Being able to reflect on what you have written is a gift to yourself and your mental health
Journaling is a way to express yourself privately. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you understand them more clearly, giving you the chance to obtain more insight into your situation. It gives you the opportunity to get control over your emotions.
Having this outlet at your hands at any given time can serve as a comfort to air your inner self truthfully, without judgement, and to have unconditional reflection.
Get Comfortable...
When you find yourself ready to dive deep into thought, adventuring into your inner world of journaling you may want to do a few things to assist you along the journey...
Find a place that suits your mood. Whether it is in a quiet room where you feel secure and safe or outside in nature to fill your senses with your surroundings to give your the openness to express yourself freely, or even around a firepit, it can be helpful for you to be truthful and honest in your writings.
Regardless of where you decide to settle in to begin your journaling, having scents that are calming and give you self love helps tremendously. Try a scented candle, essential oils aromatherapy, the smells of nature, or even wonderful smells from cooking or baking.
Sound is another way to help you tap into your feelings and emotions with a tender hand. It could be music, nature, children playing outside, or a crackling fire. Some may even prefer just the simplicity of silence.
Have crystals near by or next to you to help with your energy. You can adventure over to the Crystals section to discover more into this amazing world of gems.
I suggest you leave yourself open to set yourself comfortably for the mood you are in at the time you start your journaling. Each time you open your notebook will more than likely give you the opportunity to set your surroundings to fit the adventure you are about to embark on. Mix and match to set the tone! There is no right or wrong, there are no rules - just do!
There are different ways to journal. It is up to you and what you find is the best for yourself. It is a personal preference. You may even want to do more than one way. I personally find writing in a journal is best for me because I can take my journal with me wherever I go and honestly, I'm old fashioned where I like to hand write - I find it a way of releasing energy through the movement of pen to paper and physically turning pages. Here are some ways of journaling:
Notebook or Journal Book to Handwrite in
Computer or Laptop
Verbal: Talking into a Recording Device
Where to begin....
There is no guidebook to journaling. It is there to help you with acknowledging and reflecting on your feelings, thoughts, challenges and accomplishments.
Write about anything. It does not have to be anything intense. It can be light hearted, what you did for the day, your thoughts and feeling about others that you are not in a position to openly voice (again, it does not have to be negative, it could be full of love or admiration). You could write about how proud you are of someone, or how you wish someone would seek help for challenges they are going through. It can even be just a list of your feelings, or thoughts, or idea. There are no limits! This is your safe space to just be you unconditionally and without roadblocks. It is also great to keep your goals and dreams so you can reflect back on them.
Just be your authentic self and let yourself be expressive!
Journaling Prompts
these are just a few ideas to help get you started
Journaling prompts for motivation
It is not uncommon for us to need motivation, and we find that journaling can be instrumental in driving personal growth and achieving goals. The key is to engage your mind with the right thoughts and words.
What do you want? Where is your passion?
Who do you admire the most, and why?
What music do you listen to, and why?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why do you want to change it?
Where would you like to be in five years?
What drives you?
Which steps are you taking to achieve your goals?
What have you done recently that you are proud of?
In what aspects are you lacking? What are your personal strengths? How can you improve?
What is your definition of success?
Journaling for self-discovery
Journaling is helpful when trying to understand oneself. These journal entry ideas can guide you into writing information that will help you decipher your personality traits and their various facets. Self-discovery is a journey. And getting into the habit of journaling regularly can help you establish clarity and perspective as to your values and needs, and where you are going in life.
What can you not imagine living without?
What words do you like to live by?
When you are in any kind of pain, what is the kindest thing you can do for yourself?
Make a list of 20 things that make you smile. (or you can dive off and describe some of the things you most appreciate, such as a favorite toy growing up, best friend, favorite food, and so on)
What does unconditional love look like for you?
Is there one thing you wish your friends and family members knew about you?
What do you love about life?
How do you feel about your body?
What makes you insecure?
What color would you say best describes you? Why do you think so?
Journaling entry prompts to kickstart your
If you would like to start your day off by writing in your journal, start with one from this list, and work your way through it.
What are you looking forward to?
Outline your plans for the day in as much detail as possible.
Who do you look forward to seeing?
Are there any new things you’d like to try? (you may like to consider your bucket list or set yourself up with a holiday goal)
What have you put in place to ensure the day is a success?
What does the weather tell you? How do you feel about it?
Will you exercise? If yes, what exercises do you plan to try out?
Have you made provisions for unexpected hiccups?
What mindset are you starting the day with? Where do you want to be next year?
Does it feel like it will be a good day? What will bring you the most joy?
Self-affirming journaling prompts
These listed prompts help in starting or inspiring self-affirmation in journaling. They can also help kick you off with diary prompts to engage in self-reflection and self-care.
I am beautiful because…
Something unique about me is…
Whenever I feel inadequate, I remember…
I deserve [insert a privilege you enjoy] because I…
I am making progress, and I know this because…
What do you do to right your wrongs?
I am qualified to handle [insert responsibility] because I…
What do you want to be remembered for?
List down three negative thoughts that come to mind. Rewrite them into positive thoughts.
I deserve to be loved because…
Journaling writing prompts for documenting projects
Journal writing is also an excellent method to keep track of your projects and processes, monitor progress, and keep track of setbacks. Noting the dates helps keep the project on its preferred timeline, and when done correctly, it ensures that you leave no details out. Check out journaling prompt ideas for documenting projects.
Define the project. Be detailed as to what it entails and why you are embarking on it.
List out clear-cut short and long-term goals for your project.
List out possible setbacks. Discuss how each one can be handled.
Analyze in writing any possible unexpected events/hiccups that may occur.
If necessary, do a budget breakdown.
List out everything needed for your project.
Detail what help is needed for your project, and how you plan to access such help.
Keep a comprehensive description of each step involved in the project from start to completion.
Write about how your project makes you feel.
Evaluate and review your work once completed.
Journaling for anxiety
Journaling as a means to manage anxiety is one method to compartmentalize, organize and address your worry. It is also a way in which you can increase your awareness of the things you can control, and what thoughts require extra effort to quell. The journaling ideas and diary prompts listed below can provide a little guidance on what to write about if you are journaling for anxiety.
Detail five things that made you feel in control.
List down your anxiety triggers.
Describe how you feel at the present moment. What could make you feel this way?
Write ten ways in which you can take better care of yourself.
Have you had any triggering events in the past week? What were they? How did you handle them?
List five anxiety affirmations you know or use regularly.
Recall five positive things that happened to you during the day and write them down. Emphasize how they made you feel.
What are the top five things that inspire confidence in you?
List five things anxiety has taught you.
What does a life free from anxiety look like to you? Include as many details as possible.
Journaling for depression
Depression is becoming increasingly prevalent, and with it have come various methods to cope. Therapists may recommend and even encourage it as it is a healthy coping mechanism. Writing is always an excellent method to release negative emotions that can crop up in life and can help you explore your life story in a different light. The journal writing prompts can help you get started and keep going:
What are you passionate about?
List 5 things that have made you smile in the past week.
What childhood dream do you plan to actualize? How would you like to do this?
What do you look forward to the next day?
Write a letter to the most supportive person you know.
How do you get out of depressive episodes?
List five of your short-term goals.
List five things you are grateful for.
What challenges have you faced recently? How did you handle them?
Journal writing prompts for grief
Journaling may be helpful for people managing grief who experience acute and overwhelming symptoms or have not “revealed any consequences” that the professional deems favorable. By journaling, one may not only come to understand their grief but also learn to manage it. Below are some journal prompt ideas to help in expressing grief.
What were they like?
What do I wish I could forget?
The most challenging time of the day is…
Think, then write about your last memory with them.
Write about your first memory with them.
Write about the last time you both laughed together.
What favorite memory of them is most comforting?
What often triggers the most intense feelings of loss in you?
I am ready to feel…
Today, I really miss…
Journaling prompts for combating intrusive thoughts
It is important to battle intrusive thoughts as they come because these thoughts can quickly become disruptive and limiting. Journaling can help people combat negative thinking. Try out any of the journal prompts below to fend off those negative thoughts in life.
Concisely state the thoughts you have. Why are they negative?
What triggers intrusive thoughts? Is there a pattern?
Are there certain places, events, people, or activities that can make you susceptible to entertaining intrusive thoughts?
Identify ways in which your thoughts can harm/limit you.
Are these thoughts internalized, or are you reacting to your environment?
Do you believe these thoughts? Give detailed reasons for your answer.
What thoughts do you have that directly contrast with your negative intrusive thoughts? Which seems truer to you?
What can letting go of these thoughts open up your mind to?
What positive thoughts can you use to redirect your train of thought? Write them down.
What can you channel your energy into as a distraction from these thoughts?
Journaling prompts for conflict resolution
Journaling may help when dealing with conflicts. And a related journal entry may help you view the situation objectively and understand your role in promoting or dispelling that conflict. Start with the journal prompt in this list that you can answer easily, and then work your way through it.
Who is this person to you? Describe the nature of your relationship.
What is the reason for the conflict?
How did this disagreement make you feel?
Are there any ways you feel you could have prevented an escalation?
In what ways are you right? Make a list.
In what ways were you wrong? Make a list.
Is a compromise possible? Go into detail.
What happens if the disagreement goes unmanaged? Is this something you can allow?
Do you plan to reach out? State how. Also, detail what you would like to discuss.
If this happens again, I will…
Journal prompts for self-love
Struggling with self-love can be made more accessible by writing, specifically in ways that inspire love, appreciation, and respect for oneself. Some of these gratitude journal prompts can be helpful.
What makes you happy? Or describe three wishes that might increase your happiness.
When are you your truest self?
What are your strengths? How often do you make use of them?
What five things do you appreciate about your relationships with your loved ones?
What recurring compliments do you receive from others? Do you believe them? Give reasons for your answer.
What can you do to be kinder to yourself? Set time-sensitive goals concerning this.
How are you working on the things you perceive to be weaknesses in you?
Ask a close friend to describe you in three words on paper, and describe yourself in three words on paper. Compare the two and write about your observation. Or ask your teenage self the same question.
How do you think you could let go of the negative perceptions you have of yourself?
How would you feel if you loved and accepted yourself completely? Is this something you’d like to achieve soon? What practical steps do you think you could take to accomplish that?