

                                             through                                 communicates with inspiration, sensitivity             sensitive; complains and criticizes; filled

                                          Sensitivity                              and joy                                                                                           with self-doubt

       4                                  Stability                                Prepares well and progresses step-by-step;          Wants it all now; skips steps; ambitious,

                                             through                                 patiently follows through; balances logic                impatient, confused; lacks stability or 

                                            Process                                  and emotion                                                                             follow-through

       5                                  Freedom                               Uses multifaceted talents in a focused way;           Swings from extreme dependence to 

                                             through                                applies discipline to achieve independence          independence; scattered; tries to do too

                                          Discipline                                                                                                                                       much; bluffs and pretends

       6                                     Vision                                  Sees the bigger picture; forgiving and                       Hypercritical; judges self and others against 

                                             through                                 patient; does excellent work without falling          perfectionistic standards; lost in petty 

                                        Acceptance                              into perfectionism; accepts self and others          details

       7                                      Trust                                   Trusts innermost feelings; trusts others                   Feels bitter, betrayed, paranoid; uses mind

                                             through                                enough to open heart, take emotional risks            as shield; does not trust self or others; form

                                          Openness                              and share feelings                                                                  conspiracy theories

       8                                 Influence                               Active and strategic; creates abundance               Suspicious of, yet preoccupied with, issues  

                                            through                                 and influence without concern or abuse;               of money, power, control, and authority;  

                                           Authority                              shares blessings generously and wisely                  sabotages self

       9                                  Integrity                               Lives in alignment with higher principles;            Has lost sight of higher purpose; feels lonely 

                                             through                                leads by example; manifests depth,                          and cut off; locked in the mind; out of touch  

                                            Wisdom                                charisma and wisdom                                                        with heart and intuitive guidance

       0                                    Inner                                  Uses gifts of sensitivity, strength,                                Hypersensitive and nervous; stubborn;  

                                              Gifts                                   expressiveness, and intuition, in service                 sarcastic, caustic expression; confused by

                                                                                            of others, for higher purpose                                         dreams, emotions, or intuitions

Should you desire additional and in-depth guidance with your birth numbers and how they influence your life path, please feel free to reach out to me.  I will do my best to answer questions, assist you, or give you resources for your journey of discovery.  

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