As you take a journey and adventure into the world of Chakras, you will discover the following paths below: ​Chakra Overview
The 5 Elements of Chakras Individual Chakra Details
Chakras Overview
Chakras are major energy centers that overlie major nerve plexuses and organs in the body.
Chakras have their own unique colors and frequencies, spin at their own velocities, and are associated with subtle energy fields in the aura.
A healthy Chakra can be seen physically, vibrating evenly in a circular motion resembling a funnel which is fairly narrow close to the bod, but becomes wider as it gets farther away.
Chakras regulate the functioning of our entire being ~ the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts of ourselves.
There are 7 major Chakras and 21 minor Chakras.
Chakras receive energy from the outside world through the fields in the Aura, and transform it into energy that can be used by our varying systems, as either subtle energy that can be used or as sensory information.
This energy is spread throughout the body by energy channels called Nadis (Meridians), which function in a similar fashion as to veins in the circulatory system, only Nadis are delivering a flow of energy rather than blood.
The Vibrations and frequency of the Chakras allow them to radiate from inside our bodies and spiral outward in both directions.
When clairvoyantly seen or felt, they appear to spiral conically out from the front and back of their location in the body, interconnecting with our biofield and the layers of our Aura.
The speed at which they vibrate varies by their location in the body.
The higher the location, the faster the vibration, and vice versa.
The lower Chakras vibrate more slowly, are closer to the infrared section of the color spectrum (yellow/orange/red) and regulate parts of our physical bodies, emotions, and relationships to our physical world.
The upper Chakras vibrate more quickly, care closer to the ultraviolet colors of the spectrum (blue/indigo/violet) and govern our mental and psychic or spiritual selves as well as our relationships to each other, other realms, and the Divine.
When any part of our being is imbalanced, diseased, or in a negative state, it affects the relevant Chakras and how they behave in terms of color, luminosity or brightness, vibration, frequency and function.
Chakras are energy and energy is always moving, maintaining a balanced system is a matter of daily practice and lifelong choices, as opposed to a net or end result or even an ideal state.
Our Chakras become balanced when we apply Crystal and Reiki to what is causing them to shift our of balance in the first place, and when we make consistent choices to support their balance.
It is reasonable to understand that people expect their Chakras to be in perfect alignment and proportion to one another, as this is the image so often depicted of the Chakras in spiritual artwork.
We are beings made of diverse, interacting energy fields, all of which respond to our state of health, choices which include thoughts and lifestyles, and our environment.
While it is desirable to achieve a state of homeostasis (a state of balance among all of the body systems needed for the body to survive and function), it is predictable that our various energy systems will be in a state of constant flux.
When people refer to aligning the Chakras they usually mean balancing the energy of each Chakra so that it is performing at its optimal level.
People will also refer to a Chakra being too open or excessive, or too closed or deficient to describe the function of an imbalanced Chakra.
Excessive or open means there is too much energy flowing through a chakra, usually as a compensation for a deficiency somewhere else in the system.
Deficient or closed means there is too little energy flowing through a Chakra, usually due to either an excessiveness somewhere in the system or an energy blockage that is clogging up the works. That energy blockage, deficiency or excessiveness can be the result of any physical, emotional, mental or spiritual issue.
When a particular Chakra is healthy, balanced and fully open, so are it's connected body parts, but if a Chakra is blocked, damaged or partially closed, then the health of the connected body parts and systems will begin to reflect this.
The Five Elements Associated with the Chakras
​Air Element
Air is the element that we are unable to see unlike the elements of earth, water and fire.
Containing the essential life force or prana, air is crucial to life.
Linked with the breath, lungs and heart, air penetrates the lungs when we inhale to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
When the oxygen from the air comes into contact with the blood, an exchange of oxygen and waste products are released with the exhaled breath. The re-oxygenated blood is then carried via the arteries to the heart, from where it is pumped throughout the body.
In sacred geometry, air is represented by the eight sided octahedron.
Eight is the number of regeneration, renewal, rebirth and transition. In some esoteric traditions, eight is the number of paradise.
The four cardinal and four intermediate points that form the octagon are known as "the eight winds" and the eight doors that give passage from one state to another.
Symbol: Upward pointing triangle, bisected by a horizontal line
Colors: Yellow and White
Represents: In classical elementary theory, air represents logic, reason and intellect, as well
as creativity and enlightenment.
Earth Element
The Earth element, with it's quality of solidarity, is associated with the Muladhara Charka (Root Chakra). It is symbolized by the yellow square of the Chakra symbol. The four sides and corners denote the four qualities needed when following any spiritual path: honesty, straightforwardness, integrity and mortality.
The square is looked upon as archetype and pattern of order in the universe. If we are aiming to walk a spiritual path we need an ordered and structured life.
When focusing on this element of the earth as a living entity who is also trying to make a quantum leap to the next level of consciousness. In order to do this she has to rid herself of the toxins that we have polluted her with.
When you work with this element, try to mentally send love and light into the earth and find ways to ease the pollution.
Symbol: Downward pointing triangle bisected by a horizontal line.
Colors: Green and Brown
Represents: Earth is the classic element that represents constancy, security, physical power.
Ether Element
Ether is known as the material that fills the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere.
The concept of Ether was used in several theories to explain several natural phenomena such as the traveling of light and gravity.
According to ancient Indian tradition, the universe reveals itself in two fundamental properties as motion and space.
Another name for Ether is Akasha, a word derived from the root Kash, meaning to shine or radiate. The nature of Akasha compromises infinite dimension and allows all possibilities of movement. Encompasses both physical and spiritual movement. Everything in existence reveals the nature of Akasha and the elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air are conceived as manifestations of this.
This is symbolized in the "stupa" ~ a Buddhist dome shaped memorial shrine. Stupa means "to worship or praise".
The shape of the Stupa represents the Buddha, crowned and sitting in meditation posture on a throne.
Symbol: Unlike the other elements, Ether does not have a commonly accepted symbol.
Most often it will be represented by a simple circle.
Color: Vibrant Blue
Fire Element
The Buddhists look upon Fire as the wisdom that burns away ignorance.
Christians believe Fire is "tongues of fire" are the advent of the voice of God and Divine revelation.
Hinduism, Fire is a symbol of transcendental light and knowledge and is identified with the forces of destruction, release and re-creation wielded by the god Shiva. The ring of flames sometimes shown surrounding Shiva depicts the cosmic cycle of creation and destruction.
The Hindu god of fire, Agni, is both the rain bringing the energy of lightening and the domestic fire. The flames represented by his golden teeth, sharp tongue and dishelved hair and he is portrayed riding the sola ram, holding an axe, fan and bellows.
The horrific aspect of fire is symbolized by the Hindu god, Kali, who is usually shown as a fearful black or red figure with long canine teeth and tongues of flame coming from her mouth.
Symbol: A simple triangle
Colors: Orange and Red
Represents: In alchemy, fire represents emotions such as passion, love, anger and hate; and
referred to as the "fiery" emotions.
Water Element
Water, a symbol of life, is also associated with death.
Hindus scatter the ashes of loved ones into the sacred river, Ganges, to gain eternal life.
Water is also a medium for healing. Many sick travel to Lourdes in France and to Walsingham in England, to be cured by the scared water there.
In baptism, water is used as a symbol of purification.
The lotus flower is a flower of light and great beauty which thrives in water. It depicts spiritual development starting life with its roots in mud and silt and growing through the opaque water, eventually flowering in the sun and light.
We are often submerged in the mucky waters of the mind and the collected debris of the past actions, but like the flower, we must rise above our selfish desires and allow our higher consciousness to bloom in the light of the spiritual sun.
The shinning lotus of the spiritual self will appear when the waters have receded and the muckiness is washed away.
Symbol: A downward point triangle
Color: Blue
Represents: Life
Root Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
Meaning: Root; Base; Foundation
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Location: Base of Spine; Perineum
Body Systems: Adrenals; Anus; Skeleton; Bones; Skin; Blood; Large Intestines; Pelvis; Hips; Legs; Feet;
Elimination System; Genitals
Life Aspects: Survival; Security; Trust; Grounding; Physical Body; Finances; Home; Job; Family
Relationships; Societal and Culture Relationships; Sense of Belonging; Nature;
Biology; Patience; Endurance; Achievements; Fight or Flight Reactions
This Chakra is our center of procreation, survival and base instincts and, unlike some of the higher Chakras, in the majority of people it is quite vibrant and alive.
It influences the blood, spine, nervous system, vagina, legs, testes, and the bones.
Each Chakra has its opposing tendencies and those of the Root Chakra are the incoming and outgoing breath.
In order to transcend this Chakra we must endeavor to rise above our survival instincts.
The base/Root/Muladhara Chakra is where we start our journey. This Chakra is the foundation upon which we build our lives and it is also the root of the three main Nadis (Meridians), Ida, Pingala and Sushumna , and the root of the Kundalini energy.
Balanced Energy
When this Chakra's energy is balanced it provides vitality for the physical body.
It gives a sense of well-being; a feeling of being grounded, centered, sexually affectionate and in control of yourself.
Capable of physical activity, exercise, and taking action to provide for or defend oneself.
Remain grounded and present.
Will have a healthy and functioning immune system.
Solid family and cultural relationships.
Able to confidently and consistently meet survival needs.
Maintain good levels of physical endurance, strength, health, weight and vitality.
Excessive Energy
Excessive energy can lead to aggression, make you domineering, egotistic, and sexually inhibited.
Experience addictive behaviors, hypochondria, and eating disorder.
Feel insecure or have a lack of confidence in ability to survive in the world and may suffer from unsubstantiated fears of illnesses or other related survival fears.
An excessive concern about material wealth and status, and ownership of material goods plagues oneself.
Have weight issues and body image issues; never feel safe; frequent bouts of diarrhea; constipation with no obvious physical cause.
Deficient Energy
Deficient energy (when Chakra spins too slow) creates a lack of confidence and depression, accompanied by little will-power to achieve goals in life.
It can cause loss of interest in sex and a reduced sense of grounding.
Experience blocked abundance and provision shortfalls.
Have a history or present circumstances of significant family dysfunction; cultural issues and conflicts.
Suffer from a lack of feeling grounded, healthy or full of vitality.
Tend to not be dependable.
Feel incapable of managing day-to-day obligations effectively.
Experience sexual arousal issues.
Have physical weakness, weight imbalance, fatigue and overall malaise.
Colorization and Visualization
​The color red is associated with the Base Chakra.
Red is a loud color with a low energy.
It is connected to sexual energy.
​It's darker shades denote aggressiveness and fear, through to be the most harmful emotion to our spirit because it precents one from walking forward.
Most fears stem from conditioning, which is something one needs to look at and work with if their aim is to become the master of this Chakra's energy.
One needs to keep reminding themselves that what was right for them yesterday may not be right for them today.
The characteristics associated with the four lotus petals relates to some of the qualities of this Chakra.
Red is the color linked with masculine energy, warmth, procreation, survival and rebirth.
Energy of the Base Chakra
The main preoccupation of those whose energy is centered at the Root Charka is physical survival. For this reason their thoughts may be centered on the fear of being physically or psychologically hurt or they may have a tendency to hurt others.
If this center is deficient in energy, one can become lethargic and deprived of the will power needed to achieve your goals in life.
One could lack confidence, feel insecure or be filled with anxiety and worry if deficient energy.
One can learn to become the master of this center's energy through color visualizations. This will enable one to transform any negatively or sluggishness into a strong, positive physical energy. This will reward one with a great love for life, contentment and inner peace.
Root Chakra Symbol
The Chakra is depicted as a circle with four outer red petals that have inscribed upon them the Sanskrit letters va sa sa sa. By intoning these sacred sounds in a clockwise direction, it is believed that one can experience the four qualities of the for forms of bliss that these petals represent. These are: Greatest Joy; Natural Pleasure; Delight in Controlling Passion; and Blissfulness in Concentration.
Sacral Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana
Meaning: One's Own Adobe
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Location: Abdomen ~ Naval
Body Systems: Sexual; Reproductive; Ovaries; Testes; Uterus; Lower Digestive Organs; Kidneys;
Prostate; Urinary Tract; Bladder; Lower Back
Life Aspects: Relationships; Emotions; Intimacy; Sharing; Sexuality; Sensations; Food; Appetite;
Pleasure; Movement; Imagination; The Unconscious "I Feel"
This Chakra is the source of vitality for the Etheric body and governs one's love~hate relationships.
Its opposing forces are attraction and repulsion, feelings governing desires.
To transcend this Chakra is to rise above one's likes and dislikes in order to see all things as part of the whole.
One a physical level this Chakra influences the female reproductive organs, the mammy glands, skin, kidneys and adrenal glands.
Unlike the powerful aggressive masculine energy at the Root Center, this center energy is gentler but is complementary to the masculine energy.
Balanced Energy
When this Chakra is balanced one will be in touch with your own emotions, and trusting towards others.
Will feel emotionally healthy and stable, and are open to meeting new people as well as forming physically and emotionally intimate relationships.
Are friendly, imaginative, and creative and have a strong sense of who they are in terms of their desires, tastes and personality.
Are fueled by their passions; can physically enjoy their life, body and physical sensations and feel empowered.
Experience regular and balanced function of their sexual and reproductive organs.
Willing to nurture both themselves and others.
Excessive Energy
Excessive energy here can cause an over-emotional, aggressive, over-ambitious, manipulative nature, over-indulgent and obsessed with sex.
Prone to addictive behaviors such as sex, alcoholism, drugs and food additions.
Experience frequent and dramatic mood swings; overly social and in need of companionship; avoid being alone.
May have scattered creative impulses with an inability to finish what they start, to focus on one thing at a time, or to master any form of discipline.
Tend to avoid their deeper or authentic feelings; have regular and possibly intense bouts of anxiety, hyperactivity and loyal issues.
Deficient Energy
Deficient energy here creates feelings of over sensitivity, timidity, resentment, distrust and guilt.
Feels blocked in creative flow, inspiration and endeavors.
Feels unsafe or unable to experience physical and emotional intimacy; suffer from a low sex drive and feel a significant lack of sensitivity, pleasure or passion.
Prone to isolationism, and are reluctant or resistant to engage in social interaction.
Tend toward depression and being morose.
Colorization and Visualization
​The color orange is associated with the Sacral Chakra.
Orange lies midway between the red and yellow rays in the visible light spectrum, and influences both physical vitality and intellect.
It is associated with sexuality in gentle ways.
Linked with joy and happiness, it gives freedom to our thoughts and feelings by dispersing heaviness and allowing the body it's natural, joyful movements.
Orange is said to bring about changes in our biochemical structure which can result in the lifting of depression.
Those who are physically attracted to orange could be lacking in energy, feeling depressed or suffering from female disorder(s).
Being drawn to the color orange emotionally or mentally may imply a lack of either emotionally or mentally may imply a lack of either emotional or mental joy and stimulation. There are many reasons this may occur, Although orange can temporarily uplift and energize you, a complete cure for the problem suffered can only be found if the cause is acknowledged and worked with.
To take in orange, work with visualization.
Wear orange clothes; white underwear should be work underneath it otherwise the color you receive will be a mixture of the two colors you are wearing.
Light therapy is a very effective and powerful way of working with the color orange.
Spiritually, this color challenges us to examine our beliefs. When wearing orange or working with visualization you may find that a strongly held belief no longer seems true. If this feeling remains strong over a period of time you may consider discarding this belief and searching for your own truth in life.
Sacral Chakra Symbol
This Chakra is depicted as a circle with six orange outer petals with the letters ba bha ma ya ra la inscribed upon them. The modes of being represented by the letters are affection, pitilessness, and all feelings of destructiveness, delusion, disdain and suspicion.
The orange petals symbolize this Chakra's creative, sexual energy and the joy that comes with the creation of a human form for an incarnating soul.
Inside the circle is a crescent moon, representing the water element. The moon speaks of light, growth and regeneration and it's energy controls the ebb and flow of the oceans, the seasons, rainfall and floods as well as our own emotional fluctuations.
This Chakra comes into play during puberty, a time of great emotional trauma in many young people, and through the moon's influences the menstrual cycle is affected.
Breath and Sound
Our breath is the most important step between body and spirit. Many were aware of the breath and utilized it to raise their level of consciousness and to heal. It is believed the diaphragm to be the seat of the soul and many mystics believe hat believed that specific forms of breathing led one to experience the true self. The way we breathe determines our mental and physical well-being. When nervous, our breathing becomes shallow and agitated, depriving us of oxygen and prana. Deepening our breathing with proper exercised increases the blood's oxygen levels and reduces anxiety. The Sacral Chakra is a main origin that benefits from breathing technique to improve your health.
Sitting in a cross-legged posture, gently release the tension from your body. Bring your concentration to your breath and take a few slow inhalations and exhalations to calm your mind and relax your body.
Breathe out fully, contracting your abdominal muscles to rid the lungs of as much as possible. Slowly breathe in to a count of seven, allowing your abdomen to relax and swell out to make room for your descending diaphragm.
Sense your lungs filling from the very bottom to the top with air. Hold your breath in for a count of two. Exhale slowly to a count of seven, expelling the air in your lungs and finally contacting the muscles of your abdomen again to expel as much stale air as possible. Hold out for a count of two before starting your next inhalation.
After a few times doing this breathing technique, take notice of the effect that it has on your Sacral Chakra and your abdominal muscles.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Manipura
Meaning: Jewel of the Navel
Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Location: Stomach
Body Systems: Pancreas; Muscles; Digestive System; Liver; Spleen; Small Intestines; Gall Bladder;
Middle Back; Kidneys; Metabolism; Immune System; Nervous System
Life Aspects: Personal Power; Autonomy; Will; Purpose; Control; Self-Determination;
Self-Empowerment; Self-Esteem; Energy; Intellect; Destiny; Ambition
This Chakra is linked with the ego and the emotional or astral body. It therefore reacts to thoughts concerning worry, anxiety and fear.
In most people this Chakra is constantly becoming imbalanced through their emotional turmoil and materialism.
Through this Chakra we are able to feel the thoughts and emotions of other people, and those lacking in energy through this center from those people the are in contact with.
It is vital for psychics and those involved in any aspect of healing to protect their Solar Plexus Chakra.
Balanced Energy
When this Chakra's energy is balanced and energized one will have self-respect and respect for others.
One will be outgoing, cheerful, relaxed, spontaneous and uninhabited.
One will enjoy physical activity and good food.
Will have and show emotional warmth.
Will have a strong sense of self.
Are flexible, open and teachable in their behavior, beliefs and choices.
Feel empathy and at the same time affirm strong and healthy boundaries with others.
Have the energy and determination to purse goals and desires but are willing to let go when things are not good for them or not working out.
Will prosper, thrive and flourish in the world.
Will manage their stress, feeling and desires in a way that is healthy and wise.
Excessive Energy
Excessive energy may make one feel judgmental, a workaholic, a perfectionist and resentful of authority.
One tends to be domineering, authorative, abusive, and closed-minded in their beliefs.
Insensitive to the needs and feelings of others, and feels overly concerned with their own.
While one may be prospering, it is never enough and always need more, and will take more that their fair share when offered.
Temper is quick to flare, and may frequently violate the boundaries of others.
Push oneself too hard, are too demanding of others and oneself and may maintain impossibly high standards that they strive to achieve.
Place a premium on social and economic status.
Often find themselves in conflict with others, especially authority figures.
Frequently feel wired but tired.
Prone to addictive behaviors.
Deficient Energy
Deficient energy may leave one depressed, insecure and lacking in confidence.
May experience fear when alone.
Consistently feels frustrated, blocked in their desire or endeavors.
Ill at ease or insecure, and confused about who they are and what they want.
Easily influenced by others.
Routinely allow their boundaries to be violated.
Tend to give up before starting.
Self-defeating and puts oneself down.
Feel envy and spite with respect to the success and achievements of others.
Have fear of conflict.
Often feel sluggish, fatigued, overwhelmed and depressed.
Prone to drug addiction.
Colorization and Visualization
​The color yellow is the dominate color of the Solar Plexus Chakra and is related to the mind and intellect.
Yellow rays carry positive, magnetic currents that are both inspiring and stimulating.
These strengthens the nerves and stimulate high mentality, making yellow a good color to have in an office or study.
On a physical level, yellow can improve the texture of the skin and it helps heal scar tissue and other skin disorders. It helps with rheumatic and arthritic conditions.
To stimulate any of the chakras colors with food, eat the opposite color of the spectrum. The reason is yellow food absorbs light from all colors of the spectrum except yellow, which it reflects.
Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol
This Chakra is depicted as a circle with ten yellow petals inscribed with the Sanskrit letters da dha na ta tha da dha na pa pha, representing spiritual, ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion and sadness.
Inside the circle the red triable with a swastika mark on each side, symbolizes the fire element. The swastika is one of the oldest and most complex of symbols. Here it represents Agni, the god of fire, and fire's association with life and movement.
Breath and Sound
It is important and beneficial to clear the Manipur Chakra of the unwanted emotions of fear, worry, anxiety, hate, anger, jealousy, envy, melancholy, and grief.
To do this, reach into yourself to detect the presence of any of these negative emotions. Suppressing or ignoring these feelings can be detrimental to your health, especially if you have managed to bury them in your unconscious mind. One normally will suppress such feelings, wither through a sense of guilt or because they are too painful to deal with.
Eventually they have to be uncovered and worked through in order to clear the Chakra of stagnant energy.
In order to cleanse and ventilate your lungs, stimulate connected cells and improve the condition of the respiratory organs, breathing exercises should be done regularly. It is beneficial when you are tired and drained of energy. Try this exercise: exhale completely to rid the lungs of carbon dioxide and other waste products. Inhale slowly and completely. Pucker up your lips without swelling your cheeks, as if your are going to whistle, then exhale a small amount of air, with strong force, through your puckered lips. Hold the remaining air for a moment before exhaling a little more. Repeat this until all the air from your lungs is completely exhaled.
Heart Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
Meaning: Unstruck Sound
Element: Air
Color: Green
Location: Chest
Body Systems: Thymus; Respiratory; Circulation; Immune System; Heart; Lungs; Upper Back; Arms;
Hands; Metabolic Rate; Bronchial Tubes; Endocrine System.
Life Aspects: Unconditional Love; Balance; Unity; Compassion; Kindness; Affinity; Giving; Limitless;
Infinite I Love; Forgiveness; Connect to Nature; In Tune with Plants and Animals.
This Chakra is related to the mental layer of our aura and its polarity is incoming and outgoing thought.
When we transcend the polarity, we transcend the mind and connect with Divine, unconditional love.
Anahata means unstruck sound; sound in the Universe is produced by the striking together of objects. This sets up vibrations or sound waves. The sound that comes from beyond this material world known as the primordial sound, is the source of all sound. It is the Anhata sound.
The Heart Chakra is the center of balance and equilibrium.
Balanced Energy
When this Chakra's energies are balanced they generate compassion, a desire to nurture others and a growth towards unconditional love. This makes one outgoing, friendly and puts one in touch with their feelings.
Able to genuinely nurture, love and forgive ourselves and others and have a healthy sense of self-worth.
One is better able to live in the present than trapped in the painful memories of the past.
Generous but not to a fault.
Have healthy emotional boundaries and balanced interpersonal relationships.
In tune with one's feeling and needs and are willing to honor them as well as respect those of others.
Able to engage in and maintain loving, compassionate relationships with animals and natural kingdom.
Feel secure in trusting oneself and the decisions one makes.
Excessive Energy
Desperately need to feel loved, accepted and approved by others in order to have some sense of self-worth.
Very vulnerable to gossip and criticism.
Over-give in terms of help, time, charity and emotional support, often in violation of one's own emotional boundaries and to the point of neglecting one's own feelings and needs.
Always, always, always put other people, things and obligations first.
Feel acute emotional pain when witnessing, thinking, or hearing about hard to animals or the environment to the point where one is experiencing more of their own pain than that of empathy.
Emotions are triggered very easily and one seeks out confirmation from others, rather than trusting one's own self.
Too trusting of others.
Excessive energy in Anahata can make one demanding, over-critical, possessive, moody, depressed and a master of conditional love.
Deficient Energy
May feel depressed, "heart heavy", tend toward sadness and moroseness and be trapped in grief or unwilling to let go of past painful experiences and memories.
May be emotionally wounded, over-sensitive, and afraid to trust other people or be vulnerable.
May be resistant to developing loving relationships.
Miserly in one's choices, feelings and behaviors, and have trouble feeling compassion or expressing kindness to other people and animals.
Feel emotionally cold and closed off, and frequently experience health issues.
Deficient energy in Anahata can create paranoia, indecisiveness, a desire to hand onto objects or people, a fear of rejections and a need for constant reassurance.
Colorization and Visualization
​This Chakra is represented by the color green which is the color of balance, harmony and sympathy.
It has the ability to bring negative and positive energies into balance.
As the dominant color of the Heart Chakra, green works to balance the other Chakras.
It also balances the mind, body and spirit ~ the three aspects of self.
The greens of nature promote within us a feeling of peace and relaxation.
The heart center is connected to love and its color balances our ability to give and receive love.
Loving someone unconditionally is to accept them for who they are and both their good and bad traits. Unconditional love bears no judgement and lays down no conditions.
Accepting your own shortcomings will help you accept those of others.
Heart Chakra Symbol
This Chakra is shown as a circle surrounded by twelve green petals, bearing in black Sanskrit lettering the sounds k kh g gh n ch chh j jh n t th.
The twelve modes of being associated with this Chakra are lustfulness, fraudulence, indecision, repentance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, incompetence, discrimination and defiance.
Inside the circle is the smoky blue hexagon constructed by interlacing the downward pointing triangle and upward pointing triangle.
The downward pointing triangle signifies the lower nature of humans and is connected to the earth's energies.
The upward triangle represents the higher nature and is linked to our spiritual energies.
The interlaced triangle characterizes the union of opposites, "as above, so below". It stands for the perfect balance of complementary forces and the androgynous nature of the one true deity of which all gods are incarnations.
The upward pointing triangle is solar energy and fire. and embodies the masculine principle.
The downward pointing triangle is linked with the moon, water and the feminine principle.
The second polarity in this Chakra is that which exists between right and left. The right is masculine and yang in nature and the left is feminine with yin characteristics.
If one were to draw a vertical line to separate the three lower and the three upper Chakras, it would create a cross symbolizing all aspects of one's self.
It is all these aspects that become integrated at the heart center through the power of unconditional love.
Breath and Sound
The respiratory center in the brain automatically controls the rate of breathing, so for a large part of the time we are not conscious of our breath. If we are sitting quietly or sleeping, our breathing rate slows down. If we exert our bodies through exercise our breathing rate automatically increases to supply the body with the amount of oxygen needed.
Our thoughts influence the rhythm of the breath. Fear will cause the breath to become more rapid, but when envisioning a peaceful scene or image our breath becomes slower and shallower. Allowing your breath to find its own rhythm creates inner harmony and balance.
Try this exercise:
Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet environment. Relax any parts of your body that are tense. Bring your concentration to the top of your nose and feel the temperature of the air you inhale and exhale. It is important that you allow your breath its own rhythm and that you do not control it in any way. Be aware that the out-breath is naturally longer than the in-breath. Continue to observe this for four to five minutes.
Bring your concentration to your Heart center and visualize it encased in a circle. The circle is a symbol of safety and security because it is perfectly round and has not corners where things can hide.
Keeping the natural rhythm of your breath, imagine you are sitting inside the circle. With each inhalation allow your Heart Chakra to gently open and with each exhalation allow your breath to expand the circle, like blowing up a balloon. The larger you can make the circle, the more secure space there is in which to practice giving and receiving love.
When your circle has reached the size that is right for you, think of someone who has recently shown you love and affection, Try to recapture the feeling this gave you and then, from your opened Heart center, return that love. When you have finished this exercise, come back to your breath and concentrate on its natural rhythm for as long as feels comfortable before visualizing your Heart Chakra closing down and the circle you have created reducing to encircle your heart.
Throat Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha
Meaning: To Purify
Element: Ether
Color: Blue
Location: Throat
Body Systems: Thyroid; Parathyroid; Metabolism; Ears; Nose; Mouth; Teeth; Neck; Throat; Tonsils.
Life Aspects: Communication; Creativity; Self-Expression; Abundance; Sound; Vibration; Receiving;
Listen to Ourselves and Others; Honesty; Authentic; Self-Awareness.
This Chakra is related to the unspoken word, to creative intelligence, and registers the creative purposes of the soul, transmitted by the flow of energy from the Third Eye Chakra. The fusion of energies from the Third Eye and Throat Chakras leads to creative activity.
This Chakra's polarity is life and death. To transcend this is to realize the immortal and spiritual self while remaining an individual, conscious being.
The Third Eye Chakra is the main energy center for the psychic ability of Clairaudience (The ability to hear and articulate information from spiritual sources) and to channel messages from the spirits in mediumship.
Balanced Energy
When this Chakra's energies are balanced they generate compassion, a desire to nurture others and a growth towards unconditional love. This makes one outgoing, friendly and puts one in touch with their feelings.
Able to genuinely nurture, love and forgive ourselves and others and have a healthy sense of self-worth.
One is better able to live in the present than trapped in the painful memories of the past.
Generous but not to a fault.
Have healthy emotional boundaries and balanced interpersonal relationships.
In tune with one's feeling and needs and are willing to honor them as well as respect those of others.
Able to engage in and maintain loving, compassionate relationships with animals and natural kingdom.
Feel secure in trusting oneself and the decisions one makes.
Excessive Energy
Desperately need to feel loved, accepted and approved by others in order to have some sense of self-worth.
Very vulnerable to gossip and criticism.
Over-give in terms of help, time, charity and emotional support, often in violation of one's own emotional boundaries and to the point of neglecting one's own feelings and needs.
Always, always, always put other people, things and obligations first.
Feel acute emotional pain when witnessing, thinking, or hearing about hard to animals or the environment to the point where one is experiencing more of their own pain than that of empathy.
Emotions are triggered very easily and one seeks out confirmation from others, rather than trusting one's own self.
Too trusting of others.
Excessive energy in Anahata can make one demanding, over-critical, possessive, moody, depressed and a master of conditional love.
Deficient Energy
May feel depressed, "heart heavy", tend toward sadness and moroseness and be trapped in grief or unwilling to let go of past painful experiences and memories.
May be emotionally wounded, over-sensitive, and afraid to trust other people or be vulnerable.
May be resistant to developing loving relationships.
Miserly in one's choices, feelings and behaviors, and have trouble feeling compassion or expressing kindness to other people and animals.
Feel emotionally cold and closed off, and frequently experience health issues.
Deficient energy in Anahata can create paranoia, indecisiveness, a desire to hand onto objects or people, a fear of rejections and a need for constant reassurance.
Colorization and Visualization
​This Chakra is represented by the color green which is the color of balance, harmony and sympathy.
It has the ability to bring negative and positive energies into balance.
As the dominant color of the Heart Chakra, green works to balance the other Chakras.
It also balances the mind, body and spirit ~ the three aspects of self.
The greens of nature promote within us a feeling of peace and relaxation.
The heart center is connected to love and its color balances our ability to give and receive love.
Loving someone unconditionally is to accept them for who they are and both their good and bad traits. Unconditional love bears no judgement and lays down no conditions.
Accepting your own shortcomings will help you accept those of others.
Heart Chakra Symbol
This Chakra is shown as a circle surrounded by twelve green petals, bearing in black Sanskrit lettering the sounds k kh g gh n ch chh j jh n t th.
The twelve modes of being associated with this Chakra are lustfulness, fraudulence, indecision, repentance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, incompetence, discrimination and defiance.
Inside the circle is the smoky blue hexagon constructed by interlacing the downward pointing triangle and upward pointing triangle.
The downward pointing triangle signifies the lower nature of humans and is connected to the earth's energies.
The upward triangle represents the higher nature and is linked to our spiritual energies.
The interlaced triangle characterizes the union of opposites, "as above, so below". It stands for the perfect balance of complementary forces and the androgynous nature of the one true deity of which all gods are incarnations.
The upward pointing triangle is solar energy and fire. and embodies the masculine principle.
The downward pointing triangle is linked with the moon, water and the feminine principle.
The second polarity in this Chakra is that which exists between right and left. The right is masculine and yang in nature and the left is feminine with yin characteristics.
If one were to draw a vertical line to separate the three lower and the three upper Chakras, it would create a cross symbolizing all aspects of one's self.
It is all these aspects that become integrated at the heart center through the power of unconditional love.
Breath and Sound
The respiratory center in the brain automatically controls the rate of breathing, so for a large part of the time we are not conscious of our breath. If we are sitting quietly or sleeping, our breathing rate slows down. If we exert our bodies through exercise our breathing rate automatically increases to supply the body with the amount of oxygen needed.
Our thoughts influence the rhythm of the breath. Fear will cause the breath to become more rapid, but when envisioning a peaceful scene or image our breath becomes slower and shallower. Allowing your breath to find its own rhythm creates inner harmony and balance.
Try this exercise:
Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet environment. Relax any parts of your body that are tense. Bring your concentration to the top of your nose and feel the temperature of the air you inhale and exhale. It is important that you allow your breath its own rhythm and that you do not control it in any way. Be aware that the out-breath is naturally longer than the in-breath. Continue to observe this for four to five minutes.
Bring your concentration to your Heart center and visualize it encased in a circle. The circle is a symbol of safety and security because it is perfectly round and has not corners where things can hide.
Keeping the natural rhythm of your breath, imagine you are sitting inside the circle. With each inhalation allow your Heart Chakra to gently open and with each exhalation allow your breath to expand the circle, like blowing up a balloon. The larger you can make the circle, the more secure space there is in which to practice giving and receiving love.
When your circle has reached the size that is right for you, think of someone who has recently shown you love and affection, Try to recapture the feeling this gave you and then, from your opened Heart center, return that love. When you have finished this exercise, come back to your breath and concentrate on its natural rhythm for as long as feels comfortable before visualizing your Heart Chakra closing down and the circle you have created reducing to encircle your heart.
Third Eye/Brow Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Ajna
Meaning: To Know or To Command
Element: Ether
Color: Indigo
Location: Center Forehead
Body Systems: Pituitary Gland; Pineal Gland; Brain; Hypothalamus; Endocrine System; Head; Eyes; Face;
Medulla Plexus; Ears; Central Nervous System; Brain Stem.
Life Aspects: Enlightenment; Knowledge; Spirituality; Understanding; Self Realization; Unity; Connection;
Mysticism; Universal Consciousness; Psychic Ability.
This center intuition is transmitted to the lower Chakras and to the mind.
Ajna is also known as the Third Eye, or the Eye of the Intuition.
It is the medium between the higher brain faculties and instinctive brain functions.
The Third Eye Chakra is in the middle of the forehead. Its color is indigo and represents the element of light. It regulates the psychic, cognitive and sensory abilities. It enables one to think both logically and abstractly, function intuitively as well as learn, remember, visualize, focus, imagine, dream and understand the difference between fantasy and reality.
Clairvoyance is governed by this Chakra.
Balanced Energy
We are able to learn and develop new ideas, languages, and information; grasp new concepts; and see or consider things from difference perspectives.
Both long term and short term memories are capabilities are functional and sharp.
We can focus our attention, as well as tune out distractions, visualize with our mind's eye and intentionally shift our consciousness from awareness to a trance state with ease.
We are able to process sensory information that informs us both of our internal and external worlds.
Our imagination flows freely.
We frequently remember our dreams.
Our intuition is clear and strong.
Capable of and open to developing our own psychic strengths and abilities.
Excessive Energy
Have an unduly suspicious nature, questioning other people's motives, thoughts and intentions without any basis or provocation.
Can be prone to projection of our own issues and feelings onto others.
Taking things too personally.
Being overly absorbed with ourselves and our personal dramas.
Frequently unable to focus and experience a lack of clarity due to scattered thinking and impulses.
While our intuition and psychic abilities may feel blocked, we are actually experiencing fatigue with these faculties due to overuse, overdependency or burnout.
Deficient Energy
Feel that our intuition is blocked or have trouble distinguishing between our intuitive guidance and our fear based inner voice.
Have trouble feeling inspired or connecting with our imagination.
Experience challenges learning, remembering and processing new cognitive or sensory information.
Often have a limited perspective and experience an inability or unwillingness to change our perspective, see things from a different angle, consider alternatives, understand another person's perspective or opinion.
Our thinking often becomes cloudy.
Colorization and Visualization
Indigo, the color associated with Anja Chakra, is the color of the vaults of heaven at dusk on a clear, cloudless night.
Indigo has the power to enfold us in a sea of silence and tranquility.
It creates the space needed to look at our shortcomings.
Its color speaks of deep devotion, dignity and unconditional love.
It is responsible for extraordinary vision and giving us the ability to hear the voice of our own intuition.
Third Eye/Brow Chakra Symbol
This Chakra is connected to the mind.
It is depicted with either two indigo or tow white petals that bear the Sanskrit letters ha and ksa written in white.
These two petals connect with the right and left lobes of the pituitary gland and represent a conception of the combination
of the two polarities of our existence.
Thing are likewise linked to the right and left hemisphere of the brain.
The right hemisphere is the seat of insight, connected with psychic power.
The left is the seat of intelligence, giving us an overview of the world.
Here the celestial marriage of sun and moon, mind and body takes place, leading to the opening of the Third eye and the
evolved sixth sense.
The three Nadis, the Ida; Pingala and Sushumna, unite here before ascending to the Crown Chakra.
Great stress is laid on the importance of opening this Chakra gradually.
Complete mastery and balance of the lower Chakras is considered a requisite.
Without conscious control of the lower Chakras when opening the Anja Chakra, various kinds of disorientation can result.
Breath and Sound
The sound we perceive with our ears is only one level of perception. May other animals can perceive frequencies inaudible to humans, but they still exist. In the same way, our breath creates subtle sound waves in the deeper realms of our consciousness, which we do not hear. As the breath becomes finder, the sound frequencies become more intense and subtle and are heard internally from the subconscious realm, then the unconscious and finally the superconscious, where the sound becomes transcendental.
Crown Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrana
Meaning: A Thousand Fold
Element: None
Color: Violet
Location: Top of Head
Body Systems: Pineal Gland; Pituitary Gland; Nervous System; Mind; Whole Body.
Life Aspects: Enlightenment; Knowledge; Spirituality; Understanding; Self-Realization; Unity; Connections;
Fulfilment; Completion; Mysticism; Universal Consciousness.
The Crown Chakra is our Divine connection to higher consciousness, Christ consciousness, the collective unconscious, God~Goddess, Great Spirit, Source and the Universe as a whole.
The Crown Chakra is different from the other Chakras in constitution and effect.
It supports us in embracing our interconnectedness with all life and our spiritual self. When the Kundalini reaches this level it no longer belongs to the realm of the animal or human awareness, it is purely Divine.​
Balanced Energy
We are able to see things from a higher perspective as opposed to remaining stuck within our emotional or compartmentalized versions of reality.
We have a higher idealism when it comes to the world and human potential.
We have access to ancestral, tribal and higher dimensional knowledge and ideas and can access the Akashic records past life memory.
We have a sense of or a belief in a higher organizing and creative intelligence, entity or being and are open to the beliefs and philosophies of others.
We are able to keep our own counsel and maintain healthy psychic and energetic boundaries despite what others may try to compel us to think or believe.
We have a strong and loving sense of ethical responsibility and a steadfast moral compass.
Excessive Energy
We feel ungrounded, spaced out, and have trouble managing say to day tasks or staying on top of details.
There is general lack of following through, lack of accountability.
Belief that the realm of physical reality is secondary to that of the spiritual and to our spiritual aspirations.
We will frequently express our spiritual, moral and ethical superiority to others.
Hold our chosen beliefs and practices to be the only right and true way or path.
We seek to impress our belief system on others and to accept any higher or spiritual guidance we receive from the others as being true and wise without caution or consideration.
Deficient Energy
We experience an inability to think for ourselves or trust our own wisdom, beliefs, convictions.
We are easily swayed by the beliefs and philosophies of others and often develop a codependency on the authority figures that represent these systems, to the point of embracing a cult or extreme religion dogma.
Our spiritual growth feels blocked or is stagnated, and there is a marked inability to rise above and see the bigger picture as a whole.
Resistance to believing in a higher power and an apparent lack of faith.
Ethical and moral boundaries are unclear and undeveloped.
Colorization and Visualization
​Violet has the shortest wavelength and the highest energy of all the spectral colors and occurs in a very narrow band next to ultraviolet light.
The color is connected to divinity, humility and religious devotion.
Associated with modesty, hidden virtue and beauty.
At the Crown Chakra, shining violet can lift the prepared human being into the realm of spiritual awareness where it becomes the last gateway through which we must pass to become united with our inner divine being.
Crown Chakra Symbol
This Chakra is our connection to the Divine. The symbol is simply the Divine circle and the lotus flower which serves as a reminder of our connection to all and the divine within.
Opening the Crown Chakra
The best way to open the Crown Chakra is through meditation. This is the way to nourish the spirit and experience your inner world.
Meditation is commonly known to relax the mind and help to eliminate stress, but there is more to it than this. Meditation can be described as a technique aimed to introvert the restless mind in order to gain knowledge of the higher self. The steps leading to this knowledge are introversion (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana) and transcendence (samadhi).
There are many meditation techniques but meditating on the breath is found to be one of the most masterful to open the Crown Chakra. This is because the breath is always with us.
Once you have discovered a technique that works for you, it is essential to practice it consistently every day if you wish to make progress. Great insights do not happen overnight, sometimes it takes years of regular practice.
When meditating, one has to be detached from the meditation. Attachment involved the activity of the mind, therefore one cannot transcend it if you are constantly looking for results, the very act of looking will prevent you from achieving them.
A meditative mind is silent. It is not the silence which though can conceive of; it is not the silence of a still evening; it is the silence when thought with all its images, words, and perceptions has entirely ceased. This meditative mind is the religious mind, the religion that is not touched by the church, the temples or by chants. The religious mind is the explosion of love. It is this love that knows no separation. To it, far is near. It is not the one or the many, but rather the state of love in which all division ceases. Like beauty, it is not of measure of words. From this silence alone the meditative mind acts.
A simple but effective meditation technique can be done using lighted candles. The candle's flame serves to remind us of our own inner light. Site in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. I suggest the candle has no scent as that can manipulate the minds thoughts through it's scent.
Sit comfortably. If your body is not comfortable, it will distract your mind. Place a lighted candle where you can easily see it. Stare at the flame until your eyes begin to tire. Then close your eyes and try to "see" the flame of the candle in front of your closed eyes. When you se the flame it usually moves around and keeps disappearing. The goal is to keep it focused. When this flame finally disappears, open your eyes and again stare at the candle flame. Keep repeating this for 20 minutes.
Nothing is more wonderful or potent than working with light. The whole of our life is "Maya", or illusion. The only way to pierce this veil is to recognize our divinity, and only then can we understand and answer the question "Who am I?" with an answer "I am who I am".
May that light of unconditional love shine upon you and fill you with peace and understaning