As you take a journey and adventure into the world of Archangels you will discover their individual guidance and the role they play in our lives.
Archangel Ariel
"Lioness of God"
Courage: Be courageous. Stand up for your beliefs and convictions.
Prosperity: Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition
and manifest your dreams into reality.
Exploration: The time is now for you to soar so spread your wings and fly!
Crystal: Rose Quartz
Aura: Pale Pink
Archangel Ariel is the Archangel overseeing nature and the natural world and she acts as a liaison between humanity and the elementals, animals, crystals, minerals, air, and the Divine magic of the earth.
When calling upon Archangel Ariel, be courageous, stand up for your beliefs and convictions.
Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.
The time is now for you to soar so spread your wings and fly!
Remember you are a powerful, loving, and creative child of God. You are loved.
Archangel Ariel reflects the qualities of her name meaning, including bravery, courage, focus and elegant movements.
If you notice images of lions and lionesses, this lets you know Archangel Ariel is with you at that time.
Call upon her to help with your confidence and courage.
She helps you attract support you may need for your life's purpose. Know that it is normal for miracles to happen in this arena. Archangel Ariel is involved with Divine magic meaning immediate manifestation of the highest will. Ask Archangel Ariel for whatever you need and she will guide you accordingly.
Archangel Ariel loves all living things and happily helps them. She is a master manifestor and she is particularly supportive of people who are healers, educators and service workers.
Archangel Ariel is very partial to the environmental area and works closely with the Nature Angels to protect and heal the animals, especially the birds, animals and fish who live near or in the water. One way to work with her is to participate in environmental work.
Archangel Ariel’s heavenly crystal is the rose quartz and she is surrounded by a pale pink aura.
​​Ariel also works closely with Archangel Raphael who is well known to be the Archangel overseeing healing, and she will assist in efforts to bring healing to humans, as well as wild and domesticated animals (which is her main duty and focus). Birds and lions seem to be especially tied to Ariel, possibly because she manifests as these both physically and spiritually to get our attention, and to let us know she is near. If you want to feel the presence of Archangel Ariel, go outside and commune with the natural world which is where she resides.
Archangel Ariel is an Archangel of healing, and it is through nature that her restorative, inspiring and rejuvenating healing power effortlessly flows. Sensing the presence of Ariel seems to be easier near bodies of water, which further magnify her healing energy and presence. Clear your mind and open your heart to sense, feel, and understand her presence within the natural world. In addition, connecting Ariel out in nature will help to refresh you completely, giving you a new excitement and positive perspective to manifest change and blessings in your life.
This is no mistake, Ariel is also a powerful Archangel of Manifestation, Prosperity, and Abundance. This all makes sense when you notice the complete abundance present within the natural world which Ariel is aligned
Welcoming Archangel Ariel into your life, she will rarely interfere or assist in your life unless you ask. Ariel honors your free will and will leave you to learn your lessons even the hard way, unless you ask for assistance otherwise.
When you do ask, Archangel Ariel is ready and willing to help in practical, mundane, magical, and miraculous ways. She will help to supercharge your intentions and to align your personal vibration with what you consciously desire to manifest in your life.
Ariel naturally and constantly radiates Divine love. Connecting with her is comforting as she offers protection, healing, magic, and Divine love.
Take comfort in knowing Archangel Ariel is quite active now, giving us the courage and strength required to stand in our power, reclaim our full connection with the Divine, and experience a truly joyful, loving, magical life.​
Archangel Azrael
"Whom God Helps"
Comfort: I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal.
Counselor: You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance..
Heaven Talk: Loved ones are watching over you. Let go of worries and feel their loving blessings.
Crystal: Creamy Yellow Calcite
Aura: Vanilla Yellow Cream
Archangel Azrael's primary Archangelic responsibility is assisting souls in making the transition from physical life to the spirit world after death. This takes the form of literally assisting the soul in detaching from the etheric and physical bodies, and then journeying through the seven planetary spheres to complete the life review, and prepare for the next levels of incarnation or experience in the higher realms of Spirit.
Archangel Azrael’s heavenly crystal is creamy yellow calcite and his aura is light yellow cream. Archangel Azrael surrounds grieving and dying persons with loving light to bring them comfort. Having creamy yellow calcite around you can bring additional comfort. You may see eggshell colored twinkling lights in the room when Archangel Azrael is around.
Azrael works to bring comfort to the dying and then works with them to gently transition from the physical body into spirit at the time of crossing over. Often times those who are dying are mentally and emotionally fully in the astral and spiritual world at the moment their soul detaches from their physical body.
After death, or when the soul actually leaves the physical dimension, Azrael then guides souls through the 7 planetary spheres which are also sometimes called the 7 Heavenly Halls…
This journey through the spheres presents a soul with opportunities to deeply review the life they’ve just lived. This is a deep and powerful experience of reviewing your entire life.
There are many different types of spiritual beings who will join in this process to offer wisdom, support and guidance for souls in reviewing their life, facing past traumas (facing the pain and suffering a soul has caused others is typically the most traumatic to face). There is immense healing, reflection, and learning for a soul in reviewing and recovering from the journey of life. The journey out through the spheres is a journey of healing and review, and then the journey back towards the Earth plane is one of preparation, learning, and planning for whatever incarnation may be next.
Azrael also has a role in tracking souls after death and works with the Elohim (a higher rank of angelic being) to track and monitor souls who are both incarnating and leaving the Earth plane.
Azrael’s Work With The Grieving
Like all the Archangels, Azrael works with entire soul groups rather than individuals, and while his main work is assisting humanity at the level of the soul transitioning from the physical world into Spirit … He does occasionally work with humans within physical incarnation.
In these instances, Azrael may bring Universal Healing Energy, love and comfort to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. He also coordinates and assigns angels to step in and forward to assist those struggling to understand and cope with the death of a loved one. Archangel Azrael radiates great compassion and wisdom, holding a space of deep honor, love and respect for those dealing with the grief surrounding death and the journey a soul makes after departing physical life.
Archangel Azrael is here for you and your family during the time of a loved one or a dear friend while they are dying, he will give you peace and love to help you through the grieving process. His presence seems to have a way of absorbing grief and emotional turmoil, so people can for a moment detach from the pain body, and amidst grief have beautiful experiences of presence and connection to Divine Love.
Azrael also assists and works with those who serve to prepare the dying while still alive (hospice workers, nurses, clergy, compassionate souls). There is an immense benefit in beginning the process of life review while living, and so Azrael compassionately holds the space and wisdom for this process.
On the other side of death, Azrael supports those who seek to counsel and support those assisting others through grief, bringing wisdom and a calm sense of knowing and understanding that all is well. He will also work to absorb pain energy from the grieving, to energetically protect those attempting to council and assist.
Archangel Azrael Supports Those Who Are Still Living
While living, Azrael can help you to see and understand that it is a thin line between life and death.
This is helpful in recognizing that loved ones are not truly “dead”… And rather after their death, their soul lives on, and they’re now simply journeying through other planes and dimensions. Seeing and recognizing this thin line between life and death can also help you to get motivated to make the most of the life experience you have now. To shift out of staying focused on lower level distractions, and to embrace the opportunity of life to grow, and develop spiritually each day.
Azrael reminds us that after death, we do not bring with us any of our physical possessions, or status that is built and accumulated as physical beings. What we do bring with us as the soul journeys out of the physical body beyond life is the development and growth of the soul. Azrael hence reminds us that soul growth is the main priority for souls to be in the physical, and getting focused on this while living beneath the veil of illusion in life has so many incredible benefits.
Soul growth comes in many forms and Archangel Azazel is ready and willing to assist those working through these important life lessons, helping to release and heal the pain of unforgiveness, guilt, anger and regret, so that we may find peace, and grow and ascend through the process. He is also a huge supporter of spiritual practice and consciously seeking out spiritual development while living as a physical being.
Connecting With Loved Ones In Spirit
Additionally, Azrael can help those who are grieving the loss of loved ones to connect with their loved ones in Spirit or to align signs, and synchronicities bringing a validation that now beyond death, your loved one is still alive and well.
People often hope for signs and visitations from a deceased loved one too early (while they’re still occupied journeying through the life-review) … In these cases, Azrael will sometimes work with other angelic beings, including the guardian angels of those involved to line up the meaningful signs and synchronicities from deceased loved ones, like butterflies, pennies, flashes of light, and other meaningful synchronicities that bring a reminder and comfort of the thin line between the realms of spirit and the land of the living.
However, at certain points during the transition a soul makes between life, death, and rebirth, Azrael can actually help align visitations and experiences beyond the veil.
Azraels Work With Ascension
We live in an exciting time in which ascension into higher levels of conscious awareness is available to us while we're still living, and not only after death. As a result, Azrael works with those who are at certain stages of their ascension path… To experience and allow profound soul growth within a physical form.
The Presence of Azrael
Archangel Azrael’s presence is strong, quiet, respectful and stoic. His calling cards include feelings of quiet strength and finally finding a moment of being able to step back from grief to simply observe, reflect and see the bigger picture surrounding the journey between life and death.
When someone is making the final transition between life and death, the presence of Azrael can be felt like an almost ethereal lightness and stillness that opens up. His love and compassion for souls is beautiful.
Archangel Chamuel
"One Who Sees God"
Beloved One: Helping you with your spiritual soulmate relationship.
Career Change: Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change.
Peace: Global and Personal Peace which comes from
remembering that only love is real.
Crystal: Green Fluorite
Aura: Pale Green
Archangel Chamuel holds a special place as the “Angel of Peaceful Relationships” and the “Angel of Love.”
The name “Chamuel” itself translates to “He who seeks God,” embodying the angel’s eternal quest for divine love and unity.
Let’s delve into the compassionate world of Archangel Chamuel. Explore how his divine influence can guide you in fostering more loving relationships, finding inner peace, and experiencing the transformative power of love and compassion in your life.
Who is Archangel Chamuel?
In Christian Theology
In Christian belief systems, Chamuel is often considered the archangel responsible for helping individuals find strength through love, even though he is not explicitly mentioned in the canonical Bible.
His role is to guide souls toward divine love, helping them understand the essence of Christ’s teachings about compassion and forgiveness.
In Jewish Mysticism
In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Archangel Chamuel is associated with the Sephirah of “Geburah,” which translates to “strength” or “severity.”
This quality aligns well with his role as a mediator and peacemaker, as it embodies the concept of divine judgment and the strength to enact justice.
Geburah serves as a counterbalance to Chesed (“mercy”), and in this dynamic, Chamuel plays a vital role in maintaining cosmic balance.
New Age Spirituality
In New Age spirituality, Chamuel is often invoked for finding life purpose, soulmates, and lost items and is associated with the heart chakra, the energy center for love and compassion.
Characteristics and Roles of Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Chamuel is a multifaceted celestial being, embodying various roles that all align with the overarching theme of love, compassion, and peace. Below are some of the key characteristics and roles attributed to him:
The ‘Angel of Love’
Chamuel’s title as the “Angel of Love,” encapsulates his primary mission of fostering love and compassion in human relationships.
Whether it’s romantic love, familial love, or platonic love, he is believed to guide individuals in nurturing these relationships.
By invoking his presence, many people find that they are better able to express love, receive love, and, most importantly, cultivate a deeper sense of self-love.
The Peacemaker
Another significant role that Chamuel plays is that of the Peacemaker.
In a world often rife with conflict, both on a personal and global scale, his energy is invoked to bring reconciliation and peace.
He is often called upon during mediations, peace negotiations, and even in personal disputes, with the belief that his influence can calm turbulent energies and guide conflicting parties toward a harmonious resolution.
The Finder of Lost Items
Perhaps one of the more intriguing roles attributed to Archangel Chamuel is his ability to help people find lost items.
This role has its roots in folklore and personal testimonies, where individuals claim to have found missing objects, pets, or even people after invoking Chamuel’s assistance.
While this may seem like a mundane task for an archangel, it aligns well with his broader mission of restoring balance and harmony.
The idea is that by helping people find what they’ve lost, Chamuel also aids in restoring a sense of peace and completeness to their lives.
Chamuel’s Influence on Relationships and Self-Love
Archangel Chamuel’s roles as the “Angel of Love” and the “Peacemaker” naturally extend to his influence on relationships and the concept of self-love. Here’s how:
Enhancing Romantic Relationships
Invoking Archangel Chamuel can be particularly beneficial for those seeking to improve their romantic relationships.
Whether you’re looking for a soulmate or aiming to deepen an existing relationship, Chamuel’s guidance can help you navigate the complexities of love.
His influence fosters mutual understanding, enhances emotional intimacy, and reignites passion.
Fostering Self-Love
In a world where self-criticism and doubt often plague the mind, Chamuel is a celestial guide to foster self-love.
By helping you recognize your worth and encouraging self-compassion, Chamuel aids in building a solid foundation of self-love.
This, in turn, allows you to engage in healthier relationships with others.
Reconciliation and Forgiveness
Archangel Chamuel is often invoked in situations requiring reconciliation and forgiveness.
Whether mending a broken friendship or healing family rifts, his energy is thought to bring a calming influence that facilitates open dialogue and mutual understanding.
His role as a peacemaker makes him an ideal guide for conflict resolution, helping parties move past grievances and toward a harmonious future.
Emotional Healing
Chamuel’s energy is often sought for emotional healing, especially when dealing with heartbreak, loss, or trauma.
His compassionate presence can provide comfort and facilitate the process of emotional recovery.
Relationship Harmony
As the “Angel of Love,” Chamuel can assist in improving interpersonal relationships.
Invoking this archangel can offer you a higher perspective and guide you toward resolution and harmony, whether facing challenges in friendships, family, or romantic relationships.
Finding Lost Items
One of the more practical aspects of his assistance is his reputed ability to help people find lost items.
Whether it’s a missing piece of jewelry or a lost document, calling upon Chamuel can guide you to what you seek.
Self-Love and Self-Compassion
Chamuel can also guide you in cultivating self-love and self-compassion.
If you’re struggling with self-esteem issues or want to develop a more loving relationship with yourself, he can assist in this inner work.
Conflict Resolution
In situations of conflict, Archangel Chamuel serves as a mediator and peacemaker.
His influence can calm heightened emotions and pave the way for constructive dialogue, helping conflicting parties reach a peaceful resolution.
Finding Life Purpose
Many people turn to Archangel Chamuel when they are at a crossroads in life, seeking clarity on their true calling or life purpose. The belief is that Chamuel can illuminate the path to self-discovery, helping individuals align their actions with their soul’s intentions.
Association with the Heart Chakra
In chakra philosophy, Archangel Chamuel is associated with the heart chakra.
This energy center is the focal point for love, compassion, and altruism.
People working on opening or balancing their heart chakra might invoke Chamuel to assist in this spiritual work. His energy can help clear blockages, allowing love and compassion to flow freely.
Symbolism and Iconography
Understanding the symbols associated with Archangel Chamuel can deepen your connection with this celestial being and enhance your spiritual practices.
Here are some of the key symbols and their meanings:
The Heart
The heart is perhaps the most straightforward symbol, given his role as the “Angel of Love.” The heart represents not just romantic love but all forms of love and compassion. It serves as a reminder of Chamuel’s overarching mission to foster love and peace.
The Dove
Doves are universally recognized as symbols of peace and harmony, aligning perfectly with Chamuel’s role as peacemaker.
Pink Light
Chamuel is often visualized surrounded by a pink light or aura.
This color is commonly associated with love, compassion, and healing, making it a fitting symbol. Imagining a pink light can help you connect more deeply with this archangel during meditations or invocations.
Scales or Balance
Given Chamuel’s role in restoring harmony and balance, scales are sometimes used to symbolize his influence.
This iconography underscores his ability to bring equilibrium to different aspects of life, be it relationships, emotions, or even finding lost items.
Practices and Rituals for Invoking Archangel Chamuel
In many spiritual and religious traditions, celestial beings like archangels require an invitation to actively participate in your life.
This principle respects the concept of free will, a cornerstone in individuals’ spiritual development and autonomy. Here are some practices and rituals to invoke Archangel Chamuel:
Prayer is a traditional method for seeking divine guidance. You can create your own prayer or use an established one that resonates with you. The key is to focus on your intentions and openly invite Chamuel’s guidance.
Dear Archangel Chamuel,
Angel of Love and Compassion,
Guide me in love, peace, and purpose.
Illuminate my path and enrich my relationships.
Thank you for your divine guidance.
Meditation offers a less structured, more experiential way to connect with Archangels.
You can visualize a pink light or a heart symbol, both associated with Chamuel, to deepen your meditation experience.
Love Rituals
Given Chamuel’s role in fostering love and relationships, love rituals can be an effective way to invoke his presence.
This could involve lighting pink candles, using rose quartz crystals, and reciting specific affirmations or prayers to attract love.
Chakra Balancing
If you’re working on opening or balancing your heart chakra, consider invoking Chamuel during your chakra meditation.
Visualize a pink or green light filling your heart area, clearing any blockages and allowing love to flow freely.
Writing down your thoughts, intentions, or prayers can also serve as a form of invocation.
This practice can make your intentions more concrete and serve as a point of focus during your spiritual work.
Symbols and Tools Used in Invocations
When invoking Archangel Chamuel, various symbols and tools can enhance the experience and focus your intentions. Here are some commonly used items:
Pink or green candles are often used to symbolize love and the heart chakra. Lighting such a candle can set the mood for your invocation.
Rose quartz and green aventurine are popular choices for resonating with Chamuel’s energy, particularly his role in fostering love and compassion.
These stones can be held during prayer or meditation to amplify your intentions.
Incorporating symbols associated with Chamuel, like hearts or scales, into your daily life can be a constant reminder and a way to invite his energy.
You can wear jewelry with these symbols or place them in your living or working space.
Certain scents like rose or lavender can purify a space and attract spiritual energies.
These aromas are often associated with love and peace, aligning well with Chamuel’s roles.
Essential Oils
Aromas like ylang-ylang, rose or jasmine can be diffused during prayers or meditations.
These oils are known for their calming and love-attracting properties, making them aligned with Chamuel’s focus on love and compassion.
Archangel Chamuel serves as a celestial guide in various aspects of life, from fostering love and compassion to aiding in conflict resolution and even helping find lost items. His multifaceted roles make him a valuable spiritual ally for those seeking to enrich their lives on multiple fronts.
Whether at a crossroads in life, seeking to improve relationships, or simply aiming for a deeper sense of inner peace, invoking Archangel Chamuel can offer valuable guidance and support. The various practices, rituals, and tools outlined in this article provide practical ways to connect with this powerful archangel.
Archangel Gabriel
"God Is My Strength"
Creative Writing: Take time to keep your thoughts in a journal or write
an article or book.
Leadership: Assume your leadership power and position while lovingly
guiding others.
Nurturing: As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner
child which is important for both activities.
Crystal: Citrine
Aura: Copper
Archangel Gabriel is a powerful and loving messenger of Divine love, wisdom, and guidance. Gabriel is the Archangel of communication, new beginnings, and strength.
When you connect with Gabriel, they can assist you in learning to tune into and receive direct messages of Divine love for yourself, and in the opening to allow Divine strength, wisdom and blessings to flow throughout your life.
Archangel Gabriel is one of the most well known and popular archangels today, largely due to being mentioned in the Bible in both the New and Old Testament. The most common Bible story featuring Gabriel is the Christmas story.
Gabriel is the angel who guides the three wise men to the birth location of Christ, and is also the angel who appears to Mary telling her that she will give birth to a Son. For this reason, Gabriel is sometimes known or referred to as “the Christmas Angel”, but although the history of Gabriel dates all the way back to Biblical time, it does not mean he is any less active, or able to support and guide us today!
One of the common methods used to gain insight into the unique energy of the different Archangels is to look at the meaning of their name. In Hebrew, the name Gabriel means, “God is my strength”, “The Strong One” or “Hero of God” and this alludes to the incredible strength and power Gabriel embodies and they work in helping humanity to come into our own Divine strength and embodied power.
Yes, I referred to Gabriel as her. There is some controversy as to whether Gabriel is male or female, and this is for good reason! Gender definitely exists, but operates differently in the higher dimensions. Gender is more a quality of energy than defining sex as it does in the physical. Really, when it comes to Archangels they can choose to appear with masculine or feminine energy, or neither, rather showing up as pure light and energy.
Archangel Gabriel does notably have a feminine essence of energy, as she is connected to the forces of the Moon and to the Birth forces.
Whether you experience Gabriel’s presence as being male or female, know that gender is used by the archangels to convey energy. This is why Archangel Michael who is the angel of protection usually appears to be more masculine, and Archangel Gabriel the angel of communication feminine.
Archangel Gabriel's divinely feminine presence is very connected to the cycles of the moon, the flow of communication, and the flowing element of water. Gabriel works around the clock (really, outside of time and space) to guide, assist and support you in connecting with your inner Truth, and embodying the highest level of Divine awareness and Love available to you in your life.
Archangel Gabriel in the Bible
Gabriel is also intricately connected to the dream world. In the Bible, it was in a dream where Archangel Gabriel told Joseph about the coming birth of Jesus.
Today, Gabriel loves to send those who are open to them messages of love and guidance during dream time. When you’re asleep, you are more receptive to higher guidance of Spirit. If you don’t already, start paying attention to your dreams. If you struggle recalling your dreams, keep a journal closeby and write your dreams down first thing when you wake in the morning.
There is incredible insight and learning that stems from deciphering your dreams and paying attention to them and what they mean for your life. Just by committing to write your dreams down, and then beginning to try to remember each morning you will start to remember more!
Then, take note and become aware of when a dream is outside the norm of what your dreams are typically like. When an angel contacts you in a dream, there will be the energetic signature of golden light and incredibly loving energy that lingers afterwards.
Three Signs Gabriel Is With You
Have you asked Gabriel for guidance or assistance? When you ask Archangel Gabriel for support, healing, inspiration, and guidance, they will respond!
The guidance of Gabriel may not appear in the way you expect, and it may not be in the form of receiving a clear verbal message (especially at first as you need to open your subtle psychic senses for this) …
But know that when you ask for help and guidance, Gabriel will answer… But it's then up to you to stay present, centered and open to allow the subtle guidance, creative inspiration, and wisdom of Gabriel to appear.
As you practice present moment awareness, staying centered and grounded in the moment and continually returning your awareness to observation, gratitude and love…
In addition to being in a receptive state to access direct inspiration and angel messages, you will also be in the right state of mind to notice the signs of Archangel Gabriel's presence that do appear!
There are many things that can signify Gabriel’s presence, most common signs are:
1. Archangel Gabriel's White Coppery Angelic Energy
One of the biggest signs Archangel Gabriel is with you is that you begin to sense or notice one of their signature traits, which is that they appear with a beautiful white and golden, coppery angelic light.
You may see this brilliant light with your inner sight by simply drawing your attention inwards.
For example, when you are in a quiet meditative state and ask Gabriel to come forward, something magical happens. You may receive a general sense of their heartfelt warmth and presence or you might actually experience Gabriel stepping forward with or as a glowing coppery light.
The other way this sign could unfold is through seeing coppery white orbs in your peripheral vision. When this happens, don't be surprised if when you try to focus on the light it goes away! Allowing yourself to find a place of relaxation is required for your experience of Gabriel to deepen.
The key word here is allowing. Allow and sense into Archangel Gabriel’s white, golden coppery energy which opens up communication with the angelic realm.
2. Feeling Gabriels Glowing Energy
The second sign of Archangel Gabriel's presence is that you start to feel the warmth and love that is their energetic signature.
Gabriel's energy is like a warm dip in the ocean, purifying and cleansing for the soul. Their energy is like waking up to the sunrise overlooking a clear Mountain lake. Like nature, Gabriel’s energy is a beautiful reflection of the highest Divine Light. It is gentle, warm, and absolutely blissful to bask in.
When you sense this warm beautiful energy, you are likely sensing Gabriel! And then when you allow yourself to bask in Gabriel’s divine light, you balance your energy, and are further open to receiving angelic communication.
The next time you meditate, try inviting Gabriel in, and then when you simply relax and allow, you may notice the blissful energies of warmth and clarity that are a sign of Archangel Gabriel’s presence.
3. Angelic Imagery and Symbolism
The third sign you may experience when Gabriel is with you, is that you begin seeing angelic symbolism around you more often.
Perhaps this comes in the form of seeing a painting of an angel somewhere you’ve often been and yet never noticed that painting before. Alternately you may see a statue of an angel somewhere, or hear angels being sung about in a song. You might see more pictures of angels on your Facebook or Pinterest feed, you might notice an angel hanging above a Nativity scene (in July!) or you might drive by a restaurant named something like “Angel Cafe” or “Gabriel’s Bakery”.
These cute and seemingly coincidental sightings of angelic imagery and symbolism have angelic energy all over them! Seeing angels in artwork, media, or signs like this often increase in frequency when Archangel Gabriel is around and working with you. If this is happening for you it's not only a clear sign of Gabriel's presence, but a sign that they’re working to get messages through to you! Be sure you take some time to clear your mind and open your heart to receive more of Gabriel's Divine messages of healing frequency and love.
Call upon Archangel Gabriel for Love, Strength, Inspiration, and Clear Vision
There is really so much that Gabriel can assist with. When called upon, Gabriel will help you to tap into your inner strength and power and to bring you inspiring messages to assist you in your life, and in finding your highest calling.
If your spiritual vision has been blocked, or you feel disconnected from Divine Guidance, Gabriel can help you to open to and restore this Divine flow so you can clearly receive Divine inspiration and clearly see Divine love.
Just know that some action on your part will likely be required. Gabriel will show you what you need to do to reopen to the flow of Divine Love, Abundance, or even healing, but it's then up to you to not only listen and trust… But to then act!
Archangel Gabriel for Healing
While Archangel Raphael is the most well known Archangel of Healing, each of the Archangels carry a healing frequency that can further support and guide you on your healing journey.
The way Gabriel typically supports the healing process is to inspire you with clear knowledge as to the steps you can take to improve your situation. Gabriel is the Divine Messenger Archangel, and so their healing energy often involves connecting you with the messages of Healing Love.
Perhaps you simply need to be reminded that you are so loved and supported, or that you are enough! Gabriels messages of love can help remind you of your innate worth and sometimes this is “just what the doctor ordered” in terms of shifting your mental and emotional energy to bring yourself into alignment with healing light.
Additionally, physical healing crisis are often caused by energetic and emotional blockages. In many cases, allowing yourself to creatively express your energy, reignites the Divine energy flow of life force through your being.
So if you’ve been asking for healing energy, and you’re getting the guidance to get back out your paints, or work on writing a book, don’t doubt that this flow of creativity is a part of your healing journey and path.
If you are in healing crisis know that healing energy is available to you from the angelic realms, but more often than not rather than direct intervention or miraculous healing, the angels will inspire you to take action steps yourself to heal your body, and realign with wellness and the most vibrant possibilities for your life.
Free Angel Message from Archangel Gabriel
One of Archangel Gabriel's key messages and reminders for you is that you are a unique individualized expression of the Divine. Beneath the limiting beliefs, insecurities, fears and ramblings of the lower ego mind is the Divine I AM Truth of You. By becoming clear and present in the moment you can not only begin to attune to receive Gabriels messages directly, but you can embody more and more the truth of you.
Remember the Divine Light you carry within and to let it shine through all you do. Thoughts, actions, words, and feelings… Shining and embodying more of the light and truth of the Divine I Am.. The Divine light being you really are.
Remember the divine light in you!
Gabriels wants you to remember that you are here on Earth now because your unique light, individual expression, passions and purpose is needed . Your inner light and love are needed.
There is nothing outside of you which can tell you the exact form or shape this will take for you… But in this free channeled angel message from Gabriel you will be cleansed and lifted in vibration, and lovingly guided to tune into the true essence of all that you were meant to be.
Now is an exciting time on Earth, and you have an essential role to play. Gratitude opens your heart and will carry you through any rut or challenge. You have a role to play in the current cosmic unfolding, and it is through your heart, not your mind that you will ultimately know this purpose.
Relax, Breathe, and listen to tune into the message and frequency of Archangel Gabriel!
Archangel Haniel
"Glory to God"
Moon Cycles: Be aware of how the moon affects your energy and
manifestations, can capitalize on these cycles.
Passion: Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love
life and career.
Sensitivity: You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions.
Honor yourself and your feelings.
Crystal: Moonstone
Aura: Blueish-White/Turquoise
Archangel Haniel will care for you with her nurturing mother energy and effect miracles with her love for you. She can help you give glory to God by living your highest potential. She will groom your hidden talents and help you fine tune your skills.
Archangel Haniel will help you honor your natural cycles, moods and rhythms. She assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves. Call upon her if you feel unsure or negative about yourself. She will help you appreciate yourself and see how beautiful you are.
Archangel Haniel is a powerful celestial being whose presence and influence has been documented in various spiritual traditions, belief systems, and esoteric traditions.
Archangel Haniel's energy and presence is associated with Intuition, Joy, Beauty, Grace, and with the rhythms and cycles of the Divine Feminine.
One of the main roles of Archangel Haniel is to act as an intermediary between human beings and the higher spheres of Divine Wisdom and the celestial realms. Through this, Haniel can bring powerful guidance to assist you in raising your vibration and expanding your consciousness so you can experience the higher levels of spiritual wisdom and Divine Truth.
Haniel also helps to translate high level spiritual concepts and frequencies into language, words, and frequencies that human beings within physical reality can integrate and understand.
The Turquoise Ray
Archangel Haniel is associated with the Turquoise Ray of emotional tranquility and is said to be seen wearing Turquoise robes of light.
Turquoise light is a perfectly balanced blend of blue and green which is symbolic of Haniel's energy and ability to balance the higher spiritual realms with the realm of the physical.
Working with the Turquoise Ray can help to balance your energy and reconnect you to the rhythms of the natural cycles of the Earth.
While Haniel is gentle, loving, and incredibly nurturing when she flows her soothing energy, and Turquoise healing light, she also has a sort of electric energy and wildness about her…
She has a fiercely powerful intensity, and she's always willing to fly deep in the heart of heaviness and density, unafraid of messy emotions, challenging times, and sticky situations because she has the power to help shift all of these things.
Haniel is a being of light, who serves with love to bring joy, provide strength and reassurance, and deepen the level of spiritual wisdom and frequency you are able to comprehend.
I am honored and grateful to have Haniel as an ally, and if you feel drawn to her, Archangel Haniel welcomes all those who call upon her with sincerity, openness, respect and with a willingness to heal, grow, and transform.
Feminine Archangel of Venus and the Moon
Archangel Haniel is one of the Archangels who usually appears as a female presence to humans within physical reality. She is the Archangel associated with the Planet Venus and with the Moon.
Haniel also offers support for women during their monthly cycle, and oversees forces of intuition, psychic sight and psychic feeling.
In the Book of the Kabbalah, Haniel is known as one of the 10 Sephirots, who are the 10 Archangels represented as branches within the Tree of Life. Each of the 10 Sephirot angels are said to oversee unique qualities of creative life force energy. Haniel, angel of Joy oversees the creative force of Eternity, and helps those on Earth to reconnect with and understand the eternal nature of God outside of space and time.
Who Is Haniel In The Bible?
Archangel Haniel is not specifically referenced in the canonical Bible, but is mentioned in some apocryphal texts and in various works of Christian mysticism.
In the non-canonical Book of 3 of Enoch, Archangel Haniel is said to be one of the angels who picked up Enoch in a fiery chariot to help him ascend into the realms of Heaven.
Working with Archangel Haniel
Archangel Haniel welcomes all who call upon her, and is a powerful ally for anyone navigating through heavy emotions, dealing with personal sensitivity, or for those who know they're meant for so much more on earth, and are simply having trouble rising to the occasion and stepping into their full light.
Haniel is one of the Archangels who is known to dive right into whatever heaviness you may be experiencing, so she can light illuminate your highest and best possible path leading towards true joy, love and fulfillment for you.
When called upon, she can also help you to access your innate gift of intuition and to discover how to search for deeper truth, and spiritual guidance within. She is a wonderful ally who can also assist you in staying poised and centered in the midst of whatever challenges or uncertainty you are experiencing at the time.
Ready to get to know Archangel Haniel?
Invoking the presence of Archangel Haniel can be as easy as asking:
“Archangel Haniel, thank you for connecting with me now and wrapping me in your brilliant light and joy. Help me to release heavy emotions, and distorted energies so I can access the full extent of my spiritual gifts and shine my light to be of service at a higher level in my life and align with true joy and fulfillment.”
You can also ask Archangel Haniel to help heal and uplift others:
“‘Thank you Archangel Haniel for uplifting all who are in need of your healing light and love.' “‘Thank you Archangel Haniel for uplifting all who are in need of your healing light and love.'”
Additionally, the angel messages I've channeled with Archangel Haniel carry her vibrational energy signature and loving presence.
Angel messages not only connect you with the love and presence of Haniel, but will also guide you to more clearly connect with your own Angels and Guides so you can receive clear guidance and act in a way that will lead to more fulfillment, and living an enjoyable life.
Archangel Jeremiel
"Mercy of God"
As It Should Be: Life is happening exactly as it is supposed to,
with hidden blessings you will soon understand.
Life Review: Take a look at your life and commit to change or
heal anything that is unbalanced.
Overcoming Challenges: Allow the worst to be behind you, and any
Crystal: Amethyst
Aura: Deep Purple
Archangel Jeremiel can help with this by helping us to become aware of our thoughts and emotions and how these may be out of alignment with what we really desire, and how they alone may be blocking us from receiving the mercy, peace and gifts of Heaven.
Life is happening exactly as it is supposed to, with hidden blessings you will soon understand. Take a look at your life and commit to change or heal anything that is unbalanced. Allow the worst to be behind you, and any challenges.
Archangel Jeremiel lets you know he is around you when you see sparkles of dark purple light. When you wear an amethyst crystal you may feel closer to Archangel Jeremiel’s kind and loving energy.
One of Archangel Jeremiel’s purposes is to help newly crossed over souls to review their lives. He also helps those who are still living to make life reviews as well.
When you call upon him, he bestows mercy to you and everyone involved in the situation you are calling upon him for.
He will also help you adopt a merciful outlook which enables you to consistently treat yourself with respect and tender loving care.
Archangel Jeremiel appears to be one of the main 7 Archangels known to serve humanity… And yet today, he is not a very commonly known archangel today, and there is a key reason for this!
Archangel Jeremiel is quiet!
Now, I don’t mean that Archangel Jeremiel is quiet in the sense that he’s not around, not helping, and not guiding humanity anymore.
Rather, I mean that he’s quiet in the way he communicates. Unlike Archangel Michael who is very vocal in getting his guidance heard, (Archangel Michael is one of the easiest Archangels to hear)… Archangel Jeremiel mainly communicates through symbols, mental movies, and through visions and dreams.
How Archangel Jeremiel Serves Humanity
Jeremiel is also sometimes known as being an “Angel or Presence”
or as the “Angel of Visions and Dreams” because of his role in translating the highest light and wisdom of Heaven to use in the physical realm in a way that can reach us… Which is often only through the unconscious mind and through the dreams and visions Jeremiel brings.
Through this, Jeremiel is particularly helpful in assisting you with developing clairvoyance, receiving prophetic visions, remembering dreams and understanding the meaning of dreams, and sorting through past memories to review your life, and resolve to make changes which will impact your future in a positive way.
I sense Archangel Jeremiel as having a very bright energy, which is soft and comforting… However, his presence is very subtle. It’s almost as if Jeremiel stands behind Archangel Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel… And he mostly communicates through visual imagery known as clairvoyance, along with feeling and sensation known as clairsentience but he is incredibly powerful and helpful nonetheless!
Archangel Jeremiel Supports With:
Psychic Abilities and Clairvoyance
Prophecy and Claircognizance
Spiritual Gifts
Mental Clarity
Memories and Life Reflection
Archangel Jeremiel is also incredibly helpful when it comes to healing emotions.
Specifically, he can help you to see the patterns in your life which have led to your current emotional state. When it comes to how and why your present life experiences are the way they are, there is often more in play than it at first glance appears.
Jeremiel can help you to “see” past experiences, memories, choices, and patterns that have molded your life, and impacted your energy and emotions.
This is called a “Life Review” and it is incredibly beneficial for people to do while living, in order to then make changes and change the course of trajectory for their lives.
With the understanding this reflection brings, Jeremiel as a guide then offers gentle guidance, usually in the form of inner visions, impressions, and mental images, to help you make positive changes to raise your emotional vibration in the present so you can positively impact your future and shift your trajectory to align with your authentic soul path and purpose in your present life.
This process is similar to the Life Review work Jeremiel does with souls who have crossed over. He and other angels act as guides who step forward to send blessings, assist and support the souls of the newly deceased as they travel through the spheres between Earth and Heaven.
The after life review is much more complete than any reviews you do while living, as it is a review of all that has happened in someone's life. This is an essential step in the soul journey in order to heal, gain insight, and recover from life in the physical, and prepare for whatever is next on their soul journey.
See The Bigger Picture for Your Life
So while Jeremiel helps the living in opening clairvoyance and psychic sight… So you can become receptive to the guidance, and wisdom he may send… His work is much more expansive than that and he can also help you to see across the lines of time, and feel beyond the present moment to see and understand the bigger picture of the purpose for your being here in the physical now.
Jeremiel will help you to understand at a deep level that each and every choice you make, all the life lessons, and every moment is for your benefit and with awareness, becomes an opportunity to learn, grow, share, and tune in to the full extent of growth opportunity and blessings available to you through being alive in the physical.
Jeremiel gently reminds us that although life is hard, challenging, and downright painful at times, it is also an incredible gift… His soothing soft presence offers a beautiful respite for anyone who is at a crossroads, or struggling to see the deeper meaning and purpose for being alive.
Archangel Jeremiel will help you to see the blessings in your past experiences, the beauty in the present, and the inspiring future you are able to begin consciously stepping into. When you connect with more of your power, you become able to be of service at a higher level, stepping more and more into alignment with living your true purpose and aligning with the highest possibilities for your life.
Jeremiel, archangel of Mercy is a powerful ally for realigning with the highest possible path for your life, and the True purpose and higher Divine blueprint you created as a soul prior to birth in the physical.
This realignment is in part opening to love, positivity and blessings, and it is in part being willing to cleanse, release and let go of what is only weighing you down and what is blocking your light that no longer serves.
Because of the work Jeremiel does helping souls to purge negative habits, and clear and transmute heavy energy, distortion and negativity, Archangel Jeremiel is associated with the Orange and Violet Rays. Orange is incredibly purging of lower energies, and Violet can clear and transmute.
Archangel Jeremiel images often reflect his association with these two rays of light and energy, and so he is often depicted with colors of Purple and Orange.
How to Tune Into The Presence of Jeremiel
As I mentioned, Jeremiel's presence is usually more subtle than many other angels like Metatron, Michael, or Raphael especially at first. So you're really relaxing and becoming present and aware of the inner subtle planes of experience is essential for you to then tune in to and become aware of his presence.
Clear your mind, open your heart, and be open to the soft, gentle, and visual guidance and messages Jeremiel may bring, guiding you to release burdens, uplift your emotional state of being and improve your life through attuning to a higher level of awareness now.
Archangel Jophiel
"Beauty of God"
Free Up Space: Clear out clutter, clear the energy around you
and use feng shui.
Outdoors: Be outside, get fresh air, connect with nature to
relieve stress and gain new creative energy.
Patience: You have dreams that are blooming faster than
you realize but needs nurturing and patience.
Crystal: Dark Pink Rubellite
Aura: Deep Rose Pink
Archangel Jophiel is the Archangel of beauty, creativity, clarity and insight.
Archangel Jophiel sees beauty in everyone and everything and will help you do the same. She knows when we spend time outdoors, we are cleared of lower energies and naturally have a more beautiful outlook on life.
Archangel Jophiel helps us experience more grace and peace in our lives through slowing down and noticing the beauty that already surrounds us. She teaches us to savor and enjoy each moment, rather than hinging our happiness on some of our future goals.
​Call upon Archangel Jophiel anytime you feel rushed, stressed or unhappy. She will increase your awareness and appreciation of life's everyday miracles.
Archangel Jophiel’s heavenly crystal is dark pink rubellite and her aura is deep rose pink.
Archangel Jophiel: Connecting with the Angel of Beauty and Illumination
Who is Archangel Jophiel?
Archangel Jophiel is a powerful archangel of beauty, creativity, and clarity. She has a fierce and feminine presence that is uplifting, vibrant, and inspiring.
Jophiel is a wonderful ally to call upon when you need help seeing the beauty within and around you. She can help you to shift your perspective from focusing on what is wrong and ugly in the world, and into seeing the good, true and beautiful within yourself and everything around you.
Archangel Jophiel is associated with the Yellow Ray and with golden yellow light. She is said to help people to manifest beauty in their lives and she brings creative inspiration, spiritual guidance, wisdom, and even enlightenment to those who seek it.
Jophiel is also known for her ability to inspire fresh and creative ideas. Whether through art, music, writing, or other forms of creative expression, Archangel Jophiel's magnificent energy can help you to tap into your inner creativity and bring your ideas to life.
Archangel Jophiel radiates unconditional love and positive energy. Simply tapping into her presence can help you to find greater joy and positivity in your own life, even amidst uncertainty, challenges, and difficult times.
Whether you're looking to bring more joy and harmony into your life or seeking inspiration to create something beautiful, calling upon Archangel Jophiel may empower you with just the guidance, wisdom and self confidence you need to move forward.
Archangel Jophiel is often called the angel of beauty, due to this meaning, and because through her work and service, she helps us to connect with and appreciate the inherent beauty in all things, even in situations or people that may seem difficult or unpleasant at first.
Jophiel can also help you to develop a sense of gratitude for the many blessings in your life, which can help you to attract even more beautiful experiences and things to be grateful for.
Archangel Jophiel helps us to find beauty, the beauty in nature, in art, and within ourselves. Through this we are able to claim a greater sense of peace, happiness, mental clarity and a sense of fulfillment as we see and act in alignment with our life's purpose.
Signs and Symbols to Recognize Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel and the Sword of Wisdom
One spiritual tool that Archangel Jophiel is known to wield is the Sword of Wisdom. Much like the sword of Archangel Michael, this flaming sword represents her ability to cut through confusion, negative emotions, ignorance, and negative energy.
Jophiel's sword also represents the power of discernment and the ability to cut away illusions and distortion in order to see things clearly as they are, and as a result, to make wise choices.
Using the flaming sword, Jophiel can help you to gain clarity into your own thoughts and decisions, as well as help you to see the underlying truth in any situation, which is essential on the path towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Archangel of the Light and Illumination
Another symbol of Archangel Jophiel is a lantern, which she is often depicted holding to represent the radiant light she holds and shines forth to bless and uplift humanity.
In some artistic projects, Archangel Jophiel is portrayed as holding her flaming sword in one hand, and a glowing lantern, or another symbol of illumination in the other; these tools are representative of one of her roles as an archangel of illumination.
Through understanding these symbols, we gain insight and understanding into Jophiel's role a powerful guide, protector and ally in the quest for spiritual understanding. Jophiel also serves as a source of strength and guidance for those seeking to overcome the challenges of life.
If you find yourself feeling down or struggling to see the good in a situation, you may wish to reach upward towards Jophiel's radiant light to help illuminate your path, and to help you see things in a more positive and hopeful light.
Archangel Jophiel and the Yellow Ray
Another symbol associated with Archangel Jophiel is the Yellow Ray. The Yellow Ray is one of the seven primary rays of energy that correspond to different aspects of the divine, and have specific qualities and attributes that can support the spiritual journey.
The Yellow Ray is associated with Archangel Jophiel and is believed to represent the qualities of wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment. It is also said to be connected with the intellect and the powers of the mind, as well as with the power of manifestation and creativity.
If you start to see flashes of yellow light or feel drawn to the color yellow, it could be a sign that Archangel Jophiel is trying to communicate with you through the energy of the Yellow Ray to offer guidance, illumination and support.
How to Connect with Archangel Jophiel
To connect with Archangel Jophiel, you can simply call upon her by name and ask for her guidance, support and assistance.
Just keep in mind, that as is the case with all of the archangels, Archangel Jophiel is a very high vibrational spiritual being who exists in a higher dimensional realm.
So if you would like to connect with Archangel Jophiel to receive her guidance and become aware of her presence and energy, you'll likely need to shift your awareness, focus your mind, and expand your consciousness to make the connection.
Meditation and Prayer to Connect with the Archangel of Beauty
To do this, you can meditate or use prayer to get into a relaxed and open state where you are receptive to her guidance, support and powerful energy and healing frequency.
Connect with Archangel Jophiel
To connect with Archangel Jophiel, find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit undisturbed. You may wish to create a sacred space, bring in a bouquet of beautiful yellow flowers, light a yellow candle, or put on some beautiful and relaxing meditation music to set the stage for your connection.
Take a deep breath, and allow your awareness to relax. Continue to breathe and consciously relax your mind and body, and close your eyes.
Allow your awareness to rest within your heart center. The heart center is a powerful gateway to access the angelic realm. Allow your heart to naturally open. You can support your heart center in awakening by tuning into gratitude and letting love build within this center.
When you've reached a place of relaxed, and open receptivity, consciously invoke Archangel Jophiel's presence.
Invoke Archangel Jophiel
Recite a prayer or invocation that invites Archangel Jophiel's presence into your space. You can use any prayer or invocation that resonates with you, or try this one:
Archangel Jophiel Invocation
“Archangel Jophiel, please connect with me now. Surround me with your golden light and energy of beauty, wisdom and clarity. Help to lift my consciousness, and open my heart so I may directly experience your love, guidance and presence. Help me to see underlying beauty in everything. Thank you for guiding and blessing all areas of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is.”
Focus on your intention to connect with Archangel Jophiel, and then allow yourself to let go and simply breathe, relax and open, becoming fully present and receptive in the moment.
Crystals to Connect with Archangel Jophiel
You can also use crystals to help amplify your connection with Archangel Jophiel.
Yellow and gold crystals such as Dark Pink Rubellite, natural Citrine, Yellow Calcite, Smoky Quartz and Rutilated Quartz are associated with Archangel Jophiel. You can hold these stones in your hand or place them around you as you meditate.
You could also choose to work with any of the angelic crystals that support connecting with angels, like Selenite, Celestite, Apophyllite, Clear Quartz … Or really, any stone or crystal you're working with to consciously empower your connection with the angels.
Just Allow
As you sit in a relaxed meditation with the intention to connect with Archangel Jophiel, allow yourself to open up to her guidance and wisdom. Let go of any expectation, or try to make anything happen. Relax, open and just allow.
Trust that when you ask, open, and become receptive, Jophiel, the archangel of beauty will connect with you and help empower you to see the beauty in all things, as she steps forward to guide you on your path towards inner peace and knowing your own spiritual self.
Just keep in mind, the connection and guidance may manifest in a way that is different than you expect … So do your best to release any expectations and just allow the connection to naturally and honestly unfold, rather than trying to make something happen.
The Joy and Loving Wisdom of Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel is a powerful and loving angel who can help empower you to see the underlying beauty and harmony in all life.
She can empower you to release negative thoughts and feelings, and to find joy and happiness in the present moment.
Whether you are struggling with creativity, or just need a boost of positivity, Jophiel can help you see the world in a new light, and in a way that empowers and inspires you.
May the light and presence of Archangel Jophiel uplift, inspire and guide you on your journey towards greater happiness, abundance, love, and beauty in your life.
Archangel Metatron
also known as Enoch
one of the humans to
walk the Earth as an Angel
Archangel Metatron is known as one of the humans to walk the Earth as an Angel. He is a unique figure among Archangels due to his believed human origins and powerful influence in the celestial realm.
Metatron is one of two angels that walked the Earth as human men. He was the prophet and scribe Enoch, who ascended after his exemplary Earth life. He continues to work as a scribe and record keeper in Heaven. Archangel Metatron plays a central role in recording human deeds and overseeing the Tree of Life. Metatron is one of only two angels (the other being Sandalphon, his spiritual brother) who ascended from a human incarnation on Earth into the angelic realm as a spiritual being.
Archangel Metatron’s heavenly crystal is watermelon tourmaline and his aura is a violet and seafoam green stripes.
Archangel Metatron is among the most powerful archangels known for his unique role within angelic hierarchies.
Metatron’s presence spans multiple religious and esoteric traditions. He also has a strong connection to various symbols and spiritual practices.
​Call upon Archangel Metatron to clean and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes.
Focus on your highest priorities. Archangel Metatron will help you get organized and motivated.
Call upon Archangel Metatron especially if you have a bond with children, in particular while helping children who are sensitive. Archangel Metatron works closely with psychic and sensitive children, and he loves to help adults help these children. If you need more time, money, ideas, contacts or support for this mission, call upon him. He will help you manifest your needs so your focus can be directed toward his beloved special children.
Legend also suggests that it was Metatron who led Israel through the wilderness. As an archangel, he holds an esteemed position, being among the select group of angels who can look upon God’s countenance.
He and Archangel Michael are among the highest-ranking angels in the celestial hierarchy. The two angels work together in various ways, with Metatron providing guidance and wisdom while Michael offers protection and strength. Some sources also suggest that Metatron and Michael share a unique relationship, with Michael being Metatron’s teacher and mentor.
Signs of Archangel Metatron
One of the most powerful heavenly beings, Archangel Metatron, is often recognized by specific signs associated with his presence. Known as the angel of life, he has a unique and fiery presence, which can manifest in various ways for those who seek his guidance.
One of the most common and compelling signs of Archangel Metatron’s presence is the appearance of swirls of intense light and color. When Metatron visits them, people may see bright flashes of light, as he is often associated with a crystalline body or colorful aura. This can serve as a powerful visual reminder of his presence and support.
Another indication of Metatron’s guidance is a strong sense of empowerment and a newfound willingness to tackle challenges and face the unknown. Metatron’s influence can help individuals break through barriers and overcome personal limitations, ultimately leading them to dive into situations they might have previously found intimidating.
It is also important to note that signs of Archangel Metatron may vary from person to person, as each individual’s spiritual connection and experiences with him can differ. However, people who report these key signs feel guided by Metatron and resonate with his powerful, transformative energy.
Archangel Metatron’s Symbols and Sigils
One of the most notable symbols associated with the Archangel Metatron is Metatron’s Cube. This sacred geometry structure consists of 13 circles and lines connecting them to form a brilliantly lit cube figure. Each circle in the cube also represents one of the 7 chakras or energy centers within the body, the solar plexus.
Some believe that God created the universe using the Metatron Cube as its blueprint. They also believe that Metatron is holding or overseeing his cube, symbolizing his role as a guardian of heaven’s secrets and divine mediator.
It also works as a healing cube by spiraling through one’s mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. When the cube spins clockwise, it clears and releases dense energy, toxins, and negativity in any form. This paves the way for positive thoughts, giving people an increased personal power and sense of self.
Some accounts also associate the Sword of Truth, a shield, blue and red fire, and scales of justice with Archangel Metatron. These symbols recognize Archangel Metatron as a divine judge, protector, and upholder of cosmic order bestowed to him by the Divine.
In essence, the symbols and sigils express and invoke this celestial archangel’s distinctive qualities, power, and presence. By incorporating these symbols into spiritual practices, individuals hope to connect more deeply with Metatron and his Divine guidance.
Role and Powers of Archangel Metatron
Metatron’s name is believed to mean either “one who guards” or “one serves behind [God’s] throne.” His primary role is maintaining the universe’s records, influencing his concern for people’s positive and negative thoughts.
An archangel Metatron statue symbolizes his presence and energy for those interested in honoring and connecting with Archangel Metatron through physical representations. People use these statues during meditation or prayer to deepen one’s relationship with this celestial being.
Archangel Metatron and Numerology.
In numerology, Metatron holds a unique significance since he is one of the few archangels whose name does not end with the suffix “-el” (meaning “of God”). He is appointed by God and is one of God’s Soldiers.
Metatron plays a vital role in Hebrew numerology, where the consonants that constitute the names “Metatron” and “Shaddai” (meaning “Almighty”) hold numerical values that add up to 314. This connection to 314 suggests a more profound spiritual significance for Metatron within numerology.
One notable association between Archangel Metatron and numerology is the concept of “Angel Numbers.” These are numerical sequences that convey messages from the spiritual world. In this context, Metatron is often linked to 11. It is a powerful number that relates to spiritual awakening, intuition, and higher consciousness. Metatron may send messages to individuals through recurring instances of the number 11, urging them to pay attention to their intuition and spiritual growth.
Archangel Metatron in Modern Spirituality
Metatron’s role as a spiritual guide has led many to seek his assistance through prayer, invoking his divine presence in their spiritual journey.
With roots in various religious texts, the angel Metatron was once a biblical prophet named Enoch, as mentioned in the Hebrew Torah. Upon ascending to heaven, Enoch transformed into the powerful Archangel Metatron, symbolizing humanity’s potential for spiritual evolution.
Archangel Metatron is a crucial figure in spiritual transformation and ascension in modern spirituality. Individuals often turn to Metatron for empowerment, inner strength, and guidance in their spiritual development. Among various practices, people use the archangel Metatron prayer to invoke his help as God has so appointed.
One unique characteristic that sets Metatron apart from other archangels is his name, which does not end with the suffix “-el,” meaning “of God.” Despite this, he remains a powerful archangel connected to the divine universe and responsible for supporting humanity’s spiritual growth.
Crystals Associated with Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is closely associated with various crystals that can help individuals connect and work with his powerful spiritual energies. These crystals provide support and guidance from Archangel Metatron in meditation, energy healing, or as personal talismans.
Fluorite is one of the crystals associated with Archangel Metatron. This beautiful gemstone has cleansing and balancing properties, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to purify their energy and align with higher spiritual realms.
Peacock Ore, known as Chalcopyrite, has vibrant, iridescent colors and powerful energy. It inspires transformation, innovation, and deep spiritual understanding.
Rainbow Quartz holds a unique resonance with Archangel Metatron. Its colorful inclusions create a solid connection to the spiritual world, making it an excellent tool for enhancing psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual wisdom.
Herkimer Diamonds are valuable for their spiritual properties and connection to Archangel Metatron. These double-terminated quartz crystals amplify other stones’ energy, making them perfect for expanding their conscious awareness and spiritual growth.
Tabular Quartz is another powerful crystal associated with Metatron. Its flat, elongated shape helps promote communication and understanding between the physical and spiritual realms, making it an ideal choice for those seeking divine guidance.
Archangel Metatron is here for each of us as God has appointed him. A beautiful gift from God, call upon Archangel Metatron when you need his support and guidance.
You are never alone, God promises you that. Archangel Metatron is a thought, a word, a summons away to enlist his help.
Archangel Michael
"He Who Is Like God"
Clear Intentions: Be clear of your desires, focus on
it with steady faith.
Remember Who You Are: You are a powerful, loving and creative
child of God. You are loved.
Protection: Protecting you against lower energies,
guarding you, our loved ones and home.
Crystal: Sugilite
Aura: Royal Blue and Royal Purple Mix
When calling upon Archangel Michael, be clear of your desires, focus on it with steady faith.
Remember you are a powerful, loving, and creative child of God. You are loved.
Archangel Michael emanates the Creator's awesome qualities of love, power, strength and faith.
When you call upon him, your own similar qualities are enhanced and magnified. Ask Archangel Michael to enter your dreams and clear away any fears that are blocking you from fully enjoying and living your spiritual gifts and qualities. He works especially well with us while we are sleeping, that is when we are most open-minded and receptive.
Archangel Michael's chief role is to escort away the lower energies of fear, protecting you against these lower energies, guarding you, your loved ones and your home.
Ask him to bring you peace when you are worried or anxious. He can clear your home, office, and community of toxic energies when you ask him.
You can ask Archangel Michael to stay with you continuously as he is able to be with everyone who calls upon him simultaneously.
You may notice a warm feeling indicating he is working with you due to his fiery warrior spirit.
If you wear a Sugilite pendant, you may find yourself channeling profound and loving messages from Michael when you speak.
Archangel Michael’s aura is a royal blue and royal purple mix.
His crystal of heaven is sugilite.
Archangel Michael’s energy, or light, is extremely protective. It forms an energy shield, when called upon, helping filter negative energy. Energy protection is a technique to surround your personal energy field (picture yourself inside a big bubble of energy) with the protective light of Archangel Michael. This light, or aura, is a soft bluish/purple color; visualize yourself in a bubble of that translucent color while calling on Archangel Michael for energy protection.
Sometimes, people behave in negative ways towards us or around us. Whatever the reason for this, when it happens continuously, the impact of the toxic energy cycle can be harmful to us in many ways (emotional, physical or both). Archangel Michael can help protect us from the individual(s) involved, as well as severing the negative energy by a technique known as “cord cutting”. Ask Archangel Michael to cut any negative, energy cord attachments. Energy cords are the way people naturally bond energy to each other; they are mostly positive, but negative ones can be formed in these types of situations. Visualise Archangel Michael cutting these negative cords (they look like tubes or spider web threads), positive ones cannot be cut so do not be concerned with his mighty sword. You can also ask for his protection from the person.
Archangel Michael can offer guidance, inspiration and serendipitous avocation for your Life Purpose. Calling on Archangel Michael for help with your Life Purpose alleviates fear, brings ideas, creates opportunities and motivates you like never before. Think of Archangel Michael as your Life Purpose agent, he wants you to succeed because it is part of his Divine mission!
Aside from energy and personal protection, Archangel Michael can protect your possessions as well. You can ask Archangel. Michael to protect your home, your car, your yard, your RV, your shopping cart at the store; anything that needs protection. Simply ask and picture his bluish/purple bubble around the item.
Fear based thinking patterns, like worry and doubt, prevent us from aligning with our Life Purpose, living authentically and creating peace in our lives. Archangel Michael helps us overcome fear and focus on the positive blessings in our lives. You can ask for his help increasing your awareness of self-sabotaging, negative beliefs and with cutting energy cord attachments that you have to these ingrained beliefs. Increased awareness from Archangel Michael will reveal ways you are negatively impacting your life. Asking him to cut the negative cord attachments will help you detach from these negative thinking patterns and focus on the positive blessings in your life.
Welcoming Archangel Michael into your life can bring you a sense of protection against lower energies and negativity. Allow him to give you this peace as you go about your days.
Archangel Raguel
"Friend of God"
Clairsentience: Notice recurring physical and emotional
feelings, they signify Divine guidance.
Divine Order: Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past illusions and see underlying order.
Relationship Harmony: Protecting you against lower energies,
guarding you, our loved ones and home.
Crystal: Aquamarine
Aura: Light Blue
Archangel Raguel is referred to as "The Archangel of Justice and Fairness" and oversees all angels and archangels ensuring harmony, cooperation and order among them.
He will help you sort your feelings, enabling you to notice, understand and follow them.
Archangel Raguel guides people to act in fair and just ways. He gives us faith in humanity's essential goodness.
​His principal role is to create harmony and order in relationships. He has the power to resolve disputes. When we are facing disputes, ask Archangel Raguel to act as a mediator. He will come up with a creative resolution in which everyone
Archangel Raguel is often referred to as the Angel of Justice and Harmony in various religious and spiritual traditions. His name means Friend of God, reflecting his close connection to the driven and his role in upholding justice. Raguel is believed to be an Archangel, a high-ranking celestial being tasked with overseeing matters of justice, fairness, and balance in the universe. He is known for his impartiality, wisdom, and ability to bring about resolution in conflicts and disputes. Raguel is also associated with promoting harmony and peace among individuals and communities.
Angel of Justice and Harmony
As the Angel of Justice and Harmony, Raguel is dedicated to ensuring that justice is served and balance is maintained in the world. He is a fierce advocate for fairness and righteousness, working tirelessly to uphold moral principles and ethical standards. Raguel’s presence is often felt in situations where conflict arises, as he helps to mediate disputes and brings about peaceful resolutions. Those who call upon Raguel in times of need can expect his guidance and support in seeking justice and restoring harmony in their lives.
Raguel’s Role in the Celestial Hierarchy
Within the celestial hierarchy, Archangel Raguel holds a significant position as one of the archangels closest to the divine source. He is responsible for overseeing matters of justice, fairness and balance among the angels and celestial beings. Raguel acts as a mediator and peacemaker, ensuring that conflicts are resolved peacefully and that harmony is maintained in the universe. His presence brings a sense of order and stability to the celestial realms, reflecting his commitment to upholding divine justice and righteousness.
Symbolic and Iconography
Archangel Raguel is often depicted in art and iconography as a powerful and majestic figure, radiating a sense of authority and wisdom. He is typically portrayed holding a sword, symbolizing his role as a warrior for justice and righteousness. Raguel is also associated with the color blue, representing truth, clarity, and peace. In some depictions, he is shown surrounded by symbols of justice such as scales or a gavel, emphasizing his commitment to upholding moral principles and fairness. Overall, Raguel’s symbolism conveys his role as a guardian of justice and harmony in the universe.
Biblical References
While Archangel Raguel is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, his role as the Angel of Justice and Harmony aligns with biblical teachings on righteousness and divine justice. In various religious texts and traditions, Raguel is revered for his unwavering commitment to upholding moral principles and ensuring that justice is served. Believers often look to Raguel for guidance and support in navigating difficult situations and seeking resolution in conflicts. Though not a central figure in the biblical narrative, Raguel’s influence is felt throughout religious teachings on justice, fairness and righteousness.
Archangel Raguel’s Powers and Abilities
As an archangel, Raguel possesses a wide range of powers and abilities that make him a formidable force for justice and harmony. He has the ability to see the truth in all situations, discerning right from wrong with clarity and precision. Raguel’s wisdom and insight allow him to guide individuals towards making just decisions and resolving conflicts peacefully. He is also known for his strength and courage in standing up for what is right even in the face of adversity. Those who call upon Raguel can expect his protection, guidance, and support in their quest for justice and harmony.
How To Call Upon Archangel Raguel
Believers seeking guidance and support of Archangel Raguel can call upon him through prayer, meditation, or ritualistic practices. It is important to approach Raguel with sincerity, humility and a genuine desire for justice and harmony. Once can invoke Raguel’s presence by lighting a candle, reciting a prayer or mantra dedicated to him, or simply speaking to him with an open heart. By expressing one’s intentions clearly and respectfully, believers can establish a connection with Raguel and invite his assistance in resolving conflicts, seeking justice, and promoting harmony in their lives.
Archangel Raguel plays a vital role as the Angel of Justice and Harmony, promoting fairness, righteousness and balance in the universe. His influence on believers seeking justice, peace and resolution in their lives is profound, as he offers guidance, protection and support in times of need. Raguel’s symbolism, powers, and roles in the celestial hierarchy underscore his commitment to upholding moral principles and ethical conduct. Through stories, legends and modern day devotion, believers connect with his wisdom and strength, drawing inspiration from his message of justice and harmony. As a beacon of light in a world often plagued by conflict and injustice, Raguel continues to guide and empower those who seek his guidance in promoting justice and fostering harmony.
Archangel Raphael
"Whom God Heals"
Angel Therapy: Notice recurring physical and emotional
feelings, they signify Divine guidance.
Breathe: Everything is how it needs to be right now.
Look past illusions and see underlying order.
Healthy Lifestyle: Protecting you against lower energies,
guarding you, our loved ones and home.
Crystal: Emerald & Malachite
Aura: Emerald Green
Archangel Raphael is known as Heaven's Physician. He prescribes preventative and curative medicine in the form of Divine Intervention and guidance. He is known as the healing angel in charge of physical healings for all living beings.
Archangel Raphael’s heavenly crystal is Emerald and Malachite, with an emerald green aura surrounding him.
Archangel Raphael will come into situations and surround it with his emerald green healing light and love and the situation will instantly be healed BUT more often he will give you intuition and hunches showing you can help with the healing.
Ask him to surround anything needing healing. He gives us Divine guidance through intuition, thoughts, ideas, dreams, etc. about how we can participate in keeping our bodies healthy.
When you call upon Archangel Raphael for healing, pay attention to inner impressions, and be sure to follow through upon guidance that calls you to take action.
The Origins of Archangel Raphael
In Christian and Jewish traditions, Archangel Raphael is one of the seven archangels who stand before the throne of God. According to ancient texts, Raphael is mentioned in the Book of Tobit in the Bible, where he assists Tobit in healing his blindness. In Islamic tradition, Raphael is known as Israfil, the angel of the trumpet who will blow the horn to announce the Day of Judgement.
Role as the Healing Angel
Archangel Raphael is known for his ability to heal physical, emotional and spiritual wounds. He is believed to work closely with healers, doctors and other healing professionals to guide and support their work. Raphael’s presence is said to bring peace, comfort, and divine intervention to those in need of healing. Many people pray to Archangel Raphael when facing health challenges, seeking guidance, or looking for inner peace and clarity.
The Powers of Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael is believed to possess the power to heal any form of illness or ailment, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. He is said to bring divine healing energy to those who call upon him, helping to restore balance, harmony and well-being. Raphael’s powers extend beyond healing to include protection, guidance and support in times of need. Many people believe that Raphael can help them overcome obstacles, find solutions to problems and navigate difficult situations with grace and ease.
How To Call Upon Archangel Raphael
Calling upon Archangel Raphael is a simple yet powerful practice. To connect with Raphael, you can simply say a prayer or speak to him directly, asking for his healing presence and guidance. Some people like to light a green candle or hold a piece of green jade or emerald while calling upon Raphael, as green is the color associated with whaling and Raphael’s energy. You can also meditate on Raphael’s presence and visualize his healing light surrounding you, bringing peace, comfort and healing to your mind, body and spirit.
Symbols and Colors Associated With Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael is often depicted with symbols of healing, such as a caduceus, a staff entwined with snakes, and a bowling of healing balm. The color green is closely associated with Raphael, representing growth, renewal and healing energy. Some people also associate the color emerald with Raphael, symbolizing divine love and compassion. These symbols and colors serve as reminders of Raphael’s healing powers and his ability to bring comfort and transformation to those in need.
Prayers to Invoke Archangel Raphael
There are many prayers that can be used to involve the presence of Archangel Raphael. Here is a simple prayer that you can use to connect with Raphael’s healing energy:
“Archangel Raphael,
Divine healer and guide, I call upon you know, to bring your healing light.
Wrap me in your wings, and fill me with your love, heal my body, mind, and soul and guide me from above. Thank you for your presence, thank you for your grace, I am healed, I am whole, in your loving embrace. “
Embracing the Healing Powers of Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael stands as a powerful figure in the realm of healing, offering comfort, guidance, and divine intervention to those in need. His presence brings hope, renewal, and transformation to those who call upon him, seeking healing for physical, emotional, or spiritual wounds. By invoking Archangel Raphael’s healing energy, people can experience profound shifts in their lives, finding peace, clarity and well-being in the midst of challenges. Embracing the healing powers of Archangel Raphael allows individuals to tap into a source of divine healing and love that transcends earthly limitations, offering solace and support on their healing journey.
Archangel Raziel
"Secrets of God"
Spiritual Understanding: Bringing esoteric information and
symbols, understanding to spiritual
Clairvoyance: Awakening spiritual sight to awaken
so you can clearly see Heavenly love.
Personal Power: Use your God-given power and
intentions to manifest blessings in
your life.
Crystal: Clear Quartz
Aura: Rainbow
Archangel Raziel is a fascinating figure in the angelic realm, often associated with mysteries and knowledge. This celestial being holds a unique place in spiritual traditions, revered for his wisdom and guidance in unlocking the secrets of the universe. From ancient texts to modern interpretations, Archangel Raziel remains a powerful symbol of enlightenment and insight.
Let’s delve deeper into the enigmatic world of Archangel Raziel and explore his origins, role in the angelic hierarchy, symbolism, domain, and how you can connect with the mystical being.
Who Is Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel, known as the Keeper of Secrets, is believed to be the archangel of mysteries and esoteric knowledge. He is often depicted as an angel wrapped in a cloak of swirling energy, holding a book or scroll that contains the wisdom of the cosmos. Raziel is said to be the angel who stands closest to the throne of God, acting as a mediator between divine wisdom and humanity. Those who seek enlightenment, inspiration, and spiritual guidance often turn to Archangel Raziel for his profound insights and revelations.
The Origins of Archangel Raziel
The origins of Archangel Raziel can be traced back to ancient Jewish mysticism and Kabbalistic traditions. In Jewish mysticism, Raziel is considered one of the chief archangels who imparts divine wisdom to those who are ready to receive it. The name “Raziel” itself means “Secret of God”, emphasizing the angel’s role in revealing hidden knowledge and mysteries. Over the centuries, Raziel has been mentioned in various texts and grimoires, gaining prominence as a guardian of sacred teachings and ancient wisdom.
Archangel Raziel’s Role in Angelic Hierarchy
Within the angelic hierarchy, Archange Raziel holds a prominent position as the angel of mysteries and knowledge. He is often seen as the gatekeeper to the divine realms, overseeing the flow of cosmic information and insights. Raziel acts as a bridge between the spiritual and earthly realms, guiding seekers on their quest for enlightenment and understanding. In some traditions, Raziel is also believed to be the angel who records all the deeds and actions of humanity, keeping a divine record of each soul’s journey.
Archangel Raziel’s Symbolism
Archangel Raziel is symbolically associated with wisdom, intuition, and spiritual illumination. His presence is believed to bring clarity to confusion, uncover hidden truths, and inspire seekers to tap into their inner knowing. The book or scroll that Raziel carries represents the vast storehouse of knowledge and insights that he offers to those who are open to receive. The swirling energy surrounding Raziel symbolizes the dynamic flow of information and revelations that he brings into the world.
Raziel’s Domain
Archangel Raziel’s domain encompasses the realms of mysteries and knowledge, offering seekers the opportunity to explore the deeper truths of existence. Those who seek Raziel’s guidance often find themselves drawn towards unraveling enigmas, deciphering symbols, and gaining profound insights into the mysteries of life. Raziel’s wisdom is said to illuminate the path of those who are willing to delve into the esoteric teachings are hidden truths that lie beyond the veil of everyday reality.
Connecting With Archangel Raziel
Connecting with Archangel Raziel requires an open heart, a clear mind, and a willingness to receive divine guidance. You can invoke Raziel through prayer, meditation, or visualization, inviting his presence into your life to help you unravel mysteries and gain deeper insights. Creating a sacred space dedicated to Raziel, using candle, crystals or incense can also enhance your connection with this powerful archangel. By attuning yourself to Raziel’s energy and intention, you can invite his wisdom and knowledge to illuminate your spiritual path.
Invoking Raziel for Guidance and Wisdom
When seeking guidance and wisdom from Archangel Raziel, it is essential to approach him with sincerity, humility and an open mind. You can invoke Raziel by calling upon his name in times of uncertainty, confusion, or when you are in need of clarity and insight. By expressing your intentions clearly and earnestly, you can invite Raziel’s presence into your life and ask for your guidance on specific matters or challenges. Trust in Raziel’s wisdom to lead you towards the answers and solutions that will serve your highest good.
Archangel Raziel stands as a beacon of light and wisdom in the realm of angelic beings, offering seekers the key to unlock the mysteries of the universe and gain profound insights into the nature of existence. Through his guidance, teachings, and blessings, Raziel empowers individuals to delve deeper into the realms of esoteric knowledge, spiritual enlightenment, and divine wisdom. By connecting with Archangel Raziel with an open heart and a receptive mind, you can tap into his transformative energies and receive the guidance you need to navigate life’s complexities with clarity and grace. Embrace the presence of Archangel Raziel in your spiritual journey and let his light illuminate your path towards greater understanding and enlightenment.
Archangel Sandalphon
"One of the archangels who were mortal
men, who lived such remarkable spiritual
lives that they ascended into
Gentleness: Be gentle with yourself, surround yourself with gentle
people, situations, environment.
Gifts from God: Angels bring you gifts from your Creator, open your
arms to receive.
Victory: Your prayers have been heard and answered, have faith.
Crystal: Turquoise
Aura: Cool Turquoise
Archangel Sandalphon is a celestial being known as the angel of music and prayer in various religious traditions. As one of the archangels, Sandalphon holds an essential role in connecting humanity with the divine through the power of music and prayer. This angel is believed to be a powerful spiritual guide, assisting individuals in seeking inner peace, harmony and spiritual growth. Often depicted as a towering figure radiating the ethereal light, Sandalphon is a symbol of divine grace and compassion.
The Role of Archangel Sandalphon in Music
Archangel Sandalphon’s primary role in music is to inspire creativity, harmony, and emotional healing through the power of sound. It is said that when Sandalphon plays his celestial harp, the vibration resonates throughout the universe, bringing peace and tranquility to all who listen. Musicians, singers and composers often call upon Sandalphon for guidance and inspiration in their artistic endeavors, believing that his presence can elevate their music to a higher spiritual level.
Archangel Sandalphon’s Connection to Prayer
In addition to music, Archangel Sandalphon is also closely associated with prayer. It is believed that Sandalphon acts as a mediator between humanity and divine, carrying prayers and intentions from the earthly realm to the heavens above. Those who seek guidance, comfort, or spiritual enlightenment often pray to Sandalphon, trusting in his ability to intercede on their behalf and bring their petitions to the attention of the divine.
Symbolism and Meaning of Sandalphon
Sandalphon’s name is derived from the Greek word “sandale” meaning “to send” and “phone” meaning “voice”. This symbolism reflects Sandalphon’s role as a messenger between the earthly and heavenly realms. In art and literature, Sandalphon is often depicted carrying a trumpet or harp, symbolizing the power of music to transcend earthly limitations and connect with the divine. His presence is a reminder of the importance of harmony, beauty and spiritual elevation in our lives.
How to Connect with Archangel Sandalphon
Connecting with Archangel Sandalphon is a deeply personal and spiritual experience. To establish a connection with this celestial being, individuals can engage in prayer, meditation or creative pursuits such as music, art, or writing. It is essential to approach Sandalphon with an open heart and mind, seeking guidance, healing or inspiration in whatever form is needed. By quieting the mind and opening oneself to the divine presence, one can invite Sandalphon into their lives and experience his transformative energy.
Invoking Archangel Sandalphon for Guidance
To invoke Archangel Sandalphon for guidance, individuals can engage in prayer, meditation, or creative activities such as playing music, singing, or writing. By setting aside time to connect with Sandalphon with sincerity, humility, and an open heart, trusting in his wisdom and compassion to guide you on your spiritual journey.
Healing Powers of Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel Sandalphon is believed to possess powerful healing energies that can bring comfort, peace, and spiritual renewal to those in need. By calling upon Sandalphon for healing, individuals can experience emotional, mental, and physical healing on a deep level. Sandalphon’s presence is said to bring a sense of calm, balance and harmony to the body, mind and spirit facilitating profound healing and transformation. Through prayer, meditation, and creative expression, one can tap into Sandalphon’s healing powers and experience a profound sense of well-being and wholeness.
Archangel Sandal’s legacy continues to inspire and uplift individuals around the world, offering guidance, healing and spiritual connection in times of need. As the angel of music and prayer, Sandalphon embodies the power of creativity, harmony, and divine grace, reminding us of the importance of spiritual elevation and connection with the divine. By invoking Sandalphon’s presence in our lives through prayer, meditation and creative expression, we can experience a profound sense of peace, healing and spiritual growth. Sandalphon’s legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of those who seek his guidance and inspiration on their spiritual journey.
Archangel Uriel
"The Light of God"
Ideas: Your ideas are Divinely guided, take action to
bring them to fruition.
Claircognizance: Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come
to you, they are answered prayers.
Intuition Trust: Trust your inner knowledge and act upon it
without hesitation.
Crystal: Amber
Aura: Pale Yellow
Archangel Uriel, often referred to as the Angel of Wisdom and Illumination, holds a significant place in various religious beliefs and traditions. With a name that means “Light of God”, Uriel is associated with knowledge, insight, and enlightenment. This celestial being is known for guiding individuals toward clarity and understanding, offering wisdom to navigate life’s challenges.
Archangel Uriel is one of the four main Archangels in Christian tradition, alongside Michael, Gabreil and Rapael. Often depicted with a flaming sword or a book, Uriel is revered for his wisdom, knowledge and ability to illuminate the path to those seeking guidance. Believed to be an angel of great compassion and understanding, Uriel is said to bring peace and insight to those who call upon him. As the angel associated with the element of Earth, Uriel is believed to provide stability and grounding energy to those who seek his assistance.
Symbolism and Iconography of Uriel
In art and iconography, Archangel Uriel is often depicted with symbols of light, such as a flaming torch or a sun disc. His presence is associated with illumination, insight and enlightenment. Uriel’s imagery may also include books or scrolls, representing knowledge and wisdom. Some artistic representations show Uriel holding a staff or scepter, symbolizing his authority and guidance. The colors associated with Uriel are earthy tones of brown and green, reflecting his connecting to the element of Earth.
Uriel’s Attributes and Characteristics
Archangel Uriel is often depicted as a serene and contemplative figure, exuding a sense of peace and wisdom. He is believed to possess keen insight, clarity of thought, and a deep understanding of the complexities of the universe. Uriel’s energy is described as warm, nurturing, and grounding. Offering solace and guidance to those in need. Individuals who connect with Uriel may experience a sense of inner peace, clarity of mind and heightened intuition.
Uriel as Angel of Wisdom and Illumination
As the Angel of Wisdom and Illumination, Uriel plays a crucial role in helping individuals navigate life’s challenges and uncertainties. Those who seek Uriel’s guidance may receive insights, clarity and spiritual wisdom to make informed decisions and find their true path. Uriel’s presence is said to bring light to dark situations, dispelling confusion and doubt. By connecting with Uriel, individuals can tap into their inner wisdom and unlock the secrets of the universe.
How To Connect With Archangel Uriel
To connect with Archangel Uriel, one can engage in prayer, meditation or visualization techniques. It is advisable to create a sacred space, light a candle and focus on invoking Uriel’s presence through heartfelt intentions. By opening your heart and mind to Uriel’s energy, you can invite his guidance and wisdom into your life. Some people choose to work with crystals such as amber, citrine or jasper to enhance their connection with Uriel’s energy.
Invoking Uriel for Guidance and Clarity
When seeking guidance and clarity from Archangel Uriel, one can recite a prayer or mantra to invite his presence.
Invocation to Uriel:
“Archangel Uriel, bringer of light and wisdom, guide me on my path of truth and clarity. Illuminate my mind and heart with your divine insight. Help me see the way forward with clarity and understanding. I open myself to your wisdom and guidance. Thank you, Uriel, for your loving presence.”
The Legacy of Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel stands as a beacon of wisdom and illumination in the realm of angelic beings. With his profound insight, guidance, and divine light, Uriel offers individuals a path to clarity, understanding, and spiritual growth. BBy connecting with Uriel’s energy and seeking his guidance, one can tap into a wellspring of wisdom and knowledge that transcends earthly limitations. As we embrace Uriel’s legacy of enlightenment and compassion, we invite his presence into our lives, guiding us towards a brighter and more illuminated future.
Archangel Zadkiel
"Righteousness of God"
Clairaudience: Be aware of the loving guidance you hear within your
mind and from other people.
Compassion: Soften your heart with respect to the situation, people
involved and yourself in which you are asking for
guidance about.
Knowledge: Have an open mind and learn new ideas; then teach
these to others.
Crystal: Lapis Lazuli
Aura: Deep Indigo Blue
​Archangel Zadkiel is a powerful and benevolent angel often associated with mercy, forgiveness, and transformation. In the celestial hierarchy, Zadkiel is known as the angel of freedom, benevolence and mercy. This angelic being is believed to oversee the violet flame, a potent tool for spiritual transformation and healing. Zadkiel’s presence is said to bring comfort, compassion, and guidance to those in need. Whether you are seeking forgiveness, healing or a fresh start, Zadkiel is there to offer support and encourangement.
The Role of Archangel Zadkiel
As the angel of mercy and transformation, Archangel Zadkiel plays a crucial role in helping individuals release negative emotions, heal past wounds, and embrace positive change. Zadkiel’s energy is gentle yet powerful, providing strength and compassion to those who are struggling. This angel is often called upon during times of turmoil, when we need to find inner peace, forgiveness, and healing. Zadkiel’s presence reminds us that no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.
Archangel Zadkiel’s Association With Mercy
Mercy is at the core of Archangel Zadkiel’s essence. This angel embodies compassion, forgiveness, and understanding, offering solace to those who are burdened by guilt, shame or regret. Zadkiel’s energy helps us release self-judgment and embrace self-love, allowing us to move forward with grace and compassion. By invoking Zadkiel’s presence, we can open our hearts to receive the healing and transformation we do desperately need.
Transformation Through Archangel Zadkiel
Transformation is a central theme in Zadkiel’s realm of influence. THis angelic being helps us shed old patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that no longer serve our highest good. Through Zadkiel’s guidance, we can embrace change, release the past, and step into a brighter future. Zadkiel’s energy supports us in our journey of personal growth and spiritual evolution, empowering us to become the best version of ourselves.
How To Connect With Archangel Zadkiel
Connecting with Archangel Zadkiel is a deeply personal and spiritual experience. To invite Zadkiel’s presence into your life, you can engage in prayer, meditation, or visualization. Simply call upon Zadkiel with an open heart and a sincere intention, and trust that this angelic being will respond to your call. You can also work with crystals such as amethyst and selenite, to amplify Zadkiel’s energy and support your spiritual journey. Remember, Zadkiel is always ready to offer comfort, guidance, and healing to those who seek it.
Archangel Zadkiel’s Symbolism and Meaning
Archangel Zadkiel is often depicted with a violet flame, symbolizing spiritual transformation, healing and transmutation. The violet flame is believed to cleanse negative energy, purify the soul, and uplift the spirit. Zadkiel’s presence is also associated with the color violet, which represents divine wisdom, intuition and spiritual awakening. By meditating on the violet flame or visualizing yourself surrounded by violet light, you can align yourself with Zadkiel’s transformative energy and invite positive change into your life.
Invoking Zadkiel for Help and Guidance
When you are in need of assistance, guidance, or healing, you can invoke Archangel Zadkiel to support you on your journey. Simply close your eyes, take a deep breath and call upon Zadkiel with sincerity and trust. You can ask Zadkiel for help in releasing negative emotions, forgiving yourself or others, and embracing positive change. Trust that Zadkiel’s loving energy is always available to you, ready to offer comfort, healing and transformation.
Archangel Zadkiel’s Powers and Abilities
Archangel Zadkiel possesses a myriad of powers and abilities that can assist us in our spiritual growth and healing. This angel is known for his ability to transmute negative energy into light, helping us release past traumas, fears and limitations. Zadkiel’s energy is also instrumental in promoting forgiveness, compassion, and self-love, allowing us to heal emotional wounds and cultivate inner peace. By working with Zadkiel’s energy, we can experience profound transformation and spiritual awakening.
Archangel Zadkiel’s Significance in Angelology
In the study of angelology, Archangel Zadkiel holds a significant place as the angel of mercy, forgiveness, and transformation. Zadkiel’s energy is considered essential for those who are seeking healing, release, and renewal in their lives. By connecting with Zadkiel’s loving presence, we can experience profound shifts in our consciousness, emotions and spiritual awareness. Zadkiel serves as a beacon of light and hope, guiding us towards a brighter future filled with compassion, forgiveness and love.
Honoring Archangel Zadkiel
To honor and celebrate Archangel Zadkiel, you can create a sacred space in your home dedicated to this angelic being. YOu can place candles, crystals, and other sacred objects that resonate with Zadkiel’s energy in this space. You can also engage in prayer, meditation, or ritual to connect with Archangel Zadkiel and express your gratitude for his guidance and support. Remember by honoring Zadkiel, you are inviting his loving presence into your life and opening yourself up to a world of healing, transformation and spiritual growth.
Archangel Zadkiel, the angel of mercy and transformation, offers us comfort, guidance, and healing in times of need. Through Zadkiel’s energy, we can release negative emotions, embrace forgiveness, and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and renewal. By connecting with Zadkiel’s loving presence, we can experience profound transformation and healing on all levels of our being. Let Archangel Zadkiel’s light shine upon you, guiding you towards a path of compassion, forgiveness and inner peace. Embrace the wisdom and grace of Archangel Zadkiel, and watch as your life unfolds with newfound hope, love and joy.