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We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the 

qualities of the year and of the season

in which we are born.

~carl gustav jung

As you take a journey and adventure into the world of Astrology, you will discover the following paths  below:​


  • Overview of  Astrology

  • Finding your Zodiac Sign

  • Individual Zodiac Sign Specifics

  • Adventuring Into The Houses of Astrology

  • Planets of the Houses Individually

  • Fun Facts  and Information

What is Astrology and how does it apply to your life's journeys?


Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.  


It is a range of divinatory practices, recognized as pseudoscientific since the 18th century, that claim to discern information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the apparent positions of celestial objects.


Most people like to learn about their astrological sign and what it means.  So let's dive right in!  


First things first, the Zodiac Signs and their birth dates:


  • Aries                (March 21 – April 19)

  • Taurus             (April 20 – May 20)

  • Gemini            (May 21 – June 20)

  • Cancer            (June 21 – July 22)

  • Leo                   (July 23 – August 22)

  • Virgo               (August 23 – September 22)

  • Libra               (September 23 – October 22)

  • Scorpio          (October 23 – November 21)

  • Sagittarius   (November 22 – December 21)

  • Capricorn    (December 22 – January 19)

  • Aquarius      (January 20 – February 18)

  • Pisces            (February 19 – March 20)

A few terms you may not be familiar with that are included in each of the Zodiac Signs you will want to learn:


  • Duality:  One of the classifications under which signs of the zodiac are grouped. 

                           A sign's duality is either masculine or feminine.

                           Masculine: In astrology, masculine signs are characterized as energetic, outer-directed

                                                    and strong through action.

                          Feminine:    In astrology, feminine signs are characterized as receptive, magnetic, and

                                                   possessing strong inner resources.




  • Triplicity:  A group of three astrological signs all belonging to the same element.  

                               There are four groups: fire, earth, air, water. 

                                Fire signifies energy, aggressiveness, enthusiasm, and impulsiveness. 

                               Earth signifies practicality, conservatism, stability and materialism. 

                               Air signifies intellect, reason and communication. 

                              Water signifies emotion, imagination, sensitivity and spirituality.



  • Quadruplicity:  A group of three astrological signs belonging to the same quality.  The three are cardinal, fixed and mutable.

                             Cardinal quality signifies action, initiative, leadership, and outgoing activity. 

                                                 The Sun's entrance into these four signs marks the beginning of the four seasons:

                                                 spring, summer, autumn and winter. 

                             Fixed quality signifies persistence, single-mindedness, determination, and resourcefulness.

                            Polarity is a group of two astrological signs, each sign in opposite in the zodiac to the other sign.

                           Mutable qualities signifies adaptability, versatility, openness to change, and flexibility. 



Let's adventure into each individual Zodiac Sign...












Duality:  Masculine


Triplicity (Element):  Fire


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Cardinal

Aries is active, energetic, excitable and impulsive, optimistic, open to change and new experiences


Ruling Planet:  Mars

Ancient god of war, aggression and conflict.  In astrology, Mar's influence denotes courage, passion and competition.  It can foster tension and accidents, and rules over fire and danger.


Symbol:  The Ram

Assertive, sexual, able to climb great heights.


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  Horns and long nose of  the ram.  It also pictures the eyebrows and nose of the human face (the head is the part of the anatomy that Aries rules).  In symbolic terms, the glyph is two half moons joined by a straight line, which indicates idealism tied to authority and leadership.


Dominant Keyword:  I AM


Polarity: Libra

Aries is a "me-first" sign.  People with Aries tendencies strongly project their own personalities and can be vert self-oriented.  Libra, which is Arie's opposite sign, is the sign of partnership.  Natives of Libra feel incomplete without a partner or lover, and strive for happiness as a pair.


Part of the body ruled by Aires: The Head

Aires people are prone to headaches, and subject to minor injuries around the head and face.


Lucky Day:  Tuesday


Lucky Numbers:  1 and 9


Magical Birthstone:  Diamond

Attracts love, financial success, and brings luck in new ventures.  The diamond is particularly lucky for Aires people when work on the left side of the body.


Special Color:  Red which is the color of fire and excitement.


Cities:  Florence, Naples, Verona, and Marseilles


Countries:  England, Germany, and Poland


Flowers:  Geranium, Honeysuckle and Sweet Pea


Trees:  All thorn-bearing trees


Metal:  Iron


Animals ruled by Aires:  Sheep and Rams


Dangers:  Aries people are susceptible to hard from fire and sharp instruments.  They are also prone to accidents involving high speed, and ten to get into violent and dangerous situations. 


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Courage


The Inner You: 

You like to be in charge, you want to control your own projects and plans, and not be under anyone else's thumb.  You have an intense drive to succeed and put a lot of pressure on yourself,  Inside, you are filled with nervous energy and worry about how you are going to handle everything,  You hate to be bore: you are always looking for something different - new people and places that promise excitement and adventure.  you have very little patience; you need to practice sticking with things and seeing them out. You are impatient with people who cannot resolve a problem.  You believe in taking action.  What you do have are great generosity and enthusiasm.  And although you suffer from occasional self-doubt, you know that if you really want to do something, you can.  


How Others May See You:

Your upbeat, magnetic personality pulls people toward you - you bring excitement into their lives.  They envy your aggressiveness in meeting a challenge,  Whatever the problem, you  give the impression that you have an answer ready.  you are also admired for your honestly; you do not gloss over difficulties. What people do not like is your tendency toward bossiness and your deserved reputation for being sharp-tongued.  They are afraid to cross you in an argument because they know you can cut them to the quick.









Duality:  Feminine


Triplicity (Element):  Earth


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Fixed

Taurus is quiet, affectionate, patient, stable, determined and practical, stubborn, and resistant to change.


Ruling Planet:  Venus

Roman goddess of beauty and the arts, pleasure, emotions.  In astrology, Venus's influence inclines toward a love of luxury and exceptional creative ability.  


Symbol:  The Bull

Strong, stubborn, plodding, can be both fierce and gentle.


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  Horns and the head of the Bull.  It also outlines the chin and Adam's apple of the human throat (the part of the anatomy that Taurus rules).  In symbolic terms, the glyph is a half-moon forming a cup that rests on the circle of the Sun.  The cup represents material power and wealth derived through the force of will (the circle).


Dominant Keyword:  I HAVE


Polarity: Scorpio

Taurus is the sign of prosperity and money. Its natives put a high regard on collecting possessions and are known to cling to what is theirs.  Scorpio, Taurus's opposite sign, is the sign of legacies and shared wealth.  the wealth of Scorpio people tends to be spiritual rather than material, which they give to others in the form of teaching, writing, and the healing arts.


Part of the body ruled by Taurus: Neck and Throat

Many Taurus people have beautiful speaking and singing voices.  But they are vulnerable to colds, laryngitis, sore throats, and thyroid problems.  


Lucky Day:  Friday


Lucky Numbers:  6 and 4 


Magical Birthstone:  Emerald

Protects against infidelity and deceit, ensures loyalty, and improves memory.  


Special Color:  Pale Blue and Mauve:  The soft colors of refinement and gentleness.


Cities:  Dublin, Lucerne, Leipzig, St. Louis


Countries:  Ireland, Switzerland, Cyprus and Greece


Flowers:  Violet and Poppy


Trees:  Cypress and Apple Trees


Metal:  Copper


Animals ruled by Taurus:  Cattle


Dangers:  Taurus people have a tendency to get involved in violent situations that have to do with love or money.  They often antagonize others and incite the passion of loves because of their stubbornness and possessiveness.


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Dependability


The Inner You: 

You need order in your life, you get anxious when things are out of control.  And because the unfamiliar makes you feel insecure, you tend to cut yourself off from fresh experiences.  You need to be more open to change.  Having beautiful things is important to you, and your instinct for collecting even spills over into relationships.  you hold fast to those you care about.  You have a few close friends rather than many casual acquaintances.  In love, you are happiest when involved in a caring, committed relationship.  You are deeply sensitive, a rebuff or hard word is very upsetting to you, and with strangers, you often feel self-conscious.   


How Others May See You:

You are thought of as a serene influence, someone to depend on, and you are admired for your organized mind.  Not many people realize that you are sensitive and easily wounded.  You are trusted as a tastemaker, and your artistic and esthetic opinion is welcomed.  Because you have sound instincts about money, your financial advice is also sought.  On the other hand, people resent your tendency to be dogmatic.  Even if you are right, other do not understand why you have to be so unyielding. 












Duality:  Masculine


Triplicity (Element):  Air


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Mutable

Gemini is lively, energetic, versatile and intellectual, lives primarily in the mind rather than the emotions, and is extremely adaptable to new situations. 


Ruling Planet:  Mercury

Ancient messenger of the gods.  In astrology, Mercury rules communication and travel.  Its influence emphasizes quick cleverness and a nervous temperament.  


Symbol:  The Twins

Associated with duality, humanism, versatility, communication. 


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  Represents the two figures of the Twins.

The dual symbol also pictures of the human arms and lungs (the parts of the body that Gemini rules).  In symbolic terms, two upright lines bounded by top and bottom lines represents wisdom, learning and the powers of the mind to synthesis information.


Dominant Keyword:  I THINK


Polarity: Sagittarius

Gemini is the sign of thought and communication on a personal level.  Natives of Gemini strive for self-expression, and try to impose their point of view on others.  Sagittarius, which is Gemini's opposite sign, is the sign governing the wider provenance of philosophy and mental exploration.  Sagittarian people tend to shrink from close personal involvement and, unlike Gemini, are shaped by what others think of them.


Part of the body ruled by Gemini: The Hands, Arms, Shoulders and Lungs

Geminis are susceptible to strains and accidents involving arms and hands; also prone to bronchitis and respiratory ailments.


Lucky Day:  Wednesday


Lucky Numbers:  5 and 9


Magical Birthstone:  Agate

A multicolored precious stone that protects from deception and falsehood, and bestows eloquence, especially in declarations of love. 


Special Color:  Yellow: Bright and luminous, the color of novelty.


Cities:  London, San Francisco, Versailles, Melbourne


Countries:  United States, Wales, Belgium


Flowers:  Lily of the Valley, Lavender


Trees:  Nut-bearing Trees


Metal:  Mercury


Animals ruled by Gemini:  Brightly colored birds and butterflies


Dangers:  Gemini people are prone to accidents while traveling, especially by air.  their fickle natures also ten to arouse unexpected angers in others, the depth of which Geminis often misjudge. 


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Responsiveness


The Inner You: 

You react instantly to new situations , but because you are so keenly attuned to your environment, you tend to have a nervous temperament.  And though you give off sparks of energy, excitement, and charm, inside you feel like a wound-up spring.  Others are fascinated by your enthusiasm while inwardly you are already bored with this person or that project.  In our relationships, you are very giving but you also need time for yourself.  You like to perform, using your wit and intelligence to move to center stage.  You love to gossip, mostly because you find out such interesting things.  You are generous with your time, friendship, and possessions.  One problem is that instead of looking at people's deeper qualities, you tend to judge them by their reaction to you.  Are you coming off well; are you mesmerizing them?  


How Others May See You:

People like to be around you because you are interesting and amusing.  They admire you for your talent with words and sense of humor.  Although you are considered more of a cerebral type, friends trust your judgment about emotional matters.  Only those closest to you know you can be moody and discouraged.  When crossed you can be sarcastic, which makes some people think you are arrogant. 













Duality:  Feminine


Triplicity (Element):  Water


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Cardinal

Cancer is receptive, sensitive, and imaginative, sympathetic, kind and emotional, and possess an active,, shrewd, and intuitive mind.


Ruling Planet:  The Moon

Earth's one satellite, which waxes and wanes and exerts a powerful magnetic influence.  In astrology, the moon governs emotions and intuitive behavior .


Symbol:  The Crab

Possessing an impenetrable exterior covering soft flesh underneath.  As the first sign of dance, it withdraws into its shell and scuttles back to the sea, where it feels safe.


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  The claws of the Crab.  It is also a picture of the human breasts (a part of the anatomy that Cancer rules).  In symbolic terms, the glyph is two circles tied to the moons represent force and energy expressed through emotions and imagination. 


Dominant Keyword:  I FEEL


Polarity: Capricorn

Cancer is the sign of home and family life.  Cancerians seek close personal relationships and a re happiest surrounded by the familiar and those whom they love.  Capricorn, Cancer's opposite sign, is the sign of reputation and public standing.  Natives of the Capricorn are concerned with the image they project, and they search for power and fulfillment in the outside world. 


Part of the body ruled by Cancer: The Breasts and Stomach

Cancerians love to eat and have to fight weight gain in later years.  They are also subject to digestive ailments caused by tention and emotional stress.  


Lucky Day:  Monday


Lucky Numbers:  3 and 7


Magical Birthstone:  Pearl

Changes bad fortune into good and discord into harmony.  It also brings support from influential people.  


Special Color:  Sea green and Silver.  The shimmering colors of the water and the moon.


Cities:  Venice, Amsterdam, New York, and Algiers


Countries:  Scotland, Holland and New Zealand


Flowers:  Larkspur and Acanthus


Trees:  Trees rich in sap


Metal:  Silver


Animals ruled by Cancer:  Those with shell coverings


Dangers:  Cancer people are susceptible to accidents in the home.  They are also prone to becoming victims of theft. 


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Loyalty


The Inner You: 

On the surface you are the picture of calm and strength, but underneath you ten to feel insecure and inadequate.  You are  positive that other people know what they are doing while you are just winging it.  You also imagine the worst outcome to a scenario, never the best.  You are a very emotional person; you are constantly feeling.  Hearing a song on the radio makes you feel sentimental, and a particular scent, flower or picture can jar your memory.  You are also extraordinarily in sync with other people's feelings.  In fact, you get almost as involved in your friends' problems as you would your own.  When you are close to someone you believe you are supposed to help that person.  Harmony is important to you - any kind of conflict or quarrel leaves you feeling depressed.  However, you are definitely not wishy-washy; you have the courage of your convictions and the strength to stick up for what you think is right.  You do not welcome change, and are hesitant about going ahead with something untried, yet this does not stop you from doing what has to be done.  


How Others May See You:

Those in your circle think of you as a den mother - the one who tries to fix other people's problems and make sure everyone is happy.  They like your concern for their well-being and cherish your wise counsel.  But why, even if they follow your advice, do they keep it a secret from you?  Because they think you are controlling and do not want to be a puppet on your string.  They also think you are moody, you are crabby and to be avoided at all costs.  In your career, you are viewed as someone who can quickly spot an opportunity for financial gain.









Duality:  Masculine


Triplicity (Element):  Fire


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Fixed

Leo is enthusiastic, powerful, expansive and creative, generous and extravagant, dogmatic and fixed in opinion.


Ruling Planet:  The Sun

Center of our solar system, a star that burns with intense fire and supplies us with light, heat, and energy.  In astrology, the Sun is the most powerful planetary influence, bestowing virality and authority.  


Symbol:  The Lion

Regal, brave, dominating, sometimes indolent.  Possessing nobility and pride.


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  Two halves of the human heart (a part of the anatomy that Leo rules).  It is also the Greek symbol for the first letter of Leo.  In symbolic terms, it is two incomplete circles of the Sun joined by a crescent Moon, symbolizing power derived from both the intellect and the emotions.


Dominant Keyword:  I WILL


Polarity: Aquarius

Leo is the sign that governs pleasure and creativity.  Natives of Leo look for what they can get our of life for themselves, and ten to dominate others.  Aquarius, Leo's opposite sign, is the sign of hopes and wishes and the higher aspirations of mankind.  Aquarian people are concerned with larger ideals, humanitarian concepts, and are more impersonal and aloof in their relationships.


Part of the body ruled by Leo: The Back, Spine, and Heart

Emotional strain and physical overexertion cause back and spine ailments in Leo people.


Lucky Day:  Sunday


Lucky Numbers:  8 and 9


Magical Birthstone:  Ruby

Protects against physical injury and ensures faithfulness.  It also brings its wearer serenity of the mind. 


Special Color:  Gold and Orange: The magnetic colors of the Sun.


Cities:  Rome, Prague, Damascus, and Hollywood


Countries:  France, Italy and Romania


Flowers:  Sunflower and Marigold


Trees:  Orange and all Citrus Trees


Metal:  Gold


Animals ruled by Leo:  All Felines


Dangers:  Leo people tend to be bombastic and challenging, and often unknowingly provoke others into impulsive violence.  They are also prone to being victims of slander. 


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Exuberance


The Inner You: 

You have larger-than-life emotions; whether you are experiencing joy, despair, excitement, or love, it might as well be playing on a giant movie screen.  You feel you have an important role to play in life and you are going to find it.  You need to be involved in the world; in fact, you ten to think of any plan or project that you are part of as an extension of who you are.  You believe in taking action,  Your immediate reaction to any problem is to do something about it rather than sit around pondering it.  But you are extremely sensitive and you try to hide this fact under a lot of bravado.  It is very important to you to get others' approval.  What makes you special, though, is that in spite of all your inner qualms, you jut out your chin and walk head-on into any challenge,  You have a deep seated need to prove your worth not to others but to yourself.  You will tackle any job just so you can say "I wasn't afraid to try!".  


How Others May See You:

You have regal quality, a way of standing out in a crowd.  The unique combination of the excitement you project, your sense of style, your way of speaking, and your laugh is what draws people to you.  They are also seduced by the fact that you think big, which feeds their own fantasies of success and power.  They are attracted to your energy and enthusiasm and you take-charge attitude.  They assume you will take a leadership position.  But some people dislike what they consider your king sized ego.  They think you hog the spotlight and that you are performing even when you are perfectly serious and sincere; they question your sincerity.  Others regard you as a showoff who mere talks a big game.  And there are those who think you have the temperament of a demanding, spoiled child.  









Duality:  Feminine


Triplicity (Element):  Earth


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Mutable

Virgo is reserved, modest, practical, discriminating and industrious, analytical and painstaking, seeking to know and understand.


Ruling Planet:  Mercury

Ancient god of communication and commerce.  In astrology, Mercury rules intelligence and reason, and predisposes toward a high-strung temperament.


Symbol:  The Virgin

Representing purity of motive, modesty, industriousness, and service of oneself and one's talents toward helping others.  The virgin is usually pictured holding a sheaf of wheat that symbolizes the utilization of ideas and skills to benefit (nourish) the world.  


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  The symbol represents a Virgin, for it is a pictograph of the human reproductive organs closed and untouched,  In symbolic terms, they glyph is a straight line connected to two curved lines, one of which is crossed.  This represents wisdom tied to feeling and emotion, and crossed by practicality.


Dominant Keyword:  I ANAYLZE


Polarity: Pisces

Virgo is the sign of work and self-improvement.  Its natives are perfectionists who dissect facts in order to find the truth and obtain all the information available.  Pisces, Virgo's opposite sign, is the sign of illusion and self-deception.  Pisceans are prone to dreaminess, imagination, vagueness, self-delusion, and escapism.


Part of the body ruled by Virgo: The Nervous System and the Intestines

Virgoans are prone to illness caused by stress and nervous tension.  They are particularly susceptible to ulcers. 


Lucky Day:  Wednesday


Lucky Numbers:  5 and 3


Magical Birthstone:  Sapphire

Brings tranquility of mind and protects against illness and injury while traveling.  


Special Color: Navy Blue and Gray.  Classic colors of refinement and taste.


Cities:  Paris, Boston, Heidelberg, and Strasbourg


Countries:  Turkey, Greece, Crete, and West Indies


Flowers:  Morning Glories and Pansy


Trees:  Nut-bearing Trees


Metal:  Mercury


Animals ruled by Virgo:  Small domestic pets


Dangers:  Virgo people sometimes arouse anger and violence in others because of their tendency to interfere, their critical tongues and their unemotional attitudes.   


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Conscientiousness


The Inner You: 

You have plenty of willpower and dedication, and you work harder than anyone to make sure something is perfect.  Why? Because if you cannot do everything superbly you begin to fear that you are failing.  You are much too critical of yourself.  Actually, you are an enigma that no one has quite figured out.  You hold back with people you do not know well and are reserved even with those you love.  Inwardly, though, you feel very deeply.  Intensity and extreme sensitivity are part of your secret self.  You like looking after others - giving advice to friends, feeding stray animals, tending to sick plants, but you need to be appreciated for the kind things you do.  Above all, you want to be useful because you truly care about people.   


How Others May See You:

You are regarded as a real go-getter.  People trust you to handle any job.  They think of you as a person who can analyze almost any problem in a logical way.  Others come to you when they want their own actions explained to them, or are feeling confused about relationships.  You are valued for your ability to set priorities and to create order our of confusion.  Because you are both discriminating and truthful, people trust your judgement on books, theater, and clothes.  However, you do not wear your heart on your sleeve, and as a result others often perceive you as haughty and cold.  









Duality:  Masculine


Triplicity (Element):  Air


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Cardinal

Libra is active, artistic, easygoing, peaceable, prizes beauty and harmony, is diplomatic, polished, and very socially inclined. 


Ruling Planet:  Venus

Goddess of love and beauty.  In astrology, Venus rules pleasure, social pursuits, art, and adornment,  Its influence also inclines toward self-indulgence and love of luxury.  


Symbol:  The Scales

Signifying balance, equilibrium, order and justice.


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  The pictograph represents the Scale, which is in perfect equilibrium.  This was the ancient Egyptian symbol for the setting sun which was regarded as the doorway between two worlds.  In symbolic terms, the glyph is a crescent moon connected to two straight lines resting above a third line.  This represents emotion bounded on either side by reason; the line below symbolizes partnership.


Dominant Keyword:  I BALANCE


Polarity: Aires

Libra is the sign of partnership and marriage.  Its natives are happiest functioning within a union, and often lose their equilibrium and positive outlook when forced to be alone.  Aries, Libra's opposite sign, is the sign of ego, personality and self.  Aries people tend to put themselves first, and selfishness is one of their negative traits.


Part of the body ruled by Libra: The Lower Back, Buttocks, and Kidneys

Librans suffer from lower back strain and problems in the lumbar region.  They are also subject to kidney infections.


Lucky Day:  Friday


Lucky Numbers:  6 and 9


Magical Birthstone:  Opal

Brings financial success and frees its wearer from jealousy and greed, and imparts clear insight.  


Special Color:  Blue and Lavender: The colors of romance, harmony and refinement.


Cities:  Vienna, Copenhagen, Charleston, and Lisbon


Countries:  Burma, China, Tibet, Argentina, and Japan


Flowers:  Rose, Cosmos, and Hydrangea


Trees:  Almond, Cypress and Ash


Metal:  Copper


Animals ruled by Libra:  Snakes and Lizards


Dangers:  Libra people tend to stir up ill feelings from others in situations having to do with love.  Because they are indecisive and sometimes make a declaration of love too easily, Librans both anger and disappoint lovers.  They also have a tendency to be fickle and faithless. 


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Charm


The Inner You: 

You work hard trying to please others and as a result, they find you captivating.  However, beneath your friendly exterior, you desperately long for love and approval.  You have trouble saying no to others' requests and you take on too many jobs or commitments, and then to prove how nice you are, you keep smiling though the strain while you hide a lot of resentment.  It might be more useful to spend time building up your self-esteem rather than looking to others to give it to you.  Basically, you give away your power.  You hate anything unpleasant and avoid conflict, vulgarity, or strife.  If life were a play, you would always insist on a happy ending.  The problem with trying to have constant peace and harmony is that you have trouble making decisions.  At times you fear that any more you make will bring something terrible crashing down around you.  If you could just lighten up and not be so hard on yourself, you would be much more satisfied with what you do achieve.  You have every ingredient for happiness.  


How Others May See You:

People feel important when they are with you because you always seem to understand their point of view.  You are considered warm and outgoing because you know how to draw people our, and you are thought of as someone with an unparalleled ability to deal with the public.  However, because you want others' approval, you tend to go along with what they want, and this sometimes makes you look wimpy.  To some people, you also appear vail and overly concerned with your appearance. 









Duality:  Feminine


Triplicity (Element):  Water


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Fixed

Scorpio is imaginative, passionate and emotional, subtle, persistent, intense, obstinate, and unyielding.


Ruling Planet:  Pluto

Ancient god of the netherworld and of the dead.  In astrology, Pluto rules regenerative forces, and the beginnings and ends of phases in life.


Symbol:  The Scorpion

A secretive, deadly creature than can poison its enemies.  Its sting is often fatal.


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  The pictograph is the stinger of the Scorpion connected to a representation of the human reproductive organs (the part of the anatomy that Scorpio rules).  This was the symbol in ancient times for the phoenix, bird of immortality and regeneration. In symbolic terms, the curved lines and arrow represent strong emotions tied to practicality and aiming toward higher consciousness.


Dominant Keyword:  I DESIRE


Polarity: Taurus

Scorpio is the sign of inheritance and legacies.  Its natives are given a sense of purpose and destiny, and find truest happiness in dispensing their life-force to others.  Taurus is the sign of possessions and owning, and people born under this sign want to possess, collect and have.  They will  not easily let go of what belongs to them.  


Part of the body ruled by Scorpio: The Genitals

Scorpio people are susceptible to infections of the urinary system and venereal disease.  In addition, their volatile emotions are often the cause of exhaustion and ill health.


Lucky Day:  Tuesday


Lucky Numbers:  2 and 4


Magical Birthstone:  Topaz

Releases occult powers and brings serenity of mind.  It also protects from enemies and illness.


Special Color:  Crimson, Burgundy, and Maroon: The glowing colors of passion.


Cities:  Liverpool, New Orleans, Washington, DC and Newcastle


Countries:  Norway, Algeria, Morocco and Tahiti


Flowers:  Chrysanthemum, and Rhododendron


Trees:  Blackthorn and Bushy Trees


Metal:  Plutonium


Animals ruled by Scorpio:  Insects and Crustaceans


Dangers:  Scorpio people evoke anger in others by their secretive and jealousy.  Their sharp, stinging tempers can also enrage others to the point of violence. 


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Idealism


The Inner You: 

You have great strength, determination, and willpower.  But no matter how clam and cool you appear on the outside, you have got a well of seething emotions underneath.  For the most part, though, you keep your intensity under control by channeling it into useful activities.  you are a high achiever, and you seem to "get" things in a flash - with powerful psychic feelings you have learned to trust.  Your instincts tell you that you are destined to do something important and you are not going to let yourself fail along the way.  Whey you tach on to a new opportunity, you explore it in great depth before going ahead.  Deep inside you is a gladiator spirit, and if you channel this fighting energy into positive goals (your continuing lesson), you will always be one of life's great winners.  At times, however, you feel you are a lone warrior in a harsh world.  you are a complex person who cannot always express how you feel, but one thing is certain:  The things you want, you want badly.    


How Others May See You:

It is probably your secretiveness that makes people so interested in finding out what you thing.  You are often the guru in a group, the one with uncanny hunches about the future and piercing insights into other people's motivations.  Many believe that even your humor contains the bard of truth.  People are aware of your reputation for sensuality and fantasize about you as a lover.  you are frequently viewed as over-controlling and too ambitious, even power hungry, but also as someone who can be trusted, because you never make false promises.









Duality:  Masculine


Triplicity (Element):  Fire


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Mutable

Sagittarius is energetic, ambitious, generous, freedom-loving, and a seeker of challenge, open to new ideas and exploration.


Ruling Planet:  Jupiter

The most important Roman god, ruler of the heavens.  In astrology, Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, optimism, expansion, abundance. 


Symbol:  The Archer

Representing directness, high aims, a love of outdoor activity and the chase. 


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  The pictograph represents the free-ranging, pointed arrow of the Archer.  It is also a picture of the human leg from thigh to knee (the part of the anatomy that Sagittarius rules).  In symbolic terms, it is the line of wisdom angled away from trouble and earthly concerns and pointing toward higher ideals.  


Dominant Keyword:  I SEE


Polarity: Gemini

Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy, higher learning, and broad concepts.  Its natives are happiest discovering new ideas, exploring distant places, and not getting tied down with personal commitments.  Gemini people are extremely verbal, love to give advice, and tend to try to guide, even control, other people's lives.  


Part of the body ruled by Sagittarius: The Liver, Hips, and Thighs

Sagittarian natives need lots of outdoor exercise in order to keep healthy.  They have a sensitive liver and are susceptible to overuse of alcohol and to hepatitis. 


Lucky Day:  Thursday


Lucky Numbers:  5 and 7


Magical Birthstone:  Turquoise

Attracts love, protects from harm, and gives its wearer the ability to see into the future.


Special Color:  Purple:  Uncommon color of royalty and the artistic.


Cities:  Budapest, Cologne, Toledo, and Acapulco


Countries:  Spain, Hungary and Australia


Flowers:  Narcissus, Holly and Dandelion


Trees:  Mulberry, Oak and Birch


Metal:  Tin


Animals ruled by Sagittarius:  Horse


Dangers:  Sagittarian people are subject to accidents of fire and explosion, especially while traveling.  Their strong desire for freedom may also incite jealousy and possessiveness on the part of a lover.   


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Optimism


The Inner You: 

Like Scarlett O'Hara, your motto is "Tomorrow is another day."  Even in your darkest moods, you believe there is a light shining around the corner.  Your confidence in the future is genuine, but you hate anything interfering with your plans.  You have a hunger to experience life to its fullest 0 to travel, meet interesting people, and see thing s you have never seen before.  Anything new sparks your interest.  In fact, you will usually say yes to a suggestion without weighing its merits simply because it lifts your spirits.  And while you are not exactly a moody person, you are high string and can become irritable when you start to get bored.  You may think no one cares about you or understands you when you are feeling this way, but luckily your belief that you are someone special always sees you through.  


How Others May See You:

People like your sense of humor and your buoyant presence.  No matter what goes wrong, you are ready with an upbeat explanation and forecast for the future.  You are also the first to volunteer help; colleagues and friends appreciate your willingness to do favors.  People like your frankness, although sometimes they thing you can be too frank and you put your foot in your mouth too often.  To some you seem fickle and undependable, perhaps a bit too detached emotionally.  In general, you are viewed as an unpredictable, independent spirit. 









Duality:  Feminine


Triplicity (Element):  Earth


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Cardinal

Capricorn is reserved, prudent, patient, uses strategy instead of force, seeks security, is acquisitive, disciplined, determined, and quick to seize opportunity.


Ruling Planet:  Saturn

Roman god who presided over the sowing and reaping of grain.  In ancient times, the outermost planet of the known universe. In astrology, Saturn represents obstacles, limitation, restriction, discipline, responsibility.  


Symbol:  The Goat

A surefooted animal who is able to ascend the heights by taking advantage of every foothold.  The goat butts its way through obstructions. 


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  The V-Shaped beard of the Goat and the curved tail of the Fish (the Sea-Goat, which was the ancient symbol for Capricorn).  It also pictures the human knee and circular kneecap (the part of  the anatomy that Capricorn rules).  In symbolic terms, the glyph is two straight lines that meet one another, connected to a circle and a crescent.  This represents the melding of authority and responsibility that is strengthen by both energy and passion. 


Dominant Keyword:  I USE


Polarity: Cancer

Capricorn is the sign governing reputation, career, standing in the community. Its natives seek honor, praise, and approval in the world at large, but ten to be emotionally reserved in personal relationships.  Cancer, Capricorn's opposite sign, is the sign of domestically and home life.  Cancerians derive security from the love and closeness of mates and family members.


Part of the body ruled by Capricorn: The Bones, Joints and Knees

Capricorn natives often have beautiful bone structure, but they are subject to stiff joints, rheumatism and orthopedic problems. 


Lucky Day:  Saturday


Lucky Numbers:  2 and 8


Magical Birthstone:  Garnet

Attracts popularity, high esteem, and true love.


Special Color:  Dark Green and Brown: Classic. comforting colors of nature and the earth.


Cities:  Oxford, Boston, Brussels, Chicago, and Montreal


Countries:  Mexico, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, and India


Flowers:  Carnation and Ivy


Trees:  Pine, Elm and Poplar


Metal:  Lead


Animals ruled by Capricorn:  Goats and animals with cloven hoofs


Dangers:  Other people may harbor hidden grudges and resentments because of Capricorn's coldness and reserve.  Secrets from the past are often used against Capricorns.


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Steadiness


The Inner You: 

You do not need anyone to convince you that life is serious business; you have know it all along. That is what keeps you anxiously asking yourself: Am I fulfilling my responsibilities?  Am I  achieving as much as I should? Am I self-reliant enough? You know you have the persistence and strength of purpose to reach your goals.  But you also have a deep need to connect on an emotional level in your relationships so that you won't feel separated from those you care about.  You worry about keeping all that is valuable to you - which includes relationships.  Despite your intelligence and the fact that you are so determined, you often require discipline and order - chaos drives you crazy and makes you doubt yourself and what  you are capable of.  But maybe the gods meant for you to have some doubts; if you believed you are as powerful as your really are, you would be impossible to live with.  


How Others May See You:

You are often seen as an irresistible force and an immovable object.  People put you in charge because you are decisive, you are famous for having a great sense of realism.  When others need a rational head in a crisis, they call on you.  In personal relationships, some friends will stand in line to unload their problems on you; others avoid you because they think your outlook is too downbeat.  Everyone agrees that it is difficult to divert you from your course when you have set a goal.  Some people feel that in order to find the real you they have to strip away layers of secrecy, but most understand that your aloofness stems from a deep sense of personal privacy.









Duality:  Masculine


Triplicity (Element):  Air


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Fixed

Aquarius is assertive, independent, progressive, analytical, original, and inventive, has strong dislikes and firm opinions.


Ruling Planet:  Uranus

Ancient Greek sky god, first ruler of the universe.  It was the first modern planet to be discovered  (in 1781).  In astrology, Uranus is the planet of change, disruption, the unconventional, and the unexpected.  It rules inventions, aerodynamics, and modern science.  


Symbol:  The Water Bearer

Dispending a gift that glows freely and equally to all; representing creation and the giving of life.  The water that the Water Bearer pours out symbolizes truth, which you freely give out to the world.


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  The pictograph represents water the flows from the vessel of the Water Bearer.  It is also a picture of the human ankle in motion (the part of the anatomy that Aquarius rules).  In symbolic terms, the ridged unbroken lines represent electric energy, universal thought, and the wisdom of the future..


Dominant Keyword:  I KNOW


Polarity: Leo

Aquarius is the sign of hopes and dreams, friends and wishes.  Its natives tend to be idealistic humanitarians who are concerned with the larger issues of the world but remain personally detach in their own relationships.  Leo, Aquarius's opposite sign, is the sign of pleasure, affection and love affairs.  Leo people look for fun and good times to make them happy; they need close ties with others and ten to dominate in love affairs.


Part of the body ruled by Aquarius:  The Circulatory System, Shins and Ankles 

Aquarius natives are prone toward ankle sprains and breaks,  also to varicose veins and hardening of the arteries.


Lucky Day:  Wednesday


Lucky Numbers:  1 and 7


Magical Birthstone:  Amethyst:

Brings faithfulness in love and bestows the gift of prescience.


Special Color:  Electric Blue: the clear color of the sky


Cities:  Stockholm, Moscow, Buenos Aires, and Salzburg


Countries:  Russia, Sweden and Ethiopia


Flowers:  Orchid


Trees:  Fruit Trees


Metal:  Uranium


Animals ruled by Aquarius:  Large Birds


Dangers:  Aquarians are innovative, unconventional, and sometimes eccentric, and are therefore often targets for attack by narrow-minded people.  Aquarians also have a tendency to get into unusual situations and take up with oddball individuals.


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Friendliness


The Inner You: 

The most frequent question you ask is "Why?"   You want to understand what makes other people tick.  Their lives fascinate you because you hope they will offer you insight into your own.  You have plenty of love to give and you want nothing more than to have lots of interesting friends, a wonderful love  relationship, fulfilling work and for the world to be a better place and everyone to be happy.  One of your best kept secrets is how shy and insecure you are.  You wonder if the people you care about feel the same way about you, this is why you work so hard to make others like you.  You want to share yourself, but are afraid of losing who you are or becoming what other people think you should be.  Yet somehow your feelings of insecurity manage to coexist with a belief that you are someone special.


How Others May See You:

You are often regarded as slightly eccentric, not necessarily strange, but certainly an independent character, a kind of daredevil with an unusual way of looking at things.  People consider you a pathfinder, a member of the real avant-garde.  they think you have a wicked sense of humor, an ability to shock and amuse at the same time.  They know you are open to new ideas, especially when these ideas are yours.  People are drawn to your friendliness and enthusiasm, but they withdraw quickly when you turn acid-tongued.  Sometimes, because you need so much personal freedom, you give the impression of being uncaring or distant.  Those around you may also become annoyed at your stubbornness.  









Duality:  Feminine


Triplicity (Element):  Water


Quadruplicity (Quality):  Mutable

Pisces is receptive, intuitive and emotional, imaginative, romantic, impressionable and mystical, adaptable, and very changeable.


Ruling Planet:  Neptune

Ancient god of the sea: second of the modern planets to be discovered (in 1846).  In astrology, Neptune is the planet of illusion, glamour, mystery, deception.


Symbol:  Two Fishes tied to one another swimming in opposite directions

Signifying hidden depths, shifting emotional currents, conflicting desires, and extremes of temperament.  


Glyph (Written Symbol) :  The two Fishes tied together is also a picture of the human feet (the part of the anatomy that Pisces rules).  In symbolic terms, the glyph is two crescent moons connected by a straight line.  This represents emotion and higher consciousness tied to and limited by the material world.


Dominant Keyword:  I BELIEVE


Polarity: Virgo

Pisces is the sign of dreams and mysticism.  Its natives trust their intuitions and feelings and tend to seek more spiritual values in life.  Virgo, Pisces's opposite sign, is the sign of work and service.  Virgo people deal in facts and reality; they are practical and strive for material success. 


Part of the body ruled by Pisces: The Feet

Pisceans have beautifully shaped, sensitive feet that are unfortunately prone to aches, bunions and corns.  Ill-fitting shoes are a particular hazard to people of this sign. 


Lucky Day:  Friday


Lucky Numbers:  2 and 6


Magical Birthstone:  Aquamarine

Magnifies occult powers and brings serenity of mind.  It also protects its wearer while traveling on the sea.  


Special Color:  Pale Green and Turquoise: The dreamy colors of the sea.


Cities:  Casablanca, Alexandria, Lisbon, Seville and Dublin


Countries:  Portugal, and the Sahara Desert


Flowers:  Water Lily, White Poppy and Jonquil


Trees:  Fig and Willow


Metal:  Platinum


Animals ruled by Pisces:  Fish


Dangers:  Pisceans have a high susceptibility to alcohol and drugs.  They are also easily drawn into unpredictable situations and unbalanced people. 


Your Most Likeable Trait:  Compassion


The Inner You: 

You absorb impressions, images and emotions from everything around you, and then filter them through your rose-colored view of how you would like things to be.  This is not to say you cannot deal with reality, it is just that you like to think of life as an ultraromantic movie filled with happy endings and where everyone has the best possible motives.  You are a big bundle of feelings.  you feel intense joy and happiness when you are involved in a creative project or a loving relationship.  the opposite is also true:  you can suffer greater depths of sadness than most.  Yet you are tougher than most people think.  Push you down and you keep bouncing back like a runner bathtub toy.  You are charged with energy and get caught up in what is going on around you.  Your greatest strength is in giving to others; you are always ready to help whoever needs you.


How Others May See You:

Everyone thinks you are his or her special friend, that they have your undivided attention.  You are thought of as solicitous and concerned.  You are also known as a sparkling social presence - witty, vivacious, and always interested in new activities. People consider you artistic and somewhat bohemian, and are impressed by your psychic sensibility.  They value you as a confidant but, oddly, the more people lean on you, the weaker they think you are.  


Let's adventure into each Houses of Astrology...

As far back as Babylonian times, ancient astrologers divided life into different categories.  They understood that a life's journey consists of a myriad of activities and emotions, of work, ambition, hopes and dreams, and relationships.


Babylonian astrologers named twelve separate categories of life, which have come down to us from that time almost unchanged. They represent the areas of experience where the energies of the zodiac sign and planets function together  These twelve divisions are called Houses. 


Your horoscope, which is a map of your individual personality, consists of all twelve Houses.  


The 12 houses show where in the sky each luminary (the sun and the moon) and the planets appeared when you were born, wherever on Earth you were born. Houses represent the rotation of the earth around its axis over the course of 24 hours.

12 Houses in Astrology 


  • 1st house – Aries – Ruled by Mars

  • 2nd house – Taurus – Ruled by Venus

  • 3rd house – Gemini – Ruled by Mercury

  • 4th house – Cancer – Ruled by The Moon

  • 5th house – Leo – Ruled by The Sun

  • 6th house – Virgo – Ruled by Mercury

  • 7th house – Libra – Ruled by Venus

  • 8th house – Scorpio – Ruled by Scorpio

  • 9th house – Sagittarius – Ruled by Jupiter

  • 10th house – Capricorn – Ruled by Saturn

  • 11th house – Aquarius – Ruled by Saturn

  • 12th house – Pisces – Ruled by Jupiter


12 Houses Lord


  • Aries Lord is Lord Murugan/Subramanya Swamy

  • Taurus Lord is Sri MahaLakshmi

  • Gemini Lord is Sri Mahavishnu

  • Cancer Lord is Sri Parvati Devi

  • Leo Lord is Shivan

  • Virgo Lord is Sri Mahavishnu

  • Libra Lord is Sri Mahalakshmi

  • Scorpio Lord is Murugan/Subramanya Swamy

  • Sagittarius Lord is Sri Dakshanamurthy, Saints and Siddhas

  • Capricon Lord is Shivan

  • Aquarius Lord is Shivan

  • Pisces Lord is Sri Dakshanamurthy, Saints and Siddhas

Planets in the Houses

First House: This is the House of Self

It is the most personal and most powerful House in your chart, for it symbolizes you (your mannerisms, style, disposition and temperament).  This is the house of your outward behavior, your likes and dislikes.  The First House reveals both the way you present yourself to others and the way the outside world sees you.  It often indicates your physical characteristics, especially your head and facial features.  Sometimes referred to as the House of Self interest, it denotes what you want  in life and how you go about achieving it.  The place in your chart at which this House begins is the most important point in a horoscope, for it determines where all the other Houses will follow.  The First House is thought of as a giant lens through which the rest of your chart is seen and interpreted.

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You have strong will and send of self , and you like lots of attention.  You are an independent person with leadership ability.

Positives: Healthy constitution, generous, confident and dignified.

Negatives:  Authorative, egotistical, and dictatorial.


Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

You are imaginative in the way you express yourself and intuitive about other people.  Home and family mean a great deal to you, and you remember your childhood with nostalgia.  You want to be appreciated and admired, and would like to be famous. 

Positives: Receptive, romantic, and curious.

Negatives: Oversensitive, moody, and a tendency to dissipate energies.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You are mentally alert, inquisitive, and humorous, and you need intellectual challenge.  You like to travel and enjoy talking to people.  You may be known as an idea person and are probably a good mimic.  

Positives: Adaptable, active, good writing and speaking.

Negatives: Restless, indecisive, and think too much about yourself.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You are affectionate, flirtatious and usually  quite good-looking.  You have charming social manners and like to have companionship.  Your appearance is important to you and you tend to spend too much money on yourself. 

Positives: Sympathetic, artistic, and a cheerful personality.

Negatives: Lazy, narcissistic, too fond of pleasure and luxury.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You are impulsive and independent, and dislike taking advice from others.  You approach new projects with energy and confidence, and are capable of hard work. you have strong sex desires and are passionate in lovemaking. 

Positives: Strong body, self-assertive, courageous.

Negatives: Inconsiderate, pushy, domineering, and accident prone.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You have a buoyant, cheerful disposition, and are a success socially.  You inspire confidence, are optimistic, and tend to be generous with your time and energy.  You are blessed with luck and things usually turn out for the best in life. 

Positives: Jovial, broad-minded, expansive, and kind.

Negatives:  Self-indulgent, gullible, with a marked tendency to gain weight. You are sometimes faithless in love.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You are persistent, have organizing ability and are capable of self-discipline.  You are patient and a bit shy, feel nervous underneath (which you keep under tight self-control), and you want your talents and work to be recognized.

Positives: Industrious, good powers of endurance, and a keen sense of responsibility.

Negatives: Stubborn and set in ways, afraid of new beginnings, and secretive.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

You have an inventive mind and may take up unusual interests or hobbies.  Your life is often marked by sudden and unexpected beginnings.  You have a high strung personality and an independent way of looking at things.  You can be strong-willed about getting your own way.

Positives: Visionary, idealistic, and sensitive to other people.

Negatives: Procrastination, changeable, weak-willed, and never satisfied.


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You have an intense and magnetic personality, and you seek adventure.  You learned to be self-sufficient when you were young and are inclined to be a loner.

Positives: Great strength, relentless in pursuing a goal, and potential for self-transformation.

Negatives: Inscrutable, vindictive and ruthless.


Second House:  This is the House of Money and Possessions

It relates to what you won in life and what you will acquire, your income, and your financial prospects.  This is the House of movable possessions, the things you physically take with you as your move through life.  The Second House also tells you how you feel about money and possessions, and give a clue to the kind of objects with which you like to surround yourself.  To a certain extent it gives a picture of your earning power and ability to hand money.  The Second House often shows what activities and projects may be a lucrative source of income for you.

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You need security and tend to attract money, nut it comes into and goes out of your life rather quickly.  You like to spend on luxuries and many of your possessions increase in value over time. You often gain through influential people.

Positives:  Generous, great reserves of strength, persistent, and creative in financial affairs.

Negatives:  Possessive, greedy, ostentatious, money and possessions become status symbols.


Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

You are able to earn money creatively, by using your imagination, and through the public, selling to the public, appearing in public, etc.  Your financial affairs fluctuate and tend to be unsettled. You are sometimes thrifty and careful, at other times wasteful and careless.

Positives: Tenacious with a keen sense for what is lucrative, security-minded with an ability to plan for the future.

Negatives: Greedy, extravagant, you spend money emotionally and often unwisely.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You are able to earn money in intellectual enterprises, writing, teaching, lecturing, or in any field of communications.  You like to spend money on travel and education, and for gadgets that make your life easier. Sometimes you have more than one source of income.    

Positives: Quick mind for financial opportunity, good bargaining powers and talents for salesmanship.

Negatives: Carless with money, impractical, vulnerable to trickery and theft.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You tend to prosper through social connections, marriage, or artistic pursuits. Business ventures with a partner are lucrative.  You like to spend on clothes, jewels, personal adornment, and pleasures.  If you are a man you tend to spend money on women.   

Positives: Generous, fair and honest in financial dealings, and an ability to use beautiful things profitably.

Negatives: Extravagance, love of luxury and expensive possessions, and inadequate willpower.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You have good earning power and make gains through your own effort and competitiveness.  Money is important to you, and you aggressively go after it.  You tend to have frequent financial crises but you recover quickly.  

Positives: Efficient, enterprising about new profit-making ideas, often have your own business.

Negatives: Impulsive spender, lavish, careless, vulnerable to losses because of fire, haste, or rashness.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You tend to make money easily and have a talent for financial dealings. Other people are attracted to your expansive ways and you often benefit through social contacts.  Depending on the other factors in your chart, you will gain affluence or spend all you get in wild extravagance.  Traveling or the travel industry is another source of wealth for you.

Positives: Honest in dealings, generous, and visionary about ne moneymaking ideas.

Negatives:  Materialistic, careless, and apt to suffer loss through legal entanglements.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You are ambitious about acquiring material comfort and tend to make long-range financial plans.  You are thrifty and shrewd, cautious about your investments: blue-chip stocks and more your style than get-rich-quick schemes. Money does not come in quickly; gain is slow and steady, and you must put in considerable effort.

Positives: Practical, persevering, and hardworking.

Negatives: Stingy, may encounter delays and obstacles in acquiring money.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

You tend to have an unusual source of income or your money opportunities pop up suddenly and unexpectedly.  Your long-term financial picture will probably have spectacular fluctuations.  If there are no opposing influences in your chart, you can expect to gain overall.  Antiques, curios, and collectibles are lucrative for you.

Positives: Inventive, resourceful, unusual eye for value.

Negatives: Sudden losses, erratic money dealings and financial problems with friends. 


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You are adventurous  about money and not afraid of taking risks.  You like to diversify, and during your lifetime.  You tend to become obsessed with possessions and finances.  

Positives: Unique fiscal talent, resourcefulness, and ability to win high return on your effort.

Negatives: Squanderer, selfish, tendency to be unscrupulous.


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

You are intuitive and imaginative about making money.  A more logical person would say your financial affairs are not run in a businesslike way.  In acquiring objects, you ten to be more interested in their esthetic value (their meaning to you), rather than their material value.

Positives: Generous to others in need, gain through creative work, an unmaterialistic.

Negatives: A careless or indifferent attitude toward money, too easily imposed on or swindled, and lazy.


Third House:  This is the House of Communication

The Third House relates to your immediate environment in three major areas: self-expression, your family ties, and day-to-day travel.  This House governs the way you think, speak and write.  Logic, memory and manual skill are in its domain.  The Third House often indicates what kind of early education you received, and your ability to study and learn.  Your relationships with brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins and neighbors are part of this House's influence.  Short trips and the vehicles for this type of travel are governed by the Third House, especially the travel you do for work or education.  

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You have an active, creative mind and need to communicate your ideas. Chances are you will be successful in writing, teaching, or lecturing.  Your ability to express yourself often makes you a leader in your field. 

Positives:  Ability to study, fluent, and cheerful personality.

Negatives:  Disorganized, arrogant, and tendency for misunderstandings with relatives.


Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

You tend to think emotionally and have a strong imagination. You dislike routine and your life is marked by many short trips. Your have a good memory, often change your opinion, and make good impressions when working with or appearing among the public.  

Positives: Inquisitive mind, good common sense, and successful writing about self or family.

Negatives: Moody, unstable, and tendency to interfere in the lives of others.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You have an alert manner and are versatile in handling both people and projects.  You are practical and efficient at coping with details.  People are drawn to your wit and humor and your eloquence in expressing yourself. 

Positives: Curious, logical, intelligent and sociable.

Negatives: Nervous worrier, indecisive, and apt to quarrel with relatives.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You are artistic, have an innate sense of taste and design, and win attention for your ideas in a way that people find charming.  You social life may involve taking a number of trips.  Love may come about because of travel or through correspondence.

Positives: Cheerful, creative, eloquent in both speech and writing.

Negatives: Mentally lazy, superficial and too swayed by emotion.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You are determined and active and usually speak your mind.  You like to be a leader and often get your way in things because you are so persuasive.  You tend to drive too fast or encounter difficulties while traveling.

Positives:  Alert. full of new ideas and can express yourself creatively.

Negatives:  Argumentative, especially with relatives, and vulnerable to loss in legal disputes.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You have an optimistic outlook and like to keep busy with a variety of intellectual interests.  Your mind is not content with a little knowledge; you want to know more. Travel is a beneficial influence for both pleasure and profit. 

Positives: Curious and open to new experience, able to share ideas, and good relationships with relatives.

Negatives:  Restless, impractical and reckless.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You have a practical and rather serious mind; you want to learn things so you can put them to use.  You have good powers of observation, and prefer to deal in facts rather than theories.  You sometimes procrastinate because you wait to make the right decision.  You may encounter difficulties or obstacles in getting an education.

Positives: Contemplative, preserving, and conscientious.

Negatives: Prone to pessimism, estrangement from relatives.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

You an independent mind and like to follow your own road rather than someone else's.  Travel in your life often comes up suddenly.  At times you can be strikingly original in the way you speak and write.

Positives: Creative, ingenious, and versatile.

Negatives: Restless, friction with relatives because of unconventional ideas, and prone to accidents while traveling. 


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You have a penetrating mind and seek to learn as much as possible.  There is an intensity to the way you speak and write, and which you can often use creatively.  Travel opens new experiences for you and sometimes mas a significant turning point in your life.

Positives: Curious, good concentration, original in your thinking.

Negatives:  Suspicious, manipulative and you want to dominate others.


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

Your mind is impressionable and imaginative, and you may have psychic feelings about other people.  You have a deep need to learn about life and are attracted to occult studies.  You like to daydream and fantasize.

Positives:  Idealistic, intuitive, and artistic.

Negatives: Discontented, may undervalue your capabilities, confused dealings with relatives.

Fourth House: This is the House of Home

The Fourth House governs your home life in the past, the present, and the future.  It indicates the kind of home you had in childhood and your relationship with parents.  What you have brought into this life from your ancestors is in its domain.  In the present, the Fourth House relates to the kind of home you make for yourself.  Your current domestic affairs are under its influence, as are real estate holdings and the ownership of land.  This House also rules over the closing years of your life, the kind of security you seek for old age.  The Fourth House is one of the more mystical houses in your chart, for it represents what you keep protected and secluded from the rest of the world, the place you call home in both a physical and emotional sense.

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You take pride in your home and family; from the time you were young you had a deep need to establish roots. One or both of your parents was a dominant influence in your life; in some cases you had to struggle for independence.  Conditions surrounding the end of your life promise to be fortunate.

Positives: You may benefit through inheritance.

Negatives: You have a tendency to feel insecure.



Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

You are protective toward your family and are (may become)a devoted parent.  During your lifetime you can expect to change residences often, and you like to live near water. During the latter part of life you may achieve public recognition.

Positives: Financial acumen in real estate or family possessions.

Negatives: You resist facing up to reality.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

Your home is often a place of study or work, and the work you do may lead to changes in your residence.  Your parents and early home life stimulated your curiosity to learn.  In your latter years you can expect to be mentally active and to have many contacts throughout the world. 

Positives: You deal rationally with family and as a parent.

Negatives: Restlessness and difficulty steeling down.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You home is usually your showplace and you like to surround yourself with beautiful things.  you tend to have memories of childhood and are probably attached to your mother.  Circumstances at the end of you life promise to be peaceful.

Positives: You promote harmony in domestic relationships.

Negatives: You are extravagant in buying possessions for your home.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You have a great desire to own your own home so that you can live independently.  In your childhood you may have been in conflict with parents, especially your father.  Your latter years promise to be active, and you are unlikely to be dependent on others for place to live.  

Positives:  Enterprising about making money at home.

Negatives:  Quarrelsome in domestic relations.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You tend to be happy and comfortable at home, and take pride in your family.  In childhood you probably felt secure and loved by your parents, and you inherit from them in either a spiritual or material way.  the latter part of your life should find you in comfortable circumstances.

Positives: You should find material success in the city or country of your birth.

Negatives:  Extravagant and overgenerous in domestic affairs or as a parent.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You are concerned about and devoted to your family.  In childhood you may have assumed responsibility at an early age. Saturn in the Fourth House sometimes indicates an early loss of a father.  You will look  after those who cared for your as a child when they are old.  You plan carefully for security in your old age, and are likely to spend your last years alone and independent.

Positives: You gain through real estate.

Negatives: Difficulty in expressing feelings to family members.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

You are not a domesticated creature and need a certain amount of independence.  You have had a different childhood from your friends, or your parents may have had unusual careers.  Your life may take a sudden turn and your latter years will be spend in an environment you cannot yet envision.

Positives: Successful at entertaining groups in your home.

Negatives:  You can be a disruptive influence in family relations.


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You care intensely  about family matters and want to dominate in your own home.  Your parents were probably a profound influence on you but you may never resolve your mixed feelings about your early home life.  Your latter years may be spent secluded and isolated, perhaps working on an important project.  

Positives: You feel responsibility toward the family.

Negatives:  May suffer early loss of parent or guardian.


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

You probably have an idealized picture of what home life should be like and are vaguely dissatisfied with what it really is. There may be family skeletons hidden somewhere. Your latter years will like be spent in a faraway place. 

Positives:  You are (may become) an imaginative and stimulating parent.  

Negatives: Tendency for confusion and misunderstandings in family affairs.

Fifth House: This is the House of Creativity and Sex

The Fifth House rules over everything you do for pleasure and to express yourself creatively.  Your sexual nature (the most basic creative urge in your psyche) is a large part of its domain.  Children and the joy you receive from them are governed by this House.  The Fifth House also relates to entertainment, holidays, amusements and the arts.  It rules love affairs, new undertakings in life, speculation and gambles, and games of chance.  It is the House that expresses your artistic talents as well as your ability to enjoy yourself in life.  In childhood, pets and playmates are part of this House, for it holds sway over all the things to which you instinctively give affection. This is the House of your heart. 

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You are energetic and creative, fond of pleasure and good living.  You are interested in art, theater, sports, and like to be with people.  You may have many love affairs, and you spend money with a free hand.  

Positives: Joy in children.

Negatives: Pride interferes with love relationships.



Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

You are impulsive about love and tend to follow your heart rather than your head.  You seek out pleasure in life; one of your love affairs is likely to become public knowledge.  You may have a child who becomes famous.  

Positives: Romantic and creative imagination.

Negatives: Overprotective and possessive of loves and or children.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You like change and new people, and probably have a number of love affairs.  A lover must keep you intellectually interested or you become bored.  You have a dramatic way of expressing yourself, and may possess artistic talent.

Positives: Flair for communicating with the public.

Negatives: Overcritical with loved ones.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You like social life and being in the spotlight. You attract romance, and usually have many lovers. You take pleasure in creative works and are affectionate with children.

Positives: You have the talent to succeed in the artistic and entertainment world.

Negatives: Self-indulgent and overly fond of applause.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You are rash and impulsive in love affairs, and sometimes too impatient in lovemaking.  You are competitive (in love, sports, socially) and need to be a winner. You have a personal magnetism that draws people to you. 

Positives:  Leadership ability.

Negatives:  Conflicts with loved ones because of ego.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You enjoy most forms of recreation - sporting events, parties, and thereafter are special factories.  If there are no opposing influences in your chard, you will be lucky in speculation. You are sometimes indiscreet about love affairs. 

Positives: Children bring happiness. 

Negatives:  Extravagant, sometimes gambling losses.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

Because you are disciplined and take life seriously, you often do not allow yourself to relax and have fun. You have strong feelings about those you love, but you also need their respect.  You may be stern with children.  Your periods of unhappiness have taught you a lesson in life.

Positives: Conscious of duty and responsibility to loved ones.

Negatives: Fear of giving too much of yourself in love.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

You are prone to sudden infatuations that also end abruptly. You may be engaged to marry and then break the engagement. You like novelty and experimentation in sex.

Positives:  Innovative and inventive in creative expression.

Negatives:  May be estranged from children.


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You are impetuous and passionate and will follow your desires where they lead you. You exaggerate the importance of your love affairs until you become intensely involved. You have a strong artistic bent.

Positives:  You feel responsible to love ones.

Negatives:  You harbor resentment against a past love.


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

You love pleasure and luxury; you are very drawn to the theater or cinema. You bring a fantasy quality to lovemaking. You may be involved in one or more illicit love affairs, which may cause sorrow.

Positives:  Artistic talent, especially as actress or actor.

Negatives: Vulnerable to loss through gambling or fraud.

Sixth House: This is the House of Service and Health

Often called the House of Service to Others, it indicates your need to help others and to be useful in the world.  In the old days it governed a person's attitude toward servants and those of inferior standing.  In the modern day, this House rules your relationship with the people you work with, with those who are subordinates, and with your employers.  The Sixth House also relates to your state of health and especially applies to illness brought on by worry or emotional upsets.  This House often signifies whether you have a robust or delicate constitution, and what kinds of diseases you may be subject to.

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You take pride in your work and have a talent for organization.  You need to feel appreciated. Health tends to be good, with strong recuperative powers, through you are subject to occasional nagging health problems, 

Positives: You are an efficient problem solver.

Negatives: You can be fussy and difficult to work for.



Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

You may change jobs frequently until you find something that truly suits you. Unhappiness at work may affect your health adversely. You may be especially prone to stomach trouble.

Positives: Intuitive and imaginative in work.

Negatives: Unstable and indecisive about responsibility.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You are something of a perfectionist, which can make day-to-day problems seem overwhelming. You take an interest in health, diet, and hygiene, and are usually well informed about the latest on these subjects. You have a tendency to be nervous and may have respiratory or stomach problems.

Positives: Practical and efficient, especially in work involving writing or communications.

Negatives: A worrier about health and work.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You strive for harmony and good relationships with associates on the job. You do not like hard or gritty physical labor. Health is good, though you tend to overindulge in eating and drinking. 

Positives: Work situation may bring romance.

Negatives: Tendency to laziness and letting others do the chores. 


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

In your work you set out to accomplish things. Keeping impulsiveness under control will make you more efficient.  You drive yourself hard and expect others to perform at your level. You have vitality and energy, but are prone to careless accidents.

Positives:  Can initiate new work methods.

Negatives:  At time intolerant and agrumentative with coworkers.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You tend to be successful in work and get along well with associates. You are loyal and dependable, and Jupiter usually brings monetary reward. You love good food and tend to gain weight. 

Positives: Work brings opportunity for travel and expansion.

Negatives:  Health problems because of overindulgence.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You are a conscientious and reliable worker and handle responsibilities well. You are exacting in your demands on yourself. Health may be under strain due to overwork or because you tend to neglect looking after yourself.

Positives: You are admired by colleagues and associates.

Negatives: You cannot accept that there are limitations and obstacles beyond your control.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

You think of new methods or original ideas in plying our trade. You are also erratic and impatient and sometimes do not achieve as much as more thorough and disciplined worker.  Your health is subject to unusual complaints that are difficult to diagnose or treat.

Positives: Ability to modernize, streamline or improve old ideas.

Negatives:  Inconsistency in output and devotion to a task.


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You have great power of concentration and are intent on seeing results. You tend to overwork yourself. You take an interest in medicine and health and are sometimes gifted in the healing arts. 

Positives: The work you do can inspire others.

Negatives:  Physical energy is often sapped by job pressures. 


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

You are idealistic about your work, sensitive to your surrounding and associates. You may have difficulty finding the right circumstances in which you can be happy and comfortable. Health is subject to strange ailments; drugs are a particular hazard and their use should be supervised by a doctor.

Positives:  A desire to help the unfortunate.

Negatives: Inclined to laziness and merely drifting along.

Seventh House: This is the House of Partnership and Marriage

On a personal level, it relates to your spouse or life partner, the mate you choose in life.  It often indicates what kind of marriage or partnership you will have and whether you might divorce or remarry.  This is your House of Partnerships, not only in marriage but also in work, business, legal affairs and sometimes in politics.  It covers legal unions or contracts you enter into, and both sides of a question or dispute. The Seventh House concerns your ability to work harmoniously with others.  Paradoxically, it also governs what astrologers call your open enemies, those who are usually your adversaries int he business or professional world.  The Seventh House is the opposite of the First House of Self; here you blend your personality with others in order to pursue shared goals.

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You are promised success in marriage and in partnerships. Both should bring material, monetary and social benefits. You may not marry young; your spouse will probably be prominent or of good and honorable character. Six is important to you in marriage.   

Positives: You are popular and know how to attract people. 

Negatives: Clashes at times because of your need to be dominant in relationships.


Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

 Security is very important to you in marriage and relationships. Chances are you will marry a parental figure of some kind. Your spouse will probably be protective of you. You are likely to become popular with the public at some point in our life. 

Positives: .Responsive in partnerships; sensual in marriage.

Negatives: .Changeable in your love relationships; possible divorce.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You seek intellectual compatibility in marriage and partnerships. You will probably marry someone lively and talkative; verbal give-and-take characterizes your intimate relationships. Business partnerships in law, literary, or communications world are beneficial. 

Positives: You are sociable, adaptable to all kinds of people.

Negatives: Stress in relationships because of quarrels and arguments.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You look for harmony and fulfillment in both marriage and partnerships. You are affectionate, romantic, and popular with the opposite sex. At some point in our life you are likely to gain prestige or financial benefit through a mate or partner. You tend to marry early and possibly more than once.

Positives: You are a natural peacemaker. 

Negatives: Resentful if others do not make the first move toward you.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You are highly independent individual and wont give that up in a marriage or partnership. Your relationships begin impulsively, and you are usually the aggressive one. Mars in the Seventh House indicates that you may marry more than once, or that a marriage or business partnership may end because of  the death of a partner.

Positives:  Ardent and sexually passionate in marriage.

Negatives:  Arguments and quarrels in relationships; possible early divorce.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You are successful in marriage and partnerships, and are likely to gain power and prestige through both. Juniper in the Seventh House often means you will marry twice and that one of your mates is likely to be powerful or wealthy.  During your lifetime your adversaries often become friends and conflicts have a beneficial ending. 

Positives: Legal partnerships tend to be fruitful.

Negatives:  Overgenerosity and placing your trust in the wrong people.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You are cautious about marriage and partnerships, and may delay getting involved until you are sure. You often marry a widow or widower or someone older than yourself. If there are no opposing influences in your chart, you benefit monetarily or socially through marriage.  

Positives: You take commitment to another person seriously.

Negatives: Possible legal problems and a setback because of them.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

Partnerships or marriage may come about suddenly for you. You are drawn to unusual people and are likely to marry someone intellectually stimulating. As a team you will draw attention. However, Uranus in the Seventh House indicates the possibility of sudden divorce and remarriage. 

Positives: You are able to achieve goals through a marriage partner. 

Negatives:  Your need for independence may cause disruption or jealousy in marriage. 


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You are intense and dominating in relationships. You seek fulfillment in marriage and are emotionally demanding. Pluto in the Seventh House indicates that you may marry in secret or elope.  Business partnerships are likely to be successful. 

Positives: You are intuitive about partner's needs.

Negatives:  Strife, jealousy and emotionalism in relationships.


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

In marriage and partnerships you look for compatibility of spirit, common goals in life, or an artistic or religious vision that you share.  However,  an unrealistic or confused attitude about what you want in a partner may lead to the possibility of an illicit love affair while married. 

Positives:  Sensitive and responsive to needs of partner.

Negatives: Too easily swayed; open to disappointment.

Eighth House: This is the House of Death and Regeneration

The Eighth House is one of the three mystical houses in your chart (the others are the Fourth and the Twelfth), and one of the most difficult to understand.  Sometimes call the House of Spiritual Transformation, it rules the life forces that surround sex, birth, death and the afterlife.  It concerns legacies and what you inherit from the dead, both materially and spiritually.  Money that belongs to your partner, and taxes and debt are also in this House's domain.  The Eighth House may give some indication of the conditions surrounding your death, although the precise time always remains a mystery.  Surgery is governed by this House since it relates to regeneration.  This is the House of psychic powers and occult studies and knowledge.

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)


You are philosophical and have deep insights; you strive for self-improvement. You may benefit from inheritance or from money though a marriage partner.  There is the possibility of achieving fame near the end of your life or after death. 

Positives: You take pride in responsibilities.

Negatives: May suffer the early loss of father or husband.



Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

 You are a deeply sensitive person with a talent for healing.  You have strong powers of suggestion.  You are interested in questions about death and an afterlife, and quite possibly have psychic ability that you can use in a practical way.  You are highly responsive sexually. Finances may be unsettled because of marriage or inheritance. 

Positives: You can guide others in a spiritual way.

Negatives: May suffer the early loss of mother or wife.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You have a penetrating mind and look for some way to communicate your insights.  You have a talent for research and analysis.  Money comes to you through other people or a marriage partner, but there may be insurance or legal problems.

Positives: Ability to see into human motivation.

Negatives: May suffer the early death of a relative.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You are intense about sexual involvements and look for fulfillment in them.  You are likely to inherit money from a loved one or a marriage partner, or to gain from the career advancement of someone who loves you. Circumstances surrounding your death promise to be peaceful.

Positives: Sexual relationships tend to be harmonious.

Negatives: Laxness and reluctance to handle responsibilities.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You are passionate about life and have a strong sex drive. You are attracted to the occult, also to medicine and the healing arts. There may be conflicts in your family over wills or legacies.  

Positives:  Powerful and brilliant researcher.

Negatives:  Need to protect yourself against financial loss because of an extravagant partner.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You ten to have an optimistic and healthy attitude toward life and death, and an abundant sex drive.  You will probably enjoy financial gain through inheritance or marriage.  Jupiter in this House promises easy and peaceful conditions at your death.

Positives: Your philosophy of life can inspire others.

Negatives:  Possibility of wasting other people's money.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You take responsibility for others and may become involved in their financial affairs. you are inclined to be somewhat inhibited sexually or to have difficulty expressing yourself emotionally in sex.  Saturn in the Eighth House usually indicates that you will live until ripe old age. 

Positives: you are careful about putting aside money to protect loved ones.

Negatives: Difficulties over property matters or inheritance.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

You have an unusual outlook on life and death, and possibly an interest in the mystical.  Sexual tastes or involvements are likely to be unconventional.  You may receive sudden financial benefits from unexpected sources.

Positives: You feel a responsibility to others. 

Negatives:  Risk of loss through business deals.


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You have a strong drive toward achievement combined with a need to analyze what you do.  You are dominant and passionate in your sexual nature. Pluto in this House indicates that your death will be of public concern.

Positives: Self-reliant and resourceful.

Negatives:  Prone toward developing unhealthy obsessions.


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

You are something of a visionary and seek to give your life more meaning. You may be gifted as a medium or possess strong ESP powers. Finances that you share with a marriage partner are a source of trouble or confusion.

Positives:  An idealistic desire to help others in need. 

Negatives: May suffer disappointment or be deluded in a sexual relationship.

Ninth House:  This is the House of Mental Exploration and Long Distance Travel

The Ninth House can be though of as widening of the Third House; study, travel, and mental pursuits and expanded in the Ninth House onto a much wider place.  this is the House of the higher mind.  Under its domain are higher education, philosophy, and the study in depth of profound subjects.  Long journeys of both the mind and the physical body are controlled by this House.  It concerns actual travel to foreign lands and business interest in other countries.  It governs the meeting of foreigners who expand your way of thinking, and also the study of languages.  The Ninth House rules your public expression of ideas and is therefore the House of publish and literary effort. 

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You enjoy seeing new places and exploring new ideas.  You are a person who stands by your word and tends to be idealistic. You may spend a good deal of time traveling abroad.

Positives: You believe in and pursue an education.

Negatives: May become fanatical about your ideas.



Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

 You have a receptive, imaginative mind capable of delving into philosophical ideas.  You are attracted by the unknown; in your work you may delve into history or the past. At some time in your career you are likely to benefit from in-laws or relatives of the person you marry.

Positives: .You will have happy experiences on voyages or travel.

Negatives: Tendency to be vague, dreamy and impractical.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You are alert and adaptable, quick to establish rapport with new people.  Yours is an exploratory nature, interested in gaining further knowledge. During your middle years you may travel a great deal, both for health and your work.

Positives: Mentally advanced.

Negatives: Inclined to be meddlesome and to make promises too readily.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You have warmth and understanding for people from different backgrounds. You are open to new ideas and experiences. Chances are good that you will receive some kind of honor in life. You may possibly be married abroad or marry a foreigner.

Positives: High ideals.

Negatives: You long for the unattainable.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You are independent in though and open to change, and you enjoy travel and adventure. You will fight for your convictions. You seek out experience because you want to live life to the fullest.   

Positives:  Will gain in honor of financially through higher education.

Negatives:  Can be headstrong and fanatical about ideas.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You have strong principles, are adventurous and optimistic. Travel and education open new doors for you and may lead to monetary gain. You have a flair for languages or an ability to express yourself well. 

Positives: Foreign places and or people contribute to your success.

Negatives:  Can be arrogant and self-righteous.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You are thoughtful and contemplative and have a desire to learn.  You delve seriously into questions of philosophy, faith or religion. Contacts with foreigners are beneficial in your life, especially with older people. 

Positives: Idealistic principles.

Negatives: Obstacles or limitations to receiving an education.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality

You have an independent mind, and seek to widen your intellectual horizons. You may be known for your unorthodox views or interest in unusual branches of study. Opportunities for travel may come up suddenly, or you may experience exciting events in foreign countries. 

Positives: Adventurous and open to new experiences.

Negatives:  Inclined to be rebellious.


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You have an urge to discover the truth perhaps change things for the better. You take an intense interest in other cultures and in different religions and philosophies. Travel and foreign people may affect you deeply.

Positives: A desire for deeper understanding.

Negatives:  You try to impose your views on others. 


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

You are drawn to deeper concerns in life, perhaps mystical or philosophical questions. You have imagination and insight, and probably make a fine teacher or counselor. There may be complications or difficulties in traveling abroad.

Positives:  Visionary and idealistic.

Negatives: A tendency to be discontented with your lot. 

Tenth House: This is the House of Career and Public Standing

Its opposite house, the Fourth House, rules the home; the Tenth House rules all matters outside the home (your profession, your status in the community, and your public reputation).  It has been called the House of Ambition, Aspirations and Attainment.  This House also reveals in what esteem you are held by others.  The Tenth House reflects your image, as shown in the power, position, and honors that you may achieve,  It is an outward expression of your talents, the way you accept responsibility, the place you arrive as through your own efforts.  This House has a great influence on your material success in life. 

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You have a strong sense of self and a drive to succeed.  Chances are you will achieve success, but most likely in the middle of your life.  Problems may arise if ambition and career take precedence over other concerns, such as marriage and relationships.

Positives: Leadership ability and power to influence others.

Negatives: Sometimes arrogant and dictatorial.



Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

 You are involved with the public in career, professional or social activities, and perhaps will not have much private life. There is the possibility that you will change your occupation in midlife. The Moon in this House brings career benefits through women or female members of your family.

Positives: .You are intuitive about what the public wants.

Negatives: .A risk of public scandal.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You are able to use facts profitably and can adapt to different kinds of people. your career should be intellectually stimulating, for you have talent in writing or communications. Travel is frequently involved in your work.

Positives:  Success dealing with persons in authority.

Negatives: Unforeseen disruptions or uncertainty in career.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You have a ability to use charm and diplomacy to further your interests. You may be involved in artistic or cultural work or in creating beauty. You are likely to be popular with the public. 

Positives: Partnership (possibly marriage) should enhance career. 

Negatives: Risk of scandal or disappointment through or because of women.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You have energy and initiative in career matters and will likely dominate other people. You are ambitious and competitive, and you strive for independence or to get rid of interference. Your self-reliance and executive ability should bring status within your occupation.

Positives:  You deal with practical problems rather than vague theories. 

Negatives:  Possibility of frustration due to unrealized goals.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You desire to achieve in life will likely have good results in your career. You are confident, sociable, able to deal successfully with people. Jupiter in this House often confers public honor or esteem.

Positives: Ability to win favor of influentials.

Negatives:  Tendency toward an arrogant, devil-may-care attitude.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You are  self-reliant, ambitious, and likely to achieve success. You have the stamina and persereverance to attain your ambition step-by-step.  There is possibility that you will reach high position toward the end of your life, but that is will be a lonely place.  

Positives: Self-disciplined and responsible.

Negatives: Selfish; susceptible to discredit or disgrace.


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

You are an independent type who looks for freedom from interference. You achieve success in your work because of your unique or unconventional way of doing things.  Your career tends to be marked by sudden or unusual turns and changes. 

Positives: Original and inventive mind

Negatives:  Difficulty dealing with persons in authority.


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

Your intense personality makes its mark in career matters, You usually have a flair for business and knowledge of how to elicit support from others. During your lifetime you are likely to achieve a position of power and independence.

Positives: Forceful and dynamic energy.

Negatives:  Subject to unforeseen twists of fate with loss of prestige. 


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

You have high aspirations and are likely to be talented  in a creative way.  Your imagination and intuition are helpful tools in your career.  Neptune in this House indicates an unusual profession or possibly success using a different name.

Positives:  Idealistic and spiritual outlook.

Negatives: Liable to become confused by going in too many directions at once. 

Eleventh House: This is the House of Friends and Hopes and Wishes

Unlike its opposite house (the Fifth House) with its concern for immediate pleasures, the Eleventh House has to do with long-term dreams and goals and with intellectual pleasures.  This House governs your involvement with groups and organizations that have to do with your work, profession or family.  The clubs, societies, or political associations you belong to are under its domain.  This House often indicates the kinds of friends and acquaintances who can best further your interests and objectives in life.  The Eleventh House reflects you ability to enjoy other people.  On its highest level this House represents the harmonious working together of all people, each one doing what best express his or her individual personality. It is the House of Idealism and Vision.

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You are socially popular, able to attract and keep friends. You usually benefit through their faith and support. You usually benefit through their faith and support. You have high goals in life and an optimism that winds others to your cause. 

Positives: Idealistic and creative.

Negatives: A tendency to be domineering with others.


Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

 Your easy social charm attracts admirers.  At some time in your life your goals shift and friendships are likely to change.  You have a flair for entertaining in your home.

Positives: Emotionally intuitive in dealing with people.

Negatives: Accessible to unreliable friends and scandal not of your making.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You should have a large number of acquaintances, for you adapt yourself to a variety of different people. Your friendships tend to be based on an intellectual rapport.  You are socially minded and usually become involved with groups, clubs, and societies.

Positives: Clever at thinking of ways to achieve your goals.

Negatives: Inclined to be impractical and or cynical.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

You are sociable and fond of people and usually have lots of friends. You will likely benefit from your association in both a social and monetary way.  You are drawn to marry a friend or someone you meet through a group or association.

Positives: A tactful, diplomatic touch with people.

Negatives: You are likely to confuse friendship with love.


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You actively involve yourself with friends and tend to be a leaser in your circle. Your association with others are likely to be based on mutual assistance or favors. You have definite goals and objectives in life that you energetically pursue.

Positives:  Willingness to help or be responsible toward others. 

Negatives:  You can be quarrelsome and argumentative. 


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You are popular with others and your associations bring you luck and happiness.  You have high ideals and will likely gain your objectives.  You know how to deal successfully with prominent and important people and will benefit from their influence.  

Positives: Cooperative and generous with friends. 

Negatives:  You rely on undependable or parasitical friends. 


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You form a few true and lasting friendships rather than cultivate many superficial acquaintances. You have high aspirations, but must often cope with mundane delays and obstacles. The discipline you learn early in life brings freedom later on.

Positives: Determination to reach objectives.

Negatives: Victimized by unscrupulous or selfish motives on the part of others. 


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

Your attachments and friendships often form suddenly. You are attracted to people with unusual interests and from different walks in life; you may be involved with the occult. Your ideals and ambitions and not run-of-the-mill and you are often thought of as a unique personality.

Positives: Lively and inventive attitude toward achieving goals.

Negatives:  Suffer estrangements from friends and consequent emotional upsets.


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You are a strong, vital force in the lives of your friends, and involve yourself deeply with them. You are something of a reformer, and seek to being about a change for the better in any situation. You feel intensely about your goals and may even have an obsessive personality.

Positives: Strong loyalty to friends.

Negatives:  Vulnerable to separation or sorrow through death of friends. 


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

You are drawn to artistic, sensitive people and are likely to form friendships because of goals you share in common. You are inclined to be an idealistic, compassionate person, concerned with giving help to others. You may join a humanitarian organization or group with visionary aims.

Positives:  Intuitive to the needs of others.

Negatives:  You suffer because of unreliable or treacherous friends.

Twelfth House:  This is the House of Secrets, Sorrows and Self-Undoing

It is the most mystical of all the Houses, the final House, the end of the circle.  This is not necessarily a negative and gloomy place, but it does define the limitations placed on your life, including by yourself through self-undoing behavior. This House governs disappointments, accidents, trouble, and self-defeat.  It rules unseen forces, secret enemies, escapism, asylums, hospitals and prisons.  The Twelfth House has been called the House of Karma, the House of Spiritual Debt, for it contains the rewards and punishments for the deeds one commits in the world.  It is associated with psychic powers and the ability to discover at last the meaning of life.  

Planets in the House


Sun (Planet of Vitality and Individuality)

You like privacy and quiet and the joys of meditation and reflection. you may be reticent or have difficulty expressing yourself and are closely to only a few people. Success comes later in life rather than earlier. 

Positives: A deep spiritual understanding.

Negatives: You tend to lead a secluded or lonely life.


Moon (Planet of Emotions and Instincts)

You are sensitive, receptive, and intuitive toward other people. Too easily hurt, you hide your real feelings. Often you need to get away to restore yourself, think, and meditate. 

Positives: A creative imagination.

Negatives: Often insecure; possible disappointment comes through mother or family.


Mercury (Planet of the Mind)

You tend to be a contemplative, self=absorbed, insightful thinker who works things out for yourself, along or in secret. You worry over trifles and inconsequentials, and may be very shy. 

Positives: An instinctive researcher or investigator.  

Negatives: Vulnerable to slander.


Venus (Planet of Love and Pleasure)

Emotional and sensitive, you are capable of giving true and selfless love. You are most content when leading a private an secluded life. There is the possibility of secret love affairs. 

Positives: Artistic and creative urges.

Negatives: Danger of an unhappy marriage or sexual alliance. 


Mars (Planet of Energy and Assertiveness)

You keep your deep and vehement feelings secret from the world. You have strong intuitive powers that can be used to advantage in personal relationships. Your sexual nature is intense but repressed. 

Positives:  Active imagination.

Negatives:  Danger from secret enemies.


Juniper (Planet of Luck and Expansion)

You lean toward the spiritual or have an uplifting religious or philosophical faith.  Your success in work helps or benefits others, and you are most attracted to medicine or social work.  You also have a gift for producing inspired thoughts in seclusion.

Positives: A compassionate and charitable nature.

Negatives:  Impractical, you rely on others too much.


Saturn (Planet of Discipline and Limitation)

You are reserved, somewhat solitary or reclusive. You place limitations on yourself because of cautiousness or fear.  You find it hard to share your feelings with others and may carry a secret sorrow with you. 

Positives: Successful when working along and in seclusion.

Negatives: Possibility of loneliness or isolation later in life. 


Uranus (Planet of Change and Originality)

You are very intuitive, perhaps psychic, and are attracted to unusual beliefs in religion or metaphysics. Your need to be independent in thought fights against limitations placed on you by others. During one period in your life you may spend time alone in foreign countries or strange places. 

Positives: You are humanitarian and compassionate. 

Negatives:  You are subject to sudden and unexpected adversities.  


Pluto (Planet of Transformation)

You have a compelling desire to understand, to see deeply into philosophical questions.  There may be a secret sex involvement in your life.  You are private person and do not share your emotions easily.

Positives: Profound imagination.

Negatives:  May hide feelings of anger or resentment. 


Neptune (Planet of Spirituality and Illusion)

You are deep and sensitive and likely to possess a strong artistic bent.  You prefer to work and live in a quiet atmosphere where you can create or meditate. There may be a mysterious or otherworldly quality to your personality. 

Positives:  Kind and helpful toward others.

Negatives: Afraid of life or hard experiences.

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