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Floral Path

Get to know Elizabeth

Elizabeth has been practicing, studying and educating others in the realm of self-love, spirituality, kindness, compassion and community help for well over 30 years.  She finds a passion in sharing her life adventures, experiences and education with the hopes of helping others.  Through unconditional love, unconditional acceptance and understanding, Elizabeth feels each of us can change our own world as well as the world of others.   Her philosophy is embracing love first, placing no expectations, and knowing judgement is not that of  a person or group to have upon anyone.  We are here to learn as individuals, for our own inner growth, and then to help others grow on their journeys.  

Elizabeth is a volunteer inspirational and motivational speaker having done over 200 engagements over the years.  Her audiences have ranged from speaking in front of  groups of 10 to groups of 1,000+ nationally.  These groups have varied from elementary schools, middle and high schools, colleges, religious groups, medical facilities, community organizations, private businesses, charity organizations, and groups who help within the emergency services (law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical techs and paramedics), medical community including end of life staff.   Elizabeth has been a regular speaker for organizations of domestic violence, child abuse, senior abuse and family dynamics.  


Elizabeth's path has taken her to adventuring into the world of Reiki and energy healing.  It has been a calling that has enriched her life in many ways.  Elizabeth is a Reiki Master, Reiki Practitioner and Reiki Educator.  


Elizabeth has been working with crystals since 1995, sharing her knowledge with others, helping them through personal and medical challenges.  


She has been doing Tarot and Oracle Card readings for over 15 years along with insight on working with the Archangels.   Elizabeth has been doing Numerology since 1999, helping others through guidance and understanding their life path.  


Aromatherapy is another area of specialty Elizabeth has a diverse background in.  Having learned much of this through her husband, Corey, who has vast knowledge and education of aromatherapy and herbal treatments, along with energy healing, which he studied from his family's Native American heritage.  

Over the past 30 years, Elizabeth has studied and practiced in a variety of  religions.  Having had the opportunity to be educated, obtain an understanding and appreciation of each of the religion's beliefs, practices, histories and importance, she has come to respect all aspects of them.  Though Elizabeth was raised in a Roman Catholic Church, having been blessed to journey into the world's spirituality realms, she has learned and come to believe that each religion has enriched  her life in ways that no one religious belief could do on its own.  Therefore,  Elizabeth does not relate to one religious belief but an accumulative of  what they all have to offer her spiritual path.  

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