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self love




Inspiration comes from many places and sources.  It is a gift that we can give to others through our own actions and words.  


What do you find inspirational? Who do your find inspirational? How do you inspire yourself? How do you inspire others?

Some of the most inspiring people we can look to are from all walks of life as everyone has their own perception of what and who are inspiring.  Each of us find inspiration where our heart and soul lead us. 


Inspiration comes from everyone.


How one is affected by another's journey, words, and actions is what matters.  It doesn't have to be someone famous.  It could be a neighbor or loved one, a stranger or even an animal.  There is inspiration in works of art, music, poetry, stories, science and nature.  


Inspiration is what touches you as a person to make a positive difference within your own being.  One of the best gifts of inspiration is when we make not only a positive impact within our own selves but when we can share that to inspire others.  


I have been asked throughout my years where do I find my inspiration.  The best way I can answer this is I find inspiration in everything.  I have learned through my life's journey not to put limitation or expectations on anything or anyone, including myself.  Look around you and within yourself.  There is inspiration overflowing in abundance! 

First and foremost, the most influential person in your life is you.  It is always a wonderful way to look for inspiration by looking at positive role models from all walks of life.  


Here a few people you may want to research that may help you along your life's path and adventures:


Maya Angelou

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Nelson Mandela

Mother Teresa

Mahatma Gandhi

Rosa Parks

Anne Frank

Brene Brown

Dan Millman

Joyce Meyer


There are so many I could list.  In my opinion, everyone is an inspiration to themselves and to others.  You may not even realize who you are inspiring behind the scenery of life.  Just keep being true to yourself, do your best and be grateful.  The inspiration will come to you along your path, from your own heart and from other sources.  

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